67 research outputs found

    Facilitation and sustainable agriculture: a mechanistic approach to reconciling crop production and conservation

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    Summary Food security is currently considered a major global problem. However, increasing intensity of food production in agricultural systems has driven reductions in farmland biodiversity. A major challenge is to enable biodiversity conservation whilst addressing the problem of food security. Here we describe how facilitative plant-plant interactions in crop systems could be used to help strike this balance. An obvious example is that of intercropping systems, where combinations of crop species can – under some circumstances – deliver reduced inputs of agrochemicals (fertilisers, pesticides) per unit yield, with potential knock-on benefits for biodiversity conservation. Other facilitative processes can also play a role in biodiversity conservation. Increased intra-specific crop genetic diversity can help protect crops from pests and diseases. Although overlooked in facilitation research, we argue that the mechanisms operate in a manner which is directly analogous to associational defence against herbivores, a process well-recognised in the facilitation literature. As with intercropping, the benefits to nature conservation arise from reduced pesticide use per unit harvested crop. Crops may have facilitative effects on some arable weed species, particularly those that are currently considered rare in intensive farming systems. Work is in its early stages to understand the underlying mechanisms, but it appears that crops might create niche space to which some weed species are adapted. Increasing plant species diversity through niche space creation may then have cascading benefits for other components of farmland biodiversity. Our new understanding of facilitative processes arising from work on crop systems has lessons for the study of facilitative interactions in natural and semi-natural communities. We argue that, although easier to identify and quantify in crop systems, some of these facilitative processes have to date been overlooked in studies of non-crop systems, and certainly deserve further consideration. Finally we discuss what steps may be needed to move from our understanding of the role of facilitation to the development of new agricultural practice. In some cases the challenge may be one of encouraging uptake of existing practices, and in others more research is needed to understand how new ecological understanding might deliver more sustainable agricultural practice

    Cultivar Differences and Impact of Plant-Plant Competition on Temporal Patterns of Nitrogen and Biomass Accumulation

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    Current niche models cannot explain multi-species plant coexistence in complex ecosystems. One overlooked explanatory factor is within-growing season temporal dynamism of resource capture by plants. However, the timing and rate of resource capture are themselves likely to be mediated by plant-plant competition. This study used Barley (Hordeum sp.) as a model species to examine the impacts of intra-specific competition, specifically inter- and intra-cultivar competition on the temporal dynamics of resource capture. Nitrogen and biomass accumulation of an early and late cultivar grown in isolation, inter- or intra- cultivar competition were investigated using sequential harvests. We did not find changes in the temporal dynamics of biomass accumulation in response to competition. However, peak nitrogen accumulation rate was significantly delayed for the late cultivar by 14.5 days and advanced in the early cultivar by 0.5 days when in intra-cultivar competition; there were no significant changes when in inter-cultivar competition. This may suggest a form of kin recognition as the target plants appeared to identify their neighbors and only responded temporally to intra-cultivar competition. The Relative Intensity Index found competition occurred in both the intra- and inter- cultivar mixtures, but a positive Land Equivalence Ratio value indicated complementarity in the inter-cultivar mixtures compared to intra-cultivar mixtures. The reason for this is unclear but may be due to the timing of the final harvest and may not be representative of the relationship between the competing plants. This study demonstrates neighbor-identity-specific changes in temporal dynamism in nutrient uptake. This contributes to our fundamental understanding of plant nutrient dynamics and plant-plant competition whilst having relevance to sustainable agriculture. Improved understanding of within-growing season temporal dynamism would also improve our understanding of coexistence in complex plant communities

    Scotland’s biodiversity progress to 2020 Aichi Targets:Conserving genetic diversity- development of a national approach for addressing Aichi Biodiversity Target 13 that includes wild species

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    Aichi Target 13 (T13) focuses on the conservation of genetic diversity. •Major challenges in implementing T13 are that the type of genetic diversity to conserve is not clearly defined, and that key issues in genetic conservation vary across different sectors (e.g., forestry vs agriculture vs other species of socio-economic importance). •In Scotland and the UK more widely, baseline mechanisms are well established for assessing and reporting on genetic diversity in species of agricultural importance (e.g., rare livestock breeds, crop wild relatives), and a methodology has been established for ornamental plants. •A new UK Strategy for Forest Genetics Resources was launched in 2019, creating a framework for linking forest trees into T13 reporting. •However, there is no clear strategy to deal with ‘other species of socio-economic importance’ in Scotland, the UK or indeed elsewhere, and addressing this gap is the major focus of this report. •There is a lack of guidance for identifying focal species of socio-economic importance, and no clear mechanism for addressing T13 for these species once they have been identified. •To address this, we have identified a set of criteria for defining terrestrial and freshwater species of socio-economic importance in Scotland, and selected an initial list of 26 species. •The criteria applied were: -National conservation priority wild species. -Species of national cultural importance. -Species providing key ecosystem services. -Species of importance for wild harvesting (food and medicine). -Economically important game species. •We then developed a simple, readily applicable scorecard method for assessing risks to the conservation of genetic diversity in these species. •The scorecard approach is not dependent on prior genetic knowledge, and instead uses structured expert opinion assessments of whether: -Demographic declines are likely to lead to loss of genetic diversity (genetic erosion). -Hybridisation is likely to lead to undesirable replacement of genetic diversity. -Restrictions to regeneration/turnover are likely to impede evolutionary change. •For plant species where seed-banking is a viable mechanism for holding genetic resources ex situ,we also report on the representativeness of these ex situ collections. •Overall, this scorecard provides a mechanism for incorporating ‘other species of socio-economic importance’ into T13 actions and reporting. •Furthermore, its application is not restricted to Aichi T13 as the approach is designed as a generic scorecard for genetic diversity. It is thus relevant to post-2020 CBD targets focusing on genetic diversity. •Future priorities include: -Extension to other species of socio-economic, commercial and cultural importance (with the inclusion of marine species being a particularly high priority). -Harmonising genetic conservation strategies between sectors (drawing on commonalities), whilst minimising disruption of existing well-established methodologies within sectors. -Greater incorporation of genomic data into monitoring genetic diversity (particularly in the agricultural and forestry sectors where data availability is potentially high)

