55 research outputs found

    The characteristic stellar mass as a function of redshift

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    We present a model for the star formation process during the initial collapse of dark matter haloes at redshifts z=0-30. We derive a simple expression for the characteristic stellar mass scale during this initial burst of star formation. In our picture, this characteristic scale reflects both the minimum temperature to which the gas can cool (determined by the metallicity and the temperature of the cosmic microwave background) and the pressure of overlying baryons in the collapsing halo. This prescription reproduces both the large mass scales found in simulations of Population III star formation and the near solar values observed for star formation at low redshift.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Spectrum of GRB 930131 (``Superbowl Burst'') from 20 keV to 200 MeV

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    We have constructed a broad-band spectrum for GRB 930131 (the ``Superbowl Burst''), ranging from 20 keV to 200 MeV, by combining spectral information from the Gamma Ray Observatory's BATSE, COMPTEL and EGRET instruments. We present general methods for combining spectra from different time intervals obtained by the same instrument as well as for combining spectra from the same time interval taken by different instruments. The resulting spectrum is remarkably flat (in nu F_nu-space) up to high energies. We find that the spectral shape can be successfully fitted by the shocked synchrotron emission model of Tavani. We present evidence that the flatness of the spectrum at high energies is not due to spectral time-variability.Comment: ApJ accepted, 10 pages, 1 table, 3 figure

    Low-energy Population III supernovae and the origin of extremely metal-poor stars

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    Some ancient, dim, metal-poor stars may have formed in the ashes of the first supernovae (SNe). If their chemical abundances can be reconciled with the elemental yields of specific Population III (Pop III) explosions, they could reveal the properties of primordial stars. But multidimensional simulations of such explosions are required to predict their yields because dynamical instabilities can dredge material up from deep in the ejecta that would otherwise be predicted to fall back on to the central remnant and be lost in one-dimensional (1D) models. We have performed two-dimensional (2D) numerical simulations of two low-energy Pop III SNe, a 12.4 Msun explosion and a 60 Msun explosion, and find that they produce elemental yields that are a good fit to those measured in the most iron-poor star discovered to date, SMSS J031300.36-670839.3 (J031300). Fallback on to the compact remnant in these weak explosions accounts for the lack of measurable iron in J031300 and its low iron-group abundances in general. Our 2D explosions produce higher abundances of heavy elements (atomic number Z > 20) than their 1D counterparts due to dredge-up by fluid instabilities. Since almost no Ni is ejected by these weak SNe, their low luminosities will prevent their detection in the near-infrared with the James Webb Space Telescope and future 30-m telescopes on the ground. The only evidence that they ever occurred will be in the fossil abundance record.Comment: Accepted to MNRA

    Formation and evolution of primordial protostellar systems

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    We investigate the formation of the first stars at the end of the cosmic dark ages with a suite of three-dimensional, moving mesh simulations that directly resolve the collapse of the gas beyond the formation of the first protostar at the centre of a dark matter minihalo. The simulations cover more than 25 orders of magnitude in density and have a maximum spatial resolution of 0.05 R_sun, which extends well below the radius of individual protostars and captures their interaction with the surrounding gas. In analogy to previous studies that employed sink particles, we find that the Keplerian disc around the primary protostar fragments into a number of secondary protostars, which is facilitated by H2 collisional dissociation cooling and collision-induced emission. The further evolution of the protostellar system is characterized by strong gravitational torques that transfer angular momentum between the secondary protostars formed in the disc and the surrounding gas. This leads to the migration of about half of the secondary protostars to the centre of the cloud in a free-fall time, where they merge with the primary protostar and enhance its growth to about five times the mass of the second most massive protostar. By the same token, a fraction of the protostars obtain angular momentum from other protostars via N-body interactions and migrate to higher orbits. On average, only every third protostar survives until the end of the simulation. However, the number of protostars present at any given time increases monotonically, suggesting that the system will continue to grow beyond the limited period of time simulated here.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, movies of the simulations may be downloaded at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~tgrei

    The Formation of the First Low-Mass Stars From Gas With Low Carbon and Oxygen Abundances

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    The first stars in the Universe are predicted to have been much more massive than the Sun. Gravitational condensation accompanied by cooling of the primordial gas due to molecular hydrogen, yields a minimum fragmentation scale of a few hundred solar masses. Numerical simulations indicate that once a gas clump acquires this mass, it undergoes a slow, quasi-hydrostatic contraction without further fragmentation. Here we show that as soon as the primordial gas - left over from the Big Bang - is enriched by supernovae to a carbon or oxygen abundance as small as ~0.01-0.1% of that found in the Sun, cooling by singly-ionized carbon or neutral oxygen can lead to the formation of low-mass stars. This mechanism naturally accommodates the discovery of solar mass stars with unusually low (10^{-5.3} of the solar value) iron abundance but with a high (10^{-1.3} solar) carbon abundance. The minimum stellar mass at early epochs is partially regulated by the temperature of the cosmic microwave background. The derived critical abundances can be used to identify those metal-poor stars in our Milky Way galaxy with elemental patterns imprinted by the first supernovae.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures (appeared today in Nature

