415 research outputs found

    Approximations for many-body Green's functions: insights from the fundamental equations

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    Several widely used methods for the calculation of band structures and photo emission spectra, such as the GW approximation, rely on Many-Body Perturbation Theory. They can be obtained by iterating a set of functional differential equations relating the one-particle Green's function to its functional derivative with respect to an external perturbing potential. In the present work we apply a linear response expansion in order to obtain insights in various approximations for Green's functions calculations. The expansion leads to an effective screening, while keeping the effects of the interaction to all orders. In order to study various aspects of the resulting equations we discretize them, and retain only one point in space, spin, and time for all variables. Within this one-point model we obtain an explicit solution for the Green's function, which allows us to explore the structure of the general family of solutions, and to determine the specific solution that corresponds to the physical one. Moreover we analyze the performances of established approaches like GWGW over the whole range of interaction strength, and we explore alternative approximations. Finally we link certain approximations for the exact solution to the corresponding manipulations for the differential equation which produce them. This link is crucial in view of a generalization of our findings to the real (multidimensional functional) case where only the differential equation is known.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Description of stochastic and chaotic series using visibility graphs

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    Nonlinear time series analysis is an active field of research that studies the structure of complex signals in order to derive information of the process that generated those series, for understanding, modeling and forecasting purposes. In the last years, some methods mapping time series to network representations have been proposed. The purpose is to investigate on the properties of the series through graph theoretical tools recently developed in the core of the celebrated complex network theory. Among some other methods, the so-called visibility algorithm has received much attention, since it has been shown that series correlations are captured by the algorithm and translated in the associated graph, opening the possibility of building fruitful connections between time series analysis, nonlinear dynamics, and graph theory. Here we use the horizontal visibility algorithm to characterize and distinguish between correlated stochastic, uncorrelated and chaotic processes. We show that in every case the series maps into a graph with exponential degree distribution P (k) ~ exp(-{\lambda}k), where the value of {\lambda} characterizes the specific process. The frontier between chaotic and correlated stochastic processes, {\lambda} = ln(3/2), can be calculated exactly, and some other analytical developments confirm the results provided by extensive numerical simulations and (short) experimental time series

    Relating pseudospin and spin symmetries through charge conjugation and chiral transformations: the case of the relativistic harmonic oscillator

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    We solve the generalized relativistic harmonic oscillator in 1+1 dimensions, i.e., including a linear pseudoscalar potential and quadratic scalar and vector potentials which have equal or opposite signs. We consider positive and negative quadratic potentials and discuss in detail their bound-state solutions for fermions and antifermions. The main features of these bound states are the same as the ones of the generalized three-dimensional relativistic harmonic oscillator bound states. The solutions found for zero pseudoscalar potential are related to the spin and pseudospin symmetry of the Dirac equation in 3+1 dimensions. We show how the charge conjugation and Îł5\gamma^5 chiral transformations relate the several spectra obtained and find that for massless particles the spin and pseudospin symmetry related problems have the same spectrum, but different spinor solutions. Finally, we establish a relation of the solutions found with single-particle states of nuclei described by relativistic mean-field theories with scalar, vector and isoscalar tensor interactions and discuss the conditions in which one may have both nucleon and antinucleon bound states.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures, uses revtex macro

    Computing stationary free-surface shapes in microfluidics

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    A finite-element algorithm for computing free-surface flows driven by arbitrary body forces is presented. The algorithm is primarily designed for the microfluidic parameter range where (i) the Reynolds number is small and (ii) force-driven pressure and flow fields compete with the surface tension for the shape of a stationary free surface. The free surface shape is represented by the boundaries of finite elements that move according to the stress applied by the adjacent fluid. Additionally, the surface tends to minimize its free energy and by that adapts its curvature to balance the normal stress at the surface. The numerical approach consists of the iteration of two alternating steps: The solution of a fluidic problem in a prescribed domain with slip boundary conditions at the free surface and a consecutive update of the domain driven by the previously determined pressure and velocity fields. ...Comment: Revised versio

    Trialogue on the number of fundamental constants

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    This paper consists of three separate articles on the number of fundamental dimensionful constants in physics. We started our debate in summer 1992 on the terrace of the famous CERN cafeteria. In the summer of 2001 we returned to the subject to find that our views still diverged and decided to explain our current positions. LBO develops the traditional approach with three constants, GV argues in favor of at most two (within superstring theory), while MJD advocates zero.Comment: Version appearing in JHEP; 31 pages late

