18 research outputs found

    ChatGPT scores a bad birdie in counting gravitational-wave chirps

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    How many gravitational-wave observations from compact object mergers have we seen to date? This seemingly simple question has a surprisingly complex answer that even ChatGPT struggles to answer. To shed light on this, we present a database with the literature's answers to this question. We find values spanning 67-100 for the number of detections from double compact object mergers to date, emphasizing that the exact number of detections is uncertain and depends on the chosen data analysis pipeline and underlying assumptions. We also review the number of gravitational-wave detections expected in the coming decades with future observing runs, finding values up to millions of detections per year in the era of Cosmic Explorer and Einstein Telescope. We present a publicly available code to visualize the detection numbers, highlighting the exponential growth in gravitational-wave observations in the coming decades and the exciting prospects of gravitational-wave astrophysics. See http://www.broekgaarden.nl/floor/wordpress/elementor-967/. We plan to keep this database up-to-date and welcome comments and suggestions for additional references.Comment: 1 April submission, with fun videos for visualizing the landscape of gravitational waves! (they are awesome!) See http://www.broekgaarden.nl/floor/wordpress/elementor-967

    STROOPWAFEL: Simulating rare outcomes from astrophysical populations, with application to gravitational-wave sources

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    Gravitational-wave observations of double compact object (DCO) mergers are providing new insights into the physics of massive stars and the evolution of binary systems. Making the most of expected near-future observations for understanding stellar physics will rely on comparisons with binary population synthesis models. However, the vast majority of simulated binaries never produce DCOs, which makes calculating such populations computationally inefficient. We present an importance sampling algorithm, STROOPWAFEL, that improves the computational efficiency of population studies of rare events, by focusing the simulation around regions of the initial parameter space found to produce outputs of interest. We implement the algorithm in the binary population synthesis code COMPAS, and compare the efficiency of our implementation to the standard method of Monte Carlo sampling from the birth probability distributions. STROOPWAFEL finds ∼\sim25-200 times more DCO mergers than the standard sampling method with the same simulation size, and so speeds up simulations by up to two orders of magnitude. Finding more DCO mergers automatically maps the parameter space with far higher resolution than when using the traditional sampling. This increase in efficiency also leads to a decrease of a factor ∼\sim3-10 in statistical sampling uncertainty for the predictions from the simulations. This is particularly notable for the distribution functions of observable quantities such as the black hole and neutron star chirp mass distribution, including in the tails of the distribution functions where predictions using standard sampling can be dominated by sampling noise.Comment: Accepted. Data and scripts to reproduce main results is publicly available. The code for the STROOPWAFEL algorithm will be made publicly available. Early inquiries can be addressed to the lead autho

    Stellar Black Holes and Compact Stellar Remnants

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    The recent observations of gravitational waves (GWs) by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration (LVK) have provided a new opportunity for studying our Universe. By detecting several merging events of black holes (BHs), LVK has spurred the astronomical community to improve theoretical models of single, binary, and multiple star evolution in order to better understand the formation of binary black hole (BBH) systems and interpret their observed properties. The final BBH system configuration before the merger depends on several processes, including those related to the evolution of the inner stellar structure and those due to the interaction with the companion and the environment (such as in stellar clusters). This chapter provides a summary of the formation scenarios of stellar BHs in single, binary, and multiple systems. We review all the important physical processes that affect the formation of BHs and discuss the methodologies used to detect these elusive objects and constrain their properties.