    Magnetar-powered supernovae in two dimensions. II. Broad-line supernovae Ic

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    Nascent neutron stars with millisecond periods and magnetic fields in excess of 101610^{16} Gauss can drive highly energetic and asymmetric explosions known as magnetar-powered supernovae. These exotic explosions are one theoretical interpretation for supernovae Ic-BL which are sometimes associated with long gamma-ray bursts. Twisted magnetic field lines extract the rotational energy of the neutron star and release it as a disk wind or a jet with energies greater than 1052^{52} erg over 20\sim 20 sec. What fractions of the energy of the central engine go into the wind and the jet remain unclear. We have performed two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of magnetar-powered supernovae (SNe) driven by disk winds and jets with the CASTRO code to investigate the effect of the central engine on nucleosynthetic yields, mixing, and light curves. We find that these explosions synthesize less than 0.05 Msun of Ni and that this mass is not very sensitive to central engine type. The morphology of the explosion can provide a powerful diagnostic of the properties of the central engine. In the absence of a circumstellar medium these events are not very luminous, with peak bolometric magnitudes Mb16.5M_b \sim -16.5 due to low Ni production.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    Formation of the First Supermassive Black Holes

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    We consider the physical conditions under which supermassive black holes could have formed inside the first galaxies. Our SPH simulations indicate that metal-free galaxies with a virial temperature ~10^4 K and with suppressed H2 formation (due to an intergalactic UV background) tend to form a binary black hole system which contains a substantial fraction (>10%) of the total baryonic mass of the host galaxy. Fragmentation into stars is suppressed without substantial H2 cooling. Our simulations follow the condensation of ~5x10^6 M_sun around the two centers of the binary down to a scale of < 0.1pc. Low-spin galaxies form a single black hole instead. These early black holes lead to quasar activity before the epoch of reionization. Primordial black hole binaries lead to the emission of gravitational radiation at redshifts z>10 that would be detectable by LISA.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, revised version, ApJ in press (October 10, 2003

    Cosmic Renaissance: The First Sources of Light

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    I review recent progress in understanding the formation of the first stars and quasars. The initial conditions for their emergence are given by the now firmly established model of cosmological structure formation. Numerical simulations of the collapse and fragmentation of primordial gas indicate that the first stars formed at redshifts z ~ 20 - 30, and that they were predominantly very massive, with M_* > 100 M_sun. Important uncertainties, however, remain. Paramount among them is the accretion process, which builds up the final stellar mass by incorporating part of the diffuse, dust-free envelope into the central protostellar core. The first quasars, on the other hand, are predicted to have formed later on, at z ~ 10, in more massive dark matter halos, with total masses, ~ 10^8 M_sun, characteristic of dwarf galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, invited review, to appear in PASP, Feb. 200

    The First Supernova Explosions: Energetics, Feedback, and Chemical Enrichment

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    We perform three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations in a realistic cosmological setting to investigate the expansion, feedback, and chemical enrichment properties of a 200 M_sun pair-instability supernova in the high-redshift universe. We find that the SN remnant propagates for a Hubble time at z = 20 to a final mass-weighted mean shock radius of 2.5 kpc (proper), roughly half the size of the HII region, and in this process sweeps up a total gas mass of 2.5*10^5 M_sun. The morphology of the shock becomes highly anisotropic once it leaves the host halo and encounters filaments and neighboring minihalos, while the bulk of the shock propagates into the voids of the intergalactic medium. The SN entirely disrupts the host halo and terminates further star formation for at least 200 Myr, while in our specific case it exerts positive mechanical feedback on neighboring minihalos by shock-compressing their cores. In contrast, we do not observe secondary star formation in the dense shell via gravitational fragmentation, due to the previous photoheating by the progenitor star. We find that cooling by metal lines is unimportant for the entire evolution of the SN remnant, while the metal-enriched, interior bubble expands adiabatically into the cavities created by the shock, and ultimately into the voids with a maximum extent similar to the final mass-weighted mean shock radius. Finally, we conclude that dark matter halos of at least M_vir > 10^8 M_sun must be assembled to recollect all components of the swept-up gas.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, published in Ap

    Local radiative feedback in the formation of the first protogalaxies

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    The formation of the first galaxies is influenced by the radiative feedback from the first generations of stars. This feedback is manisfested by the heating and ionization of the gas which lies within the H II regions surrounding the first stars, as well as by the photodissociation of hydrogen molecules within the larger Lyman-Werner (LW) bubbles that surround these sources. Using a ray-tracing method in three-dimensional cosmological simulations, we self-consistently track the formation of, and radiative feedback from, individual stars in the course of the formation of a protogalaxy. We compute in detail the H II regions of each of these sources, as well as the regions affected by their molecule-dissociating radiation. We follow the thermal, chemical, and dynamical evolution of the primordial gas, as it becomes incorporated into the protogalaxy. While the IGM is, in general, optically thick to LW photons only over physical distances of > 30 kpc at redshifts z < 20, the high molecule fraction that is built up in relic H II regions and their increasing volume-filling fraction renders even the local IGM optically thick to LW photons over physical distances of the order of a few kiloparsecs. We find that efficient accretion onto Population III relic black holes may occur after ~ 60 Myr from the time of their formation, by which time the photo-heated relic H II region gas can cool and re-collapse into the 10^6 M_solar minihalo which hosts the black hole. Also, Pop II.5 stars, postulated to have masses of the order of 10 M_solar, can likely form from this re-collapsing relic H II region gas. Overall, we find that the local radiative feedback from the first generations of stars suppresses the star formation rate by only a factor of, at most, a few.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures; ApJ in pres