635 research outputs found

    Multilingualism in healthcare: exploring the lived experience of maternity professionals

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    Discussions surrounding migration and health in the UK frequently focus on language as a barrier to care, with a range of solutions posited as providing effective facilitation - from professional interpreters and translated patient information through to innovative technology and software. Paradoxically, the linguistic diversity of the NHS workforce remains largely unrecognised and under-utilised, despite the evidential advantages of language concordant care: current NHS guidelines (2018) recommend that additional languages are used for making appointments and Informed by an understanding of language as a fluid and dynamic practice, this study draws on a combination of ethnographic observations and in-depth interviews to investigate the everyday experiences of bi/multilingual NHS healthcare workers who use, or have used, languages in addition to English in the workplace. Initial findings reveal the extent to which individuals (feel able to) draw on personal linguistic repertoires and explore the (dis)advantages that communicative flexibility can be said to bring in terms of comprehension and experience. It becomes clear that strategic utilisation of linguistically skilled individuals may hold the potential for advancing equity of care for migrant patient populations, who are regularly and disproportionally represented in data recording adverse outcomes. This research also holds implications for raising the visibility of multilingual health professionals working within the NHS and prompting professional recognition of language skills

    Mary Blair

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    Mary Blair was one of the few women who played an important role in the history of animation. In the 1950’s, she was in a field dominated by men, but one man in particular saw great promise and potential in Blair’s whimsical and unique style, Walt Disney. Blair work on three Disney classics, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, and Peter Pan. She maintained a professional relationship with Walt Disney after she left to pursue freelance endeavors. Blair worked with him again for one last time with the It’s a Small World attraction at Disneyland. Mary Blair’s illustrations created fantasy environments that were magical and foresighted; making her beyond her time as a female design pioneer

    Special issue : Language ideologies and teaching in multilingual contexts

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    This monograph brings together articles on the theme of language ideology and how it may be seen to impact on language teaching. Against the current backdrop of increasing nationalism and polarising debates on migration, this volume explores how ideologies underpinning language planning, policy and implementation influence curriculum design, classroom practice and perception of identity. Key to all articles is the dominance of English, a language imbued with notions of prestige, and seemingly promoted as a linguistic globalised currency, essential for accessing future opportunities.Our invited author for this volume is the scholar Andrea Young, who examines the language ideologies which underpin teaching in a French educational context. in the interview, John O'Regan talks to Alexantra Georgiou about language ideology and the global dominance of English.Aquesta monografia recopila articles que tracten sobre les ideologies lingüístiques i com es pot observar l'impacte que tenen sobre l'ensenyament del llengües. En el context del creixent nacionalisme i debats polaritzats sobre la immigració, aquest volum explora com les ideologies presents en la planificació, polítiques i implementació de l'ensenyament del llenguatge influeixen en el disseny curricular, les pràctiques a les aules, i la percepció de la identitat. Clau en tots els articles és el predomini de l'anglès, una llengua amarat amb nocions de prestigi, i aparentment, promogut com una 'moneda' lingüística globalitzada, essencial per accedir a oportunitats futures.La nostra autora convidada per a aquest volum és la investigadora Andrea Young, qui estudia les ideologies lingüístiques que es presenten en l'ensenyament del francès en un context educatiu. En l'entrevista, John O'Regan li parla a Alexantra Georgiou sobre les ideologies lingüístiques i el predomini global de l'anglès.Esta monografía recopila artículos en lo tocante a las ideologías lingüísticas y cómo se observa que éstas impactan la enseñanza del lenguaje. En el contexto del creciente nacionalismo y debates polarizados en inmigración, este volumen explora cómo las ideologías presentes en la planificación, políticas e implementación de la enseñanza del lenguaje influyen en el diseño curricular, las prácticas en la sala de clases, y la percepción de la identidad. Clave en todos los artículos es el predominio del inglés, un idioma empapado con nociones de prestigio, y aparentemente, promovido como una moneda lingüística globalizada, esencial para acceder a oportunidades futuras. Nuestra autora invitada para este volumen es la investigadora Andrea Young, quien estudia las ideologías lingüísticas que se presentan en la enseñanza del francés en un contexto educacional. En la entrevista, John O'Regan le habla a Alexantra Georgiou acerca de las ideologías lingüísticas y el predominio global del inglés.Cette monographie rassemble des articles sur le thème de l'idéologie linguistique et sur son impact perçu sur l'enseignement des langues. Dans le contexte actuel de nationalisme croissant et de débats polarisants sur la migration, ce volume explore comment de telles idéologies, qui sous-tendent la planification linguistique, la politique et la mise en œuvre, influencent la conception de programmes d'études, la pratique en classe et la perception de l'identité. La clé de tous les articles est la domination de l'anglais, une langue imprégnée de notions de prestige, et apparemment promue comme une monnaie linguistique globalisée, indispensable pour accéder aux possibilités futures.Notre auteur invité pour cet ouvrage est l'académicienne Andrea Young, qui examine les idéologies linguistiques qui sous-tendent l'enseignement dans un contexte éducatif français. En l'entretien, John O'Regan parle à Alexantra Georgiou de l'idéologie linguistique et de la domination mondiale de l'anglais