    Measurement of Electron Backscattering in the Energy Range of Neutron β\beta-Decay

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    We report on the first detailed measurements of electron backscattering from low Z targets at energies up to 124 keV. Both energy and angular distributions of the backscattered electrons are measured and compared with electron transport simulations based on the Geant4 and Penelope Monte Carlo simulation codes. Comparisons are also made with previous, less extensive, measurements and with measurements at lower energies.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Thick surface flows of granular materials: The effect of the velocity profile on the avalanche amplitude

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    A few years ago, Bouchaud al. introduced a phenomenological model to describe surface flows of granular materials [J. Phys. Fr. I, 4, 1383 (1994)]. According to this model, one can distinguish between a static phase and a rolling phase that are able to exchange grains through an erosion/accretion mechanism. Boutreux et al. [Phys. Rev. E, 58, 4692 (1998)] proposed a modification of the exchange term in order to describe thicker flows where saturation effects are present. However, these approaches assumed that the downhill convection velocity of the grains is constant inside the rolling phase, a hypothesis that is not verified experimentally. In this article, we therefore modify the above models by introducing a velocity profile in the flow, and study the physical consequences of this modification in the simple situation of an avalanche in an open cell. We present a complete analytical description of the avalanche in the case of a linear velocity profile, and generalize the results for a power-law dependency. We show, in particular, that the amplitude of the avalanche is strongly affected by the velocity profile.Comment: 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    A Parametrization of Bipartite Systems Based on SU(4) Euler Angles

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    In this paper we give an explicit parametrization for all two qubit density matrices. This is important for calculations involving entanglement and many other types of quantum information processing. To accomplish this we present a generalized Euler angle parametrization for SU(4) and all possible two qubit density matrices. The important group-theoretical properties of such a description are then manifest. We thus obtain the correct Haar (Hurwitz) measure and volume element for SU(4) which follows from this parametrization. In addition, we study the role of this parametrization in the Peres-Horodecki criteria for separability and its corresponding usefulness in calculating entangled two qubit states as represented through the parametrization.Comment: 23 pages, no figures; changed title and abstract and rewrote certain areas in line with referee comments. To be published in J. Phys. A: Math. and Ge

    Basins of attraction on random topography

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    We investigate the consequences of fluid flowing on a continuous surface upon the geometric and statistical distribution of the flow. We find that the ability of a surface to collect water by its mere geometrical shape is proportional to the curvature of the contour line divided by the local slope. Consequently, rivers tend to lie in locations of high curvature and flat slopes. Gaussian surfaces are introduced as a model of random topography. For Gaussian surfaces the relation between convergence and slope is obtained analytically. The convergence of flow lines correlates positively with drainage area, so that lower slopes are associated with larger basins. As a consequence, we explain the observed relation between the local slope of a landscape and the area of the drainage basin geometrically. To some extent, the slope-area relation comes about not because of fluvial erosion of the landscape, but because of the way rivers choose their path. Our results are supported by numerically generated surfaces as well as by real landscapes

    The GRA Beam-Splitter Experiments and Particle-Wave Duality of Light

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    Grangier, Roger and Aspect (GRA) performed a beam-splitter experiment to demonstrate the particle behaviour of light and a Mach-Zehnder interferometer experiment to demonstrate the wave behaviour of light. The distinguishing feature of these experiments is the use of a gating system to produce near ideal single photon states. With the demonstration of both wave and particle behaviour (in two mutually exclusive experiments) they claim to have demonstrated the dual particle-wave behaviour of light and hence to have confirmed Bohr's principle of complementarity. The demonstration of the wave behaviour of light is not in dispute. But we want to demonstrate, contrary to the claims of GRA, that their beam-splitter experiment does not conclusively confirm the particle behaviour of light, and hence does not confirm particle-wave duality, nor, more generally, does it confirm complementarity. Our demonstration consists of providing a detailed model based on the Causal Interpretation of Quantum Fields (CIEM), which does not involve the particle concept, of GRA's which-path experiment. We will also give a brief outline of a CIEM model for the second, interference, GRA experiment.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure
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