132 research outputs found

    Structural and functional modelling of SARS-CoV-2 entry in animal models

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    SARS-CoV-2 is the novel coronavirus responsible for the outbreak of COVID-19, a disease that has spread to over 100 countries and, as of the 26th July 2020, has infected over 16 million people. Despite the urgent need to find effective therapeutics, research on SARS-CoV-2 has been affected by a lack of suitable animal models. To facilitate the development of medical approaches and novel treatments, we compared the ACE2 receptor, and TMPRSS2 and Furin proteases usage of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein in human and in a panel of animal models, i.e. guinea pig, dog, cat, rat, rabbit, ferret, mouse, hamster and macaque. Here we showed that ACE2, but not TMPRSS2 or Furin, has a higher level of sequence variability in the Spike protein interaction surface, which greatly influences Spike protein binding mode. Using molecular docking simulations we compared the SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins in complex with the ACE2 receptor and showed that the SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein is compatible to bind the human ACE2 with high specificity. In contrast, TMPRSS2 and Furin are sufficiently similar in the considered hosts not to drive susceptibility differences. Computational analysis of binding modes and protein contacts indicates that macaque, ferrets and hamster are the most suitable models for the study of inhibitory antibodies and small molecules targeting the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein interaction with ACE2. Since TMPRSS2 and Furin are similar across species, our data also suggest that transgenic animal models expressing human ACE2, such as the hACE2 transgenic mouse, are also likely to be useful models for studies investigating viral entry

    A computational approach to identify efficient RNA cleaving 10-23 DNAzymes.

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    DNAzymes are short pieces of DNA with catalytic activity, capable of cleaving RNA. DNAzymes have multiple applications as biosensors and in therapeutics. The high specificity and low toxicity of these molecules make them particularly suitable as therapeutics, and clinical trials have shown that they are effective in patients. However, the development of DNAzymes has been limited due to the lack of specific tools to identify efficient molecules, and users often resort to time-consuming/costly large-scale screens. Here, we propose a computational methodology to identify 10-23 DNAzymes that can be used to triage thousands of potential molecules, specific to a target RNA, to identify those that are predicted to be efficient. The method is based on a logistic regression and can be trained to incorporate additional DNAzyme efficiency data, improving its performance with time. We first trained the method with published data, and then we validated, and further refined it, by testing additional newly synthesized DNAzymes in the laboratory. We found that although binding free energy between the DNAzyme and its RNA target is the primary determinant of efficiency, other factors such as internal structure of the DNAzyme also have an important effect. A program implementing the proposed method is publicly available

    Roles of steroid receptors in the lung and COVID-19

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    COVID-19 symptoms and mortality are largely due to its devastating effects in the lungs. The disease is caused by the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-CoV-2 coronavirus, which requires host cell proteins such as ACE2 (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) and TMPRSS2 (transmembrane serine protease 2) for infection of lung epithelia. The expression and function of the steroid hormone receptor family is important in many aspects that impact on COVID-19 effects in the lung – notably lung development and function, the immune system, and expression of TMPRSS2 and ACE2. This review provides a brief summary of current knowledge on the roles of the steroid hormone receptors [androgen receptor (AR), glucocorticoid receptor (GR), progesterone receptor (PR), mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and oestrogen receptor (ER)] in the lung, their effects on host cell proteins that facilitate SARS-CoV-2 uptake, and provides a snapshot of current clinical trials investigating the use of steroid receptor (SR) ligands to treat COVID-19

    Characterisation of the androgen regulation of glycine N-methyltransferase in prostate cancer cells

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    The development and growth of prostate cancer is dependent on androgens; thus, the identification of androgen-regulated genes in prostate cancer cells is vital for defining the mechanisms of prostate cancer development and progression and developing new markers and targets for prostate cancer treatment. GlycineN-methyltransferase (GNMT) is aS-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase that has been recently identified as a novel androgen-regulated gene in prostate cancer cells. Although the importance of this protein in prostate cancer progression has been extensively addressed, little is known about the mechanism of its androgen regulation. Here, we show that GNMT expression is stimulated by androgen in androgen receptor (AR) expressing cells and that the stimulation occurs at the mRNA and protein levels. We have identified an androgen response element within the first exon of theGNMTgene and demonstrated that AR binds to this elementin vitroandin vivo. Together, these studies identify GNMT as a direct transcriptional target of the AR. As this is an evolutionarily conserved regulatory element, this highlights androgen regulation as an important feature of GNMT regulation.</jats:p

    Assessing Phototoxicity in a Mammalian Cell Line: How Low Levels of Blue Light Affect Motility in PC3 Cells.

