13,068 research outputs found

    First principles investigations of the electronic, magnetic and chemical bonding properties of CeTSn (T=Rh,Ru)

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    The electronic structures of CeRhSn and CeRuSn are self-consistently calculated within density functional theory using the local spin density approximation for exchange and correlation. In agreement with experimental findings, the analyses of the electronic structures and of the chemical bonding properties point to the absence of magnetization within the mixed valent Rh based system while a finite magnetic moment is observed for trivalent cerium within the Ru-based stannide, which contains both trivalent and intermediate valent Ce.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, for more information see http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/~eyert

    Influence of Spin Wave Excitations on the Ferromagnetic Phase Diagram in the Hubbard-Model

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    The subject of the present paper is the theoretical description of collective electronic excitations, i.e. spin waves, in the Hubbard-model. Starting with the widely used Random-Phase-Approximation, which combines Hartree-Fock theory with the summation of the two-particle ladder, we extend the theory to a more sophisticated single particle approximation, namely the Spectral-Density-Ansatz. Doing so we have to introduce a `screened` Coulomb-interaction rather than the bare Hubbard-interaction in order to obtain physically reasonable spinwave dispersions. The discussion following the technical procedure shows that comparison of standard RPA with our new approximation reduces the occurrence of a ferromagnetic phase further with respect to the phase-diagrams delivered by the single particle theories.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, RevTex4, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Massive Clumps in the NGC 6334 Star Forming Region

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    We report observations of dust continuum emission at 1.2 mm toward the star forming region NGC 6334 made with the SEST SIMBA bolometer array. The observations cover an area of 2\sim 2 square degrees with approximately uniform noise. We detected 181 clumps spanning almost three orders of magnitude in mass (3\Msun6×103-6\times10^3 \Msun) and with sizes in the range 0.1--1.0 pc. We find that the clump mass function dN/dlogMdN/d\log M is well fit with a power law of the mass with exponent -0.6 (or equivalently dN/dMM1.6dN/dM \propto M^{-1.6}). The derived exponent is similar to those obtained from molecular line emission surveys and is significantly different from that of the stellar initial mass function. We investigated changes in the mass spectrum by changing the assumptions on the temperature distribution of the clumps and on the contribution of free-free emission to the 1.2 mm emission, and found little changes on the exponent. The Cumulative Mass Distribution Function is also analyzed giving consistent results in a mass range excluding the high-mass end where a power-law fit is no longer valid. The masses and sizes of the clumps observed in NGC 6334 indicate that they are not direct progenitors of stars and that the process of fragmentation determines the distribution of masses later on or occurs at smaller spatial scales. The spatial distribution of the clumps in NGC 6334 reveals clustering which is strikingly similar to that exhibited by young stars in other star forming regions. A power law fit to the surface density of companions gives Σθ0.62\Sigma\propto \theta^{-0.62}.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Magnetoresistance and magnetic breakdown in the quasi-two-dimensional conductors (BEDT-TTF)2_2MHg(SCN)4_4[M=K,Rb,Tl]

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    The magnetic field dependence of the resistance of (BEDT-TTF)2_2MHg(SCN)4_4[M=K,Rb,Tl] in the density-wave phase is explained in terms of a simple model involving magnetic breakdown and a reconstructed Fermi surface. The theory is compared to measurements in pulsed magnetic fields up to 51 T. The value implied for the scattering time is consistent with independent determinations. The energy gap associated with the density-wave phase is deduced from the magnetic breakdown field. Our results have important implications for the phase diagram.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX + epsf, 3 figures. To appear in Physical Review B, Rapid Communications, September 15, 199

    Protein dynamics with off-lattice Monte Carlo moves

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    A Monte Carlo method for dynamics simulation of all-atom protein models is introduced, to reach long times not accessible to conventional molecular dynamics. The considered degrees of freedom are the dihedrals at Cα_\alpha-atoms. Two Monte Carlo moves are used: single rotations about torsion axes, and cooperative rotations in windows of amide planes, changing the conformation globally and locally, respectively. For local moves Jacobians are used to obtain an unbiased distribution of dihedrals. A molecular dynamics energy function adapted to the protein model is employed. A polypeptide is folded into native-like structures by local but not by global moves.Comment: 10 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses epsf.sty and a4.sty; scheduled tentatively for Phys.Rev.E issue of 1 March 199

