298 research outputs found

    Time and position sensitive single photon detector for scintillator read-out

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    We have developed a photon counting detector system for combined neutron and gamma radiography which can determine position, time and intensity of a secondary photon flash created by a high-energy particle or photon within a scintillator screen. The system is based on a micro-channel plate photomultiplier concept utilizing image charge coupling to a position- and time-sensitive read-out anode placed outside the vacuum tube in air, aided by a standard photomultiplier and very fast pulse-height analyzing electronics. Due to the low dead time of all system components it can cope with the high throughput demands of a proposed combined fast neutron and dual discrete energy gamma radiography method (FNDDER). We show tests with different types of delay-line read-out anodes and present a novel pulse-height-to-time converter circuit with its potential to discriminate gamma energies for the projected FNDDER devices for an automated cargo container inspection system (ACCIS).Comment: Proceedings of FNDA 201

    Ultrafast Momentum Imaging of Pseudospin-Flip Excitations in Graphene

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    The pseudospin of Dirac electrons in graphene manifests itself in a peculiar momentum anisotropy for photo-excited electron-hole pairs. These interband excitations are in fact forbidden along the direction of the light polarization, and are maximum perpendicular to it. Here, we use time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to investigate the resulting unconventional hot carrier dynamics, sampling carrier distributions as a function of energy and in-plane momentum. We first show that the rapidly-established quasi-thermal electron distribution initially exhibits an azimuth-dependent temperature, consistent with relaxation through collinear electron-electron scattering. Azimuthal thermalization is found to occur only at longer time delays, at a rate that depends on the substrate and the static doping level. Further, we observe pronounced differences in the electron and hole dynamics in n-doped samples. By simulating the Coulomb- and phonon-mediated carrier dynamics we are able to disentangle the influence of excitation fluence, screening, and doping, and develop a microscopic picture of the carrier dynamics in photo-excited graphene. Our results clarify new aspects of hot carrier dynamics that are unique to Dirac materials, with relevance for photo-control experiments and optoelectronic device applications.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    Enhanced electron-phonon coupling in graphene with periodically distorted lattice

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    Electron-phonon coupling directly determines the stability of cooperative order in solids, including superconductivity, charge and spin density waves. Therefore, the ability to enhance or reduce electron-phonon coupling by optical driving may open up new possibilities to steer materials' functionalities, potentially at high speeds. Here we explore the response of bilayer graphene to dynamical modulation of the lattice, achieved by driving optically-active in-plane bond stretching vibrations with femtosecond mid-infrared pulses. The driven state is studied by two different ultrafast spectroscopic techniques. Firstly, TeraHertz time-domain spectroscopy reveals that the Drude scattering rate decreases upon driving. Secondly, the relaxation rate of hot quasi-particles, as measured by time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, increases. These two independent observations are quantitatively consistent with one another and can be explained by a transient three-fold enhancement of the electron-phonon coupling constant. The findings reported here provide useful perspective for related experiments, which reported the enhancement of superconductivity in alkali-doped fullerites when a similar phonon mode was driven.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Driving magnetic order in a manganite by ultrafast lattice excitation

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    Optical control of magnetism, of interest for high-speed data processing and storage, has only been demonstrated with near-infrared excitation to date. However, in absorbing materials, such high photon energies can lead to significant dissipation, making switch back times long and miniaturization challenging. In manganites, magnetism is directly coupled to the lattice, as evidenced by the response to external and chemical pressure, or to ferroelectric polarization. Here, femtosecond mid-infrared pulses are used to excite the lattice in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 and the dynamics of electronic order are measured by femtosecond resonant soft x-ray scattering with an x-ray free electron laser. We observe that magnetic and orbital orders are reduced by excitation of the lattice. This process, which occurs within few picoseconds, is interpreted as relaxation of the complex charge-orbital-spin structure following a displacive exchange quench - a prompt shift in the equilibrium value of the magnetic and orbital order parameters after the lattice has been distorted. A microscopic picture of the underlying unidirectional lattice displacement is proposed, based on nonlinear rectification of the directly-excited vibrational field, as analyzed in the specific lattice symmetry of La0.5Sr1.5MnO4. Control of magnetism through ultrafast lattice excitation has important analogies to the multiferroic effect and may serve as a new paradigm for high-speed optomagnetism.Comment: 10 pages manuscript, 4 figure

    A Sorted Datalog Hammer for Supervisor Verification Conditions Modulo Simple Linear Arithmetic

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    In a previous paper, we have shown that clause sets belonging to the HornBernays-Sch\"onfinkel fragment over simple linear real arithmetic (HBS(SLR))can be translated into HBS clause sets over a finite set of first-orderconstants. The translation preserves validity and satisfiability and it isstill applicable if we extend our input with positive universally orexistentially quantified verification conditions (conjectures). We call thistranslation a Datalog hammer. The combination of its implementation inSPASS-SPL with the Datalog reasoner VLog establishes an effective way ofdeciding verification conditions in the Horn fragment. We verify supervisorcode for two examples: a lane change assistant in a car and an electroniccontrol unit of a supercharged combustion engine. In this paper, we improve ourDatalog hammer in several ways: we generalize it to mixed real-integerarithmetic and finite first-order sorts; we extend the class of acceptableinequalities beyond variable bounds and positively grounded inequalities; andwe significantly reduce the size of the hammer output by a soft typingdiscipline. We call the result the sorted Datalog hammer. It not only allows usto handle more complex supervisor code and to model already consideredsupervisor code more concisely, but it also improves our performance on realworld benchmark examples. Finally, we replace the before file-based interfacebetween SPASS-SPL and VLog by a close coupling resulting in a single executablebinary.<br

    A Sorted Datalog Hammer for Supervisor Verification Conditions Modulo Simple Linear Arithmetic

