20 research outputs found

    Øko-slagtesvin kvitterer for udendørs rodeområder

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    Økologiske slagtesvineprodicenter ønskeer mere attrattive udearealer, så grisene bruger arealet til mere end gødeområde

    ”Rodekasser med flis” reducerede arealet med gødningsafsætning på udearealer i to økologiske besætninger

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    Økologiske slagtesvinestalde har udeareal med spaltegulv og fast/drænet gulv. Grisene gøder på det meste af arealet. Berigelse af et udeareal i form af en overdækket rodekasse med flis reducerede den samlede gødningsoverflade

    Nye staldkoncepter for økologiske slagtesvin - Afrapportering fra arbejdspakke 3

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    Projektet er en del af Organic RDD 2- programmet, som koordineres af ICROFS (Internationalt Center for Forskning i Økologisk Jordbrug og Fødevaresystemer). Det har fået tilskud fra Grønt Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram (GUDP) under Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet

    Principal component analysis (PCA) of samples profiled by small RNAseq technique

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    A. PCA of urine samples on the basis of normalized read counts of the known and putative novel miRNAs for the 38 samples initially processed. The red arrows indicate the outlier Control samples (C5, C6 and C7). B. PCA excluding the high outlier samples. CKD: Chronic kidney disease; PN: Pyelonephritis; SB/C: Subclinical bacteriuria/Cystitis; UO: Ureteral obstruction.Peer reviewe

    Flowchart outlining the pipeline for small RNAseq analysis

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    1 figureIncluding the identification of known and putative novel miRNAs, miRNA abundance profiling and differential abundance analysis. rRNA: ribosomal RNA; tRNA: transfer RNA; snoRNA: small nucleolar RNA; snRNA: small nuclear RNA; RE: repeat elements; qPCR: quantitative real-time PCR.Peer reviewe

    Detailed characteristics of the known and putative novel miRNAs in cat urine for the 35 samples based on RNAseq data

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    A. Proportion of samples for which each of the known miRNAs across the different groups were detected. B. Cumulative abundance of the known feline miRNAs. The dots indicate the log10 of the miRNA abundance for each miRNA. miRNAs are sorted in each group in a decreasing order by their miRNA abundance on the x-axis, independently for each group. C. Proportion of samples for which each of the putative novel miRNA candidates across the different groups were detected. D. Cumulative abundance of the putative novel miRNAs. The dots indicate the log10 of the miRNA abundance for each miRNA. miRNAs are sorted in each group in a decreasing order by their miRNA abundance on the x-axis, independently for each group. CKD: Chronic kidney disease; PN: Pyelonephritis; SB/C: Subclinical bacteriuria/Cystitis; UO: Ureteral obstruction, CPM: Counts per million.Peer reviewe

    Pathway enrichment analysis of putative mRNA target genes of non-redundant differentially abundant (DA) miRNAs seeds surviving the criteria |log2FC| ≥ 1.5 and q-value < 0.05 in qPCR analyses and which were also DA in the small RNAseq dataset

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    1 table.Pathway enrichment of the KEGG and Reactome terms are shown if they gathered significant false discovery rate (FDR) and corrected p-values (q-value < 0.05); their associated mRNA genes found are also shown.Peer reviewe

    Mean abundance and standard deviation of the miRNAs detected in the urinary miRNAome of the final 35 feline samples included in RNAseq analyses

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    1 table.This includes information from their source (database/study/de novo) and their genomic coordinates. CPM: Counts Per Million.Peer reviewe

    Pearson correlation analysis between abundance profiles of small RNAseq and qPCR data from selected miRNAs that were DA (|log2FC| ≥ 1.5 for qPCR and ≥ 2 for small RNAseq; q-value < 0.05) using both methodologies

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    1 figure.CKD: Chronic kidney disease; PN: Pyelonephritis; SB/C: Subclinical bacteriuria/Cystitis; UO: Ureteral obstruction, CPM: Counts per million, Rq: Relative quantities.Peer reviewe