    Destruction of density-wave states by a pseudo-gap in high magnetic fields: application to (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4

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    A model is presented for the destruction of density-wave states in quasi-one-dimensional crystals by high magnetic fields. The model is consistent with previously unexplained properties of the organic conductors (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4 and (BEDT-TTF)2_2MHg(SCN)4_4 (M=K,Rb,Tl). As the magnetic field increases quasi-one-dimensional density-wave fluctuations increase, producing a pseudo-gap in the electronic density of states near the transition temperature. When the pseudo-gap becomes larger than the mean-field transition temperature formation of a density-wave state is not possible.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures in uuencoded compressed tar file. Small changes to text and Figure 1. Final version to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Hadron attenuation in deep inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering

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    We present a detailed theoretical investigation of hadron attenuation in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) off complex nuclei in the kinematic regime of the HERMES experiment. The analysis is carried out in the framework of a probabilistic coupled-channel transport model based on the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) equation, which allows for a treatment of the final-state interactions (FSI) beyond simple absorption mechanisms. Furthermore, our event-by-event simulations account for the kinematic cuts of the experiments as well as the geometrical acceptance of the detectors. We calculate the multiplicity ratios of charged hadrons for various nuclear targets relative to deuterium as a function of the photon energy nu, the hadron energy fraction z_h=E_h/nu and the transverse momentum p_T. We also confront our model results on double-hadron attenuation with recent experimental data. Separately, we compare the attenuation of identified hadrons (pi^\pm, \pi^0, K^\pm, p and pbar) on Ne and Kr targets with the data from the HERMES Collaboration and make predictions for a Xe target. At the end we turn towards hadron attenuation on Cu nuclei at EMC energies. Our studies demonstrate that (pre-)hadronic final-state interactions play a dominant role in the kinematic regime of the HERMES experiment while our present approach overestimates the attenuation at EMC energies.Comment: 61 pages, 19 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    High magnetic field induced charge density wave states in a quasi-one dimensional organic conductor

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    We have measured the high field magnetoresistence and magnetization of quasi-one- dimensional (Q1D) organic conductor (Per)2Pt(mnt)2 (where Per = perylene and mnt = maleonitriledithiolate), which has a charge density wave (CDW) ground state at zero magnetic field below 8 K. We find that the CDW ground state is suppressed with moderate magnetic fields of order 20 T, as expected from a mean field theory treatment of Pauli effects[W. Dieterich and P. Fulde, Z. Physik 265, 239 - 243 (1973)]. At higher magnetic fields, a new, density wave state with sub-phases is observed in the range 20 to 50 T, which is reminiscent of the cascade of field induced, quantized, spin density wave phases (FISDW) observed in the Bechgaard salts. The new density wave state, which we tenatively identify as a field induced charge density wave state (FICDW), is re-entrant to a low resistance state at even higher fields, of order 50 T and above. Unlike the FISDW ground state, the FICDW state is only weakly orbital, and appears for all directions of magnetic field. Our findings are substantiated by electrical resistivity, magnetization, thermoelectric, and Hall measurements. We discuss our results in light of theoretical work involving magnetic field dependent Q1D CDW ground states in high magnetic fields [D. Zanchi, A. Bjelis, and G. Montambaux, Phys. Rev. B 53, (1996)1240; A. Lebed, JETP Lett. 78,138(2003)].Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    A twistor-like D=10 superparticle action with manifest N=8 world-line supersymmetry

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    We propose a new formulation of the D=10D=10 Brink-Schwarz superparticle which is manifestly invariant under both the target-space super-Poincar\'e group and the world-line local N=8N=8 superconformal group. This twistor-like construction naturally involves the sphere S8S^8 as a coset space of the D=10D=10 Lorentz group. The action contains only a finite set of auxiliary fields, but they appear in unusual trilinear combinations. The origin of the on-shell D=10D=10 fermionic κ\kappa symmetry of the standard Brink-Schwarz formulation is explained. The coupling to a D=10D=10 super-Maxwell background requires a new mechanism, in which the electric charge appears only on shell as an integration constant.Comment: 22pages, standard LATEX fil