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    Phototoxicity is a significant constraint for live cell fluorescence microscopy. Excessive excitation light intensities change the homeostasis of the observed cells. Erroneous and misleading conclusions may be the problematic consequence of observing such light-induced pathophysiology. In this study, we assess the effect of blue light, as commonly used for GFP and YFP excitation, on a motile mammalian cell line. Tracking PC3 cells at different light doses and intensities, we show how motility can be used to reliably assess subtle positive and negative effects of illumination. We further show that the effects are a factor of intensity rather than light dose. Mitotic delay was not a sensitive indicator of phototoxicity. For early detection of the effect of blue light, we analysed the expression of genes involved in oxidative stress. This study addresses the need for relatively simple and sensitive methods to establish a dose-response curve for phototoxicity in mammalian cell line models. We conclude with a working model for phototoxicity and recommendations for its assessment

    MSC.sTRAIL Has Better Efficacy than MSC.FL-TRAIL and in Combination with AKTi Blocks Pro-Metastatic Cytokine Production in Prostate Cancer Cells

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    Cell therapy is a promising new treatment option for cancer. In particular, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have shown potential in delivering therapeutic genes in various tumour models and are now on the verge of being tested in the clinic. A number of therapeutic genes have been examined in this context, including the death ligand TRAIL. For cell therapy, it can be used in its natural form as a full-length and membrane-bound protein (FL-TRAIL) or as an engineered version commonly referred to as soluble TRAIL (sTRAIL). As to which is more therapeutically efficacious, contradicting results have been reported. We discovered that MSCs producing sTRAIL have significantly higher apoptosis-inducing activity than cells expressing FL-TRAIL and found that FL-TRAIL, in contrast to sTRAIL, is not secreted. We also demonstrated that TRAIL does induce the expression of pro-metastatic cytokines in prostate cancer cells, but that this effect could be overcome through combination with an AKT inhibitor. Thus, a combination consisting of small-molecule drugs specifically targeting tumour cells in combination with MSC.sTRAIL, not only provides a way of sensitising cancer cells to TRAIL, but also reduces the issue of side-effect-causing cytokine production. This therapeutic strategy therefore represents a novel targeted treatment option for advanced prostate cancer and other difficult to treat tumours

    Antiandrogens Act as Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators at the Proteome Level in Prostate Cancer Cells*

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    Current therapies for prostate cancer include antiandrogens, inhibitory ligands of the androgen receptor, which repress androgen-stimulated growth. These include the selective androgen receptor modulators cyproterone acetate and hydroxyflutamide and the complete antagonist bicalutamide. Their activity is partly dictated by the presence of androgen receptor mutations, which are commonly detected in patients who relapse while receiving antiandrogens, i.e. in castrate-resistant prostate cancer. To characterize the early proteomic response to these antiandrogens we used the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line, which harbors the androgen receptor mutation most commonly detected in castrate-resistant tumors (T877A), analyzing alterations in the proteome, and comparing these to the effect of these therapeutics upon androgen receptor activity and cell proliferation. The majority are regulated post-transcriptionally, possibly via nongenomic androgen receptor signaling. Differences detected between the exposure groups demonstrate subtle changes in the biological response to each specific ligand, suggesting a spectrum of agonistic and antagonistic effects dependent on the ligand used. Analysis of the crystal structures of the AR in the presence of cyproterone acetate, hydroxyflutamide, and DHT identified important differences in the orientation of key residues located in the AF-2 and BF-3 protein interaction surfaces. This further implies that although there is commonality in the growth responses between androgens and those antiandrogens that stimulate growth in the presence of a mutation, there may also be influential differences in the growth pathways stimulated by the different ligands. This therefore has implications for prostate cancer treatment because tumors may respond differently dependent upon which mutation is present and which ligand is activating growth, also for the design of selective androgen receptor modulators, which aim to elicit differential proteomic responses dependent upon cellular context

    The antiviral potential of the antiandrogen enzalutamide and the viral‐androgen signaling interplay in seasonal coronaviruses