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    International audienceAbstract In a previous paper, we have shown that clause sets belonging to the Horn Bernays-Schönfinkel fragment over simple linear real arithmetic (HBS(SLR)) can be translated into HBS clause sets over a finite set of first-order constants. The translation preserves validity and satisfiability and it is still applicable if we extend our input with positive universally or existentially quantified verification conditions (conjectures). We call this translation a Datalog hammer. The combination of its implementation in SPASS-SPL with the Datalog reasoner VLog establishes an effective way of deciding verification conditions in the Horn fragment. We verify supervisor code for two examples: a lane change assistant in a car and an electronic control unit of a supercharged combustion engine. In this paper, we improve our Datalog hammer in several ways: we generalize it to mixed real-integer arithmetic and finite first-order sorts; we extend the class of acceptable inequalities beyond variable bounds and positively grounded inequalities; and we significantly reduce the size of the hammer output by a soft typing discipline. We call the result the sorted Datalog hammer. It not only allows us to handle more complex supervisor code and to model already considered supervisor code more concisely, but it also improves our performance on real world benchmark examples. Finally, we replace the before file-based interface between SPASS-SPL and VLog by a close coupling resulting in a single executable binary

    An Optical Readout TPC (O-TPC) for Studies in Nuclear Astrophysics With Gamma-Ray Beams at HIgS

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    We report on the construction, tests, calibrations and commissioning of an Optical Readout Time Projection Chamber (O-TPC) detector operating with a CO2(80%) + N2(20%) gas mixture at 100 and 150 Torr. It was designed to measure the cross sections of several key nuclear reactions involved in stellar evolution. In particular, a study of the rate of formation of oxygen and carbon during the process of helium burning will be performed by exposing the chamber gas to intense nearly mono-energetic gamma-ray beams at the High Intensity Gamma Source (HIgS) facility. The O-TPC has a sensitive target-drift volume of 30x30x21 cm^3. Ionization electrons drift towards a double parallel grid avalanche multiplier, yielding charge multiplication and light emission. Avalanche induced photons from N2 emission are collected, intensified and recorded with a Charge Coupled Device (CCD) camera, providing two-dimensional track images. The event's time projection (third coordinate) and the deposited energy are recorded by photomultipliers and by the TPC charge-signal, respectively. A dedicated VME-based data acquisition system and associated data analysis tools were developed to record and analyze these data. The O-TPC has been tested and calibrated with 3.183 MeV alpha-particles emitted by a 148Gd source placed within its volume with a measured energy resolution of 3.0%. Tracks of alpha and 12C particles from the dissociation of 16O and of three alpha-particles from the dissociation of 12C have been measured during initial in-beam test experiments performed at the HIgS facility at Duke University. The full detection system and its performance are described and the results of the preliminary in-beam test experiments are reported.Comment: Supported by the Richard F. Goodman Yale-Weizmann Exchange Program, ACWIS, NY, and USDOE grant Numbers: DE-FG02-94ER40870 and DE-FG02-97ER4103


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    International audienceSPASS-SATT is a CDCL(LA) solver for linear rational and linear mixed/integer arithmetic. This system description explains its specific features: fast cube tests for integer solvability, bounding transformations for unbounded problems, close interaction between the SAT solver and the theory solver, efficient data structures, and small-clause-normal-form generation. SPASS-SATT is currently one of the strongest systems on the respective SMT-LIB benchmarks

    Monte-Carlo Simulations of Radiation-Induced Activation in a Fast-Neutron and Gamma- Based Cargo Inspection System

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    An air cargo inspection system combining two nuclear reaction based techniques, namely Fast-Neutron Resonance Radiography and Dual-Discrete-Energy Gamma Radiography is currently being developed. This system is expected to allow detection of standard and improvised explosives as well as special nuclear materials. An important aspect for the applicability of nuclear techniques in an airport inspection facility is the inventory and lifetimes of radioactive isotopes produced by the neutron and gamma radiation inside the cargo, as well as the dose delivered by these isotopes to people in contact with the cargo during and following the interrogation procedure. Using MCNPX and CINDER90 we have calculated the activation levels for several typical inspection scenarios. One example is the activation of various metal samples embedded in a cotton-filled container. To validate the simulation results, a benchmark experiment was performed, in which metal samples were activated by fast-neutrons in a water-filled glass jar. The induced activity was determined by analyzing the gamma spectra. Based on the calculated radioactive inventory in the container, the dose levels due to the induced gamma radiation were calculated at several distances from the container and in relevant time windows after the irradiation, in order to evaluate the radiation exposure of the cargo handling staff, air crew and passengers during flight. The possibility of remanent long-lived radioactive inventory after cargo is delivered to the client is also of concern and was evaluated.Comment: Proceedings of FNDA 201

    Negotiations of minority ethnic rugby league players in the Cathar country of France

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    This article is based on new empirical, qualitative research with minority ethnic rugby league players in the southwest of France. Drawing on similar research on rugby league in the north and the south of England, the article examines how rugby league, traditionally viewed as a white, working-class male game (Collins, 2006; Denham, 2004; Spracklen, 1995, 2001) has had to re-imagine its symbolic boundaries as they are constituted globally and locally to accommodate the needs of players from minority ethnic backgrounds. In particular, the article examines the sense in which experiences of minority ethnic rugby league players in France compare with those of their counterparts in England (Spracklen, 2001, 2007), how rugby league is used in France to construct identity, and in what sense the norms associated with the imaginary community of rugby league are replicated or challenged by the involvement of minority ethnic rugby league players in France. Questions about what it means to be (provincial, national) French (Kumar, 2006) are posed, questions that relate to the role of sport in the construction of Frenchness, and in particular the role of rugby league (and union). © Copyright ISSA and SAGE Publications
