40 research outputs found

    Производители сварочных материалов, имеющие сертификат соответствия в системе УкрСепро, выданный в НТЦ «СЕПРОЗ» (по состоянию на 01.01.2009)

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    Deliberate practice is increasingly recognised as necessary for professional development. This paper sets out to explore in what ways student teachers’ learning activities in a teacher education programme can be characterised as deliberate practice. Based on an in-depth exploration of 574 learning activities, our results highlight the different ways in which activities in teacher education programmes can be designed, the different motivations students have to engage in them repetitively, and different ways in which feedback can be organised, within contextual constraints posed by all professional environments. Results also indicate that self-improvement is not the only motivation for engaging in deliberate practice for student teachers, as pupil improvement is also considered important. These results support a context-specific operationalisation of deliberate practice and provide starting points for teacher education programmes to promote deliberate practice in their curriculum

    Shear Localization in Dynamic Deformation: Microstructural Evolution

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    Leren binnen en buiten de school: op zoek naar vrijheidsgraden

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    De veranderende maatschappij vraagt van scholen een heroriëntatie op hoe zij zich verhouden tot de buitenschoolse leefwereld. Leren vindt steeds meer ook buiten de school plaats. We weten echter nog nauwelijks hoe de relatie tussen het binnen en buitenschoolse leven er voor leerlingen uit ziet, wat deze relatie betekent voor hun leren en daarmee dus ook niet wat precies het effect is van nieuwe verbindingsinitiatieven. In een door NRO gefinancierde studie hebben we systematisch gezocht naar al het onderzoek naar de relatie tussen schools en buitenschools leren dat vooral de afgelopen tien jaren is verschenen. Hiervoor hebben we de resultaten van 186 studies op een rij gezet

    Continuities and discontinuities in learning across school and out-of-school contexts

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    In response to various societal changes, schools are increasingly developing an outward orientation, seeking to connect to students' out-of-school participations. Simultaneously, educational research is starting to adopt a multisystemic approach to learning. Focusing on continuity and discontinuity in students' learning across school and out-of-school contexts, we synthesize 186 empirical studies. After conceptualizing school and out-of-school in relation to each other, we find that continuity can be the result of different educational intentions, but it also occurs as a given. Discontinuity is mainly found for non-mainstream students, with severe implications for students' learning and participation in school. Some studies show how different actors, including students, deliberately seek discontinuity, challenging the widespread preference for continuity. We discuss the (im)possibilities for schools in connecting to students' wider lives and advance the degrees of freedom afforded in school as an underlying condition for establishing continuity.Teaching and Teacher Learning (ICLON