413 research outputs found
A Modern Understanding of Article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention (1969): A New Haunt for the Commentaries to the OECD Model?
In this article, the author examines whether or not article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties (1969) may justify recourse to the OECD Commentary to the OECD Model Tax Convention when interpreting tax treaties. It is concluded that, when considering the context of article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention (1969), which particularly involves the ILC's Fragmentation Report, the Oil Platforms case and the case law of the ECtHR, it seems plausible to give an interpretative argument on the basis of article 31(3)(c) in order to justify recourse to the non-binding normative environment of a treaty
Estimating 2D Upper Body Poses from Monocular Images
Automatic estimation and recognition of poses from video allows for a whole range of applications. The research described here is an important step towards automatic extraction of 3D poses. We describe our research to extract the 2D joint locations of the people in meeting videos. The key point of the research described here is that we generalize over variations in appearance of both people and scene. This results in a robust detection of 2D joint locations. For the detection of different limbs, we employ a number of limb locators. Each of these uses a different set of image features. We evaluate our work on two videos that have been recorded in the meeting context. Our results are promising, yielding an average error of approximately 3-5 cm per joint
Een evaluatie van het multilateraal instrument
In deze bijdrage evalueert de auteur het Multilateraal Instrument (MLI). Daarbij beantwoordt hij de volgende vragen. Is het MLI, met het systeem van bilaterale schakels, niet te complex, onzeker en ontbreekt het niet aan diepgang en eensgezindheid? En: kan het MLI komen te fungeren als ‘basis’ voor toekomstige samenwerking
Verschillen tussen wets- en verdragsinterpretatie
Grenzen van fiscale soevereinitei
Design directions for media-supported collocated remembering practices
Since the widespread adoption of digital photography, people create many digital photos, often with the intention to use them for shared remembering. Practices around digital photography have changed along with advances in media sharing technologies such as smartphones, social media, and mobile connectivity. Although much research was done at the start of digital photography, commercially available tools for media-supported shared remembering still have many limitations. The objective of our research is to explore spatial and material design directions to better support the use of personal photos for collocated shared remembering. In this paper, we present seven design requirements that resulted from a redesign workshop with fifteen participants, and four design concepts (two spatial, two material) that we developed based on those requirements. By reflecting on the requirements and designs we conclude with challenges for interaction designers to support collocated remembering practices
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