13 research outputs found

    2010 Common Garden Phenotypes

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    This is an excel spreadsheet that with two tabs: one with the data and one with an explanation of the column headers in the data sheet. This file includes all data for all individuals that were grown and measured in my 2010 field experiment at the University of British Columbia farm in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Please note that these individuals were filtered in various ways for different analyses (e.g. only those planted in the replicated family design, or excluding individuals with putative hybrid ancestry). Please contact me if you need further details or would like a filtered dataset

    Sequenom SNP marker metadata

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    This is an excel spreadsheet that with two tabs: one with the data and one with an explanation of the column headers in the data sheet. This file includes data for all markers that were included in two panels of 40 by the Sequenom iPLEX Gold technology for this study. Please note that these markers were filtered for reliability and genotype call rate in the final analyses. Please contact me if you need further details or would like a filtered dataset


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    Table containing genotypes for all 433,257 SNPs. First column contains contig name were the SNP is found, second column the reference allele, third column the position of the SNP within the contig, last three columns Fst values for the three comparisons (annuus-debilis, annuus-petiolaris, debilis-petiolaris). Species identification of individuals can be found in table 4. File was compressed (.zip)

    raw read count per gene

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    Number of reads aligned, per contig, per individuals. Column one contains contig name, column two length of the contig

    reference transcriptome

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    fasta file containing reference transcriptome (16312 contigs) described in the method section


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    SNP table for H. annuus - H. debilis comparison. This table also contain Fst ("Fst" column) values for each SNP and the position ("map_centiMorgan") and chromosome number ("LG") were SNPs are found


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    SNP table for H. petiolaris -H. argophyllus comparison. This table also contain Fst ("Fst" column) values for each SNP and the position ("map_centiMorgan") and chromosome number ("LG") were SNPs are found


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    SNP table for H.debilis - H. argophyllus comparison. This table also contain Fst ("Fst" column) values for each SNP and the position ("map_centiMorgan") and chromosome number ("LG") were SNPs are found


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    SNP table for H. annuus - H. petiolaris comparison. This table also contain Fst ("Fst" column) values for each SNP and the position ("map_centiMorgan") and chromosome number ("LG") were SNPs are found