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    The sex disparity in COVID-19 outcomes with males generally faring worse than females has been associated with the androgen-regulated expression of the protease TMPRSS2 and the cell receptor ACE2 in the lung and fueled interest in antiandrogens as potential antivirals. In this study, we explored enzalutamide, an antiandrogen used commonly to treat prostate cancer, as a potential antiviral against the human coronaviruses which cause seasonal respiratory infections (HCoV-NL63, -229E, and -OC43). Using lentivirus-pseudotyped and authentic HCoV, we report that enzalutamide reduced 229E and NL63 entry and infection in both TMPRSS2- and nonexpressing immortalized cells, suggesting a TMPRSS2-independent mechanism. However, no effect was observed against OC43. To decipher this distinction, we performed RNA-sequencing analysis on 229E- and OC43-infected primary human airway cells. Our results show a significant induction of androgen-responsive genes by 229E compared to OC43 at 24 and 72 h postinfection. The virus-mediated effect on AR-signaling was further confirmed with a consensus androgen response element-driven luciferase assay in androgen-depleted MRC-5 cells. Specifically, 229E induced luciferase-reporter activity in the presence and absence of the synthetic androgen mibolerone, while OC43 inhibited induction. These findings highlight a complex interplay between viral infections and androgen-signaling, offering insights for disparities in viral outcomes and antiviral interventions

    Role of the HSP90-Associated Cochaperone p23 in Enhancing Activity of the Androgen Receptor and Significance for Prostate Cancer

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    Prostate tumor growth initially depends on androgens, which act via the androgen receptor (AR). Despite androgen ablation therapy, tumors eventually progress to a castrate-resistant stage in which the AR remains active. The mechanisms are poorly understood but it may be that changes in levels or activity of AR coregulators affect trafficking and activation of the receptor. A key stage in AR signaling occurs in the cytoplasm, where unliganded receptor is associated with the heat shock protein (HSP)90 foldosome complex. p23, a key component of this complex, is best characterized as a cochaperone for HSP90 but also has HSP90-independent activity and has been re-ported as having differential effects on the activity of different steroid receptors. Here we report that p23 increases activity of the AR, and this appears to involve steps both in the cytoplasm (increasing ligand-binding capacity, possibly via direct interaction with AR) and the nucleus (en-hancing AR occupancy at target promoters). We show, for the first time, that AR and p23 can interact, perhaps directly, when HSP90 is not present in the same complex. The effects of p23 on AR activity are at least partly HSP90 independent because a mutant form of p23, unable to bind HSP90, nevertheless increases AR activity. In human prostate tumors, nuclear p23 was higher in malignant prostate cells compared with benign/normal cells, supporting the utility of p23 as a therapeutic target in prostate cancer. © 2012 by The Endocrine Society

    Nucleosome reorganisation in breast cancer tissues.

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    Background Nucleosome repositioning in cancer is believed to cause many changes in genome organisation and gene expression. Understanding these changes is important to elucidate fundamental aspects of cancer. It is also important for medical diagnostics based on cell-free DNA (cfDNA), which originates from genomic DNA regions protected from digestion by nucleosomes. Results We have generated high-resolution nucleosome maps in paired tumour and normal tissues from the same breast cancer patients using MNase-assisted histone H3 ChIP-seq and compared them with the corresponding cfDNA from blood plasma. This analysis has detected single-nucleosome repositioning at key regulatory regions in a patient-specific manner and common cancer-specific patterns across patients. The nucleosomes gained in tumour versus normal tissue were particularly informative of cancer pathways, with ~ 20-fold enrichment at CpG islands, a large fraction of which marked promoters of genes encoding DNA-binding proteins. The tumour tissues were characterised by a 5-10 bp decrease in the average distance between nucleosomes (nucleosome repeat length, NRL), which is qualitatively similar to the differences between pluripotent and differentiated cells. This effect was correlated with gene activity, differential DNA methylation and changes in local occupancy of linker histone variants H1.4 and H1X. Conclusions Our study offers a novel resource of high-resolution nucleosome maps in breast cancer patients and reports for the first time the effect of systematic decrease of NRL in paired tumour versus normal breast tissues from the same patient. Our findings provide a new mechanistic understanding of nucleosome repositioning in tumour tissues that can be valuable for patient diagnostics, stratification and monitoring