7,508 research outputs found

    Correlation of distance and damage in a ballistic setting

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    Forensic Investigation is a discipline which relies on various fields in order to be able to reconstruct an incident. Forensic Ballistics focuses upon the mechanics of projectile launch, flight and the effects of the projectile when impacting a target as well as firearms and ammunition. One of the most common evidence types in firearms related events is Gun Shot Residue (GSR), where typical analysis methods involves chemical confirmatory tests. Therefore, the fields traditionally associated with forensic ballistics are chemistry and physics, however there are various other scientific fields which could potentially further knowledge in this area such as radiography and computational science. Arguably one of the most important considerations within Forensic Ballistics is the ability to accurately reconstruct an incident. Currently there is limited literature aimed at understanding GSR spread at distances above 15 metres, which is a limitation for the criminal justice system (chapter 1). This work aims to further this knowledge by gaining an understanding of GSR spread at various distances, both short and long range (chapter 4), whilst combining this with Gun Shot Wound (GSW) damage using radiography (chapter 3). The data obtained will then be used for computational modelling with the aim of predicting shooter distance (chapter 5)

    Toward Competitive Employment for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: What Progress Have We Made and Where Do We Need to Go

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    Progress toward competitive integrated employment (CIE) for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) over the last 40 years has been mixed. Despite evidence showing that supported employment interventions can enable adults with IDD to effectively get and keep jobs, national rates of integrated employment remain below a third of the working-age population. Progress is being made to improve these outcomes. Pathways have been identified that lead to CIE through supported employment, customized employment, internship experiences, and postsecondary education. The recent passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) has created fresh momentum and increased the onus on interagency collaboration. This article examines what is known about promoting CIE through these pathways and highlights recommendations for future research and policy change. Recommendations for the future provide direction toward positive change for CIE into the 21st century

    Student Focus Groups: Experiences Learning in FlexSync and Online Synchronous Courses

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    In Fall 2020, the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) recruited students who were enrolled in FlexSync and online (synchronous and asynchronous) courses to participate in focus groups about their experiences. Recruitment messages were shared via emails from departments and also on the MavLife app during October and November. A total of 26 students indicated interest and completed the focus groups. The focus groups were scheduled and conducted in November 2020. Six focus groups were conducted in total with the size of the groups ranging from two to four participants and took place via Zoom. Focus groups lasted between 30 and 40 minutes and were conducted by four students (2 undergraduate and 2 graduate; 2 female and 2 male; all identified as students of color) trained to assist with research projects in CETL. Transcripts from the recorded sessions were analyzed for themes by the CETL Director

    Strategies to Maintain Student Engagement

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    This document outline 5 strategies to you help you enhance student-faculty engagement and support learning

    Foster Child

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    @font-face { font-family: Calibri ; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; text-indent: 0.5in; line-height: 200%; font-size: 11pt; font-family: Times New Roman ; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Foster Child is my attempt to bring to light my love for dolls as creatures to be created and imagined again and again. In terms of childhood play, toys function and exist on many levels. Each becomes a friend to some and, in some cases, a confidant. Dolls become more than a plastic play-thing and through the eyes of the individual take on a life of their own based upon the user’s own personal experiences. What I deem my creation will inherently change to someone else’s and even to my mood. I aim to offer the ability to create and blur the lines of these creations. My work is self-explorative and tells of the circumstances from my childhood I hold close

    What It Means to be a Little Girl in Tutu: Gender Role Development for Children in Ballet

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    Student Focus Groups: Experiences Learning in FlexSync and Online Synchronous Courses

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    In Fall 2020, the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) recruited students who were enrolled in FlexSync and online (synchronous and asynchronous) courses to participate in focus groups about their experiences. Recruitment messages were shared via emails from departments and also on the MavLife app during October and November. A total of 26 students indicated interest and completed the focus groups. The focus groups were scheduled and conducted in November 2020. Six focus groups were conducted in total with the size of the groups ranging from two to four participants and took place via Zoom. Focus groups lasted between 30 and 40 minutes and were conducted by four students (2 undergraduate and 2 graduate; 2 female and 2 male; all identified as students of color) trained to assist with research projects in CETL. Transcripts from the recorded sessions were analyzed for themes by the CETL Director
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