441 research outputs found

    Time and position sensitive single photon detector for scintillator read-out

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    We have developed a photon counting detector system for combined neutron and gamma radiography which can determine position, time and intensity of a secondary photon flash created by a high-energy particle or photon within a scintillator screen. The system is based on a micro-channel plate photomultiplier concept utilizing image charge coupling to a position- and time-sensitive read-out anode placed outside the vacuum tube in air, aided by a standard photomultiplier and very fast pulse-height analyzing electronics. Due to the low dead time of all system components it can cope with the high throughput demands of a proposed combined fast neutron and dual discrete energy gamma radiography method (FNDDER). We show tests with different types of delay-line read-out anodes and present a novel pulse-height-to-time converter circuit with its potential to discriminate gamma energies for the projected FNDDER devices for an automated cargo container inspection system (ACCIS).Comment: Proceedings of FNDA 201

    Linear Integer Arithmetic Revisited

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    We consider feasibility of linear integer programs in the context of verification systems such as SMT solvers or theorem provers. Although satisfiability of linear integer programs is decidable, many state-of-the-art solvers neglect termination in favor of efficiency. It is challenging to design a solver that is both terminating and practically efficient. Recent work by Jovanovic and de Moura constitutes an important step into this direction. Their algorithm CUTSAT is sound, but does not terminate, in general. In this paper we extend their CUTSAT algorithm by refined inference rules, a new type of conflicting core, and a dedicated rule application strategy. This leads to our algorithm CUTSAT++, which guarantees termination

    {SCL} with Theory Constraints

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    We lift the SCL calculus for first-order logic without equality to the SCL(T) calculus for first-order logic without equality modulo a background theory. In a nutshell, the SCL(T) calculus describes a new way to guide hierarchic resolution inferences by a partial model assumption instead of an a priori fixed order as done for instance in hierarchic superposition. The model representation consists of ground background theory literals and ground foreground first-order literals. One major advantage of the model guided approach is that clauses generated by SCL(T) enjoy a non-redundancy property that makes expensive testing for tautologies and forward subsumption completely obsolete. SCL(T) is a semi-decision procedure for pure clause sets that are clause sets without first-order function symbols ranging into the background theory sorts. Moreover, SCL(T) can be turned into a decision procedure if the considered combination of a first-order logic modulo a background theory enjoys an abstract finite model property

    An Efficient Subsumption Test Pipeline for {BS(LRA)} Clauses

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    International audienceThe importance of subsumption testing for redundancy elimination in first-order logic automatic reasoning is well-known. Although the problem is already NP-complete for first-order clauses, the meanwhile developed test pipelines efficiently decide subsumption in almost all practical cases. We consider subsumption between first-oder clauses of the Bernays-Schönfinkel fragment over linear real arithmetic constraints: BS(LRA). The bottleneck in this setup is deciding implication between the LRA constraints of two clauses. Our new sample point heuristic preempts expensive implication decisions in about 94% of all cases in benchmarks. Combined with filtering techniques for the first-order BS part of clauses, it results again in an efficient subsumption test pipeline for BS(LRA) clauses

    Exploring Partial Models with {SCL}

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    A Datalog Hammer for Supervisor Verification Conditions Modulo Simple Linear Arithmetic

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    The Bernays-Sch\"onfinkel first-order logic fragment over simple linear real arithmetic constraints BS(SLR) is known to be decidable. We prove that BS(SLR) clause sets with both universally and existentially quantified verification conditions (conjectures) can be translated into BS(SLR) clause sets over a finite set of first-order constants. For the Horn case, we provide a Datalog hammer preserving validity and satisfiability. A toolchain from the BS(LRA) prover SPASS-SPL to the Datalog reasoner VLog establishes an effective way of deciding verification conditions in the Horn fragment. This is exemplified by the verification of supervisor code for a lane change assistant in a car and of an electronic control unit for a supercharged combustion engine

    A Reduction from Unbounded Linear Mixed Arithmetic Problems into Bounded Problems

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    We present a combination of the Mixed-Echelon-Hermite transformation and the Double-Bounded Reduction for systems of linear mixed arithmetic that preserve satisfiability and can be computed in polynomial time. Together, the two transformations turn any system of linear mixed constraints into a bounded system, i.e., a system for which termination can be achieved easily. Existing approaches for linear mixed arithmetic, e.g., branch-and-bound and cuts from proofs, only explore a finite search space after application of our two transformations. Instead of generating a priori bounds for the variables, e.g., as suggested by Papadimitriou, unbounded variables are eliminated through the two transformations. The transformations orient themselves on the structure of an input system instead of computing a priori (over-)approximations out of the available constants. Experiments provide further evidence to the efficiency of the transformations in practice. We also present a polynomial method for converting certificates of (un)satisfiability from the transformed to the original system
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