    Domestic violence and abuse, coronavirus, and the media narrative

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    Following lockdowns in countries around the world, reports emerged of a ‘surge’ or ‘spikes’ in the number of domestic violence and abuse cases. It is critical to contextualise this: more men are not starting to be abusive or violent; rather, the patterns of abuse are becoming more frequent. Spiking and surging make us think in terms of more one-off incidents but it is more likely that the pattern of abuse that is already there is increasing in terms of frequency and type because both parties remain together at all times. Amid such a crisis, it is imperative that we continue to see the dynamics of domestic violence and abuse as both a pattern of abusive behaviours and a product of gendered social and cultural norms, rather than a reaction to a specific factor or event, such as COVID-19

    The Unfolding of Lucas’s Story in an Inclusive Classroom: Living, Playing, and Becoming in the Social World of Kindergarten

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    Tells stories about a vibrant kindergartner named Lucas through the viewpoints of his mother (Emma), teacher (Carmen), and teacher-educator (Haeny). In this multi-voiced story, the narrative centers on Lucas and shifts outward toward those orbiting Lucas’s wondrously playful universe. The magic of Lucas’s unfolding story is in the ways it disrupts conventional discourses about labels, interventions, and imposed meanings of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

    A longitudinal motor characterisation of the HdhQ111 mouse model of Huntington's Disease

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    Background: Huntington’s disease (HD) is a rare, incurable neurodegenerative disorder caused by a CAG trinucleotide expansion with the first exon of the huntingtin gene. Numerous knock-in mouse models are currently available for modelling HD. However, before their use in scientific research, these models must be characterised to determine their face and predictive validity as models of the disease and their reliability in recapitulating HD symptoms. Objective: Manifest HD is currently diagnosed upon the onset of motor symptoms, thus we sought to longitudinally characterise the progression and severity of motor signs in the HdhQ111 knock-in mouse model of HD, in heterozygous mice. Methods: An extensive battery of motor tests including: rotarod, inverted lid test, balance beam, spontaneous locomotor activity and gait analysis were applied longitudinally to a cohort of HdhQ111 heterozygous mice in order to progressively assess motor function. Results: A progressive failure to gain body weight was demonstrated from 11 months of age and motor problems in all measures of balance beam performance were shown in HdhQ111 heterozygous animals in comparison to wild type control animals from 9 months of age. A decreased latency to fall from the rotarod was demonstrated in HdhQ111 heterozygous animals in comparison to wild type animals, although this was not progressive with time. No genotype specific differences were demonstrated in any of the other motor tests included in the test battery. Conclusions: The HdhQ111 heterozygous mouse demonstrates a subtle and progressive motor phenotype that begins at 9 months of age. This mouse model represents an early disease stage and would be ideal for testing therapeutic strategies that require elongated lead-in times, such as viral gene therapies or striatal transplantation

    Wholistic Healing: The Physician Perspective of the Tibetan Medical Philosophy

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    In Western medicine, anatomy is divided into multiple disciplines with specialists focused on their specialization, thereby limiting the whole system medical approach within the diagnosis, practice, and treatment of illness. The purpose of this qualitative study with an emergent design was to explore how physicians of Tibetan medicine viewed treating the whole person through the lens of Sowa Rigpa. Inquiry and analytical thinking were viewed through the lens of Otto and Knight’s principles of wholistic healing, Wilber’s integral model, and the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty. Phase I consisted of key informant interviews with four participants that were recent graduates of Tibetan medicine or scholars knowledgeable in Tibetan medicine. Phase II consisted of interviews with seven Tibetan medicine doctors. Inductive coding and thematic analysis showed nine themes associated with whole person care and wholistic healing: an applied philosophy of wholism, the anatomy and physiology of wholism, the pathology of disease, health and wellness, disease prevention, patient assessment and diagnosis, treatment and healing, self–awareness and healing, and the doctor and doctor–patient relationship. The findings may provide positive social change through insight for allopathic physicians and scholars on how to address the complex factors associated with healing and curing from a whole person perspective while also promoting engaged collaboration among cultures and medical disciplines
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