    Using plant traits to understand the contribution of biodiversity effects to annual crop community productivity

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    Increasing biodiversity generally enhances productivity through selection and complementarity effects not only in natural, but also in agricultural, systems. However, the quest to explain why diverse cropping systems are more productive than monocultures remains a central goal in agricultural science. In a mesocosm experiment, we constructed monocultures, two- and four-species mixtures from eight crop species with or without fertilizer and both in temperate Switzerland and dry, Mediterranean Spain. We measured physical factors and plant traits and related these in structural equation models to selection and complementarity effects to explain seed yield differences between monocultures and mixtures. Increased crop diversity increased seed yield in Switzerland. This positive biodiversity effect was driven to almost the same extent by selection and complementarity effects, which increased with plant height and specific leaf area (SLA), respectively. Also, ecological processes driving seed yield increases from monocultures to mixtures differed from those responsible for seed yield increases through the diversification of mixtures from two to four species. Whereas selection effects were mainly driven by one species, complementarity effects were linked to larger leaf area per unit leaf weight. Seed yield increases due to mixture diversification were driven only by complementarity effects and were not mediated through the measured traits, suggesting that ecological processes beyond those measured in this study were responsible for positive diversity effects on yield beyond two-species mixtures. By understanding the drivers of positive biodiversity-productivity relationships, we can improve our ability to predict species combinations that enhance ecosystem functioning and can promote sustainable agricultural production.ISSN:1051-0761ISSN:1939-558

    A trait-based approach to crop–weed interactions

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    Understanding the mechanisms of community assembly may provide evidence to improve crop management, and in particular how weeds impact on crop yields. Focussing on plant functional traits and their diversity, we analysed a crop–weed interaction study with different levels of weed species and barley cultivar diversity to assess how weed species and barley cultivars respond to competition. Pre-emption of light resources by the taller barley did not impact on the weeds, with both weeds and barley showing similar order of magnitude shifts in height, specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content in response to crop–weed competition. These shifts were to a more conservative growth pattern, and suggest in this study a greater importance of below- than above-ground interactions in driving trait responses. The mixture of barley cultivars shifted the weeds to a more conservative growth pattern compared to the cultivar monocultures. The results indicate that cultivar mixtures could result in less need for weed control in arable fields, and possibly that the development of complementary cultivar mixtures could reinforce this effect. This confirms the results of other studies which show that mixtures either improve yields or make yields less variable in response to weed competition

    Temporal dynamics of biodiversity effects and light-use-related traits in two intercropping systems

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    Introduction: Intercropping systems can be more productive than their respective monocultures and this positive net biodiversity effect is caused by complementarity and selection effects. While the complementarity effect is caused through resource partitioning or facilitation, the selection effect operates via the greater probability that a more diverse community contains a dominant and high-yielding species which will account for the majority of productivity in that community. Here, we investigated how light-use-related traits contribute to the net biodiversity effect via complementarity or selection effects and how these qrelationships change throughout an annual growing season. Materials and Methods: We conducted weekly destructive harvests to examine temporal dynamics of biodiversity effects in two crop mixtures (oat–lupin and oat–camelina) and their respective monocultures. We linked the biodiversity effects to traits related to light use (i.e., light interception, plant height, photosynthetic efficiency and photosynthetic capacity) and investigated how these relationships changed over time. Results: We found that the net biodiversity and selection effect increased over time in both mixtures, while complementarity effects increased only in the oat–lupin mixture. More intercepted light and taller plants in mixtures compared to monocultures positively contributed to biodiversity effects in both mixtures. Strategies for shade tolerance differed between the mixtures, that is, increased photosynthetic capacity and increased photosynthetic efficiency contributed to a positive net biodiversity effect in the oat–lupin and oat–camelina mixture, respectively. Conclusion: By linking the temporal dynamics of the net biodiversity effect and its two additive components to light-use-related traits in two different crop mixtures, this study demonstrates that complementary light use contributes to overyielding in intercropping systems. Such understanding is important for the design of effective intercropping systems and developing new crop cultivars suited to these environments.ISSN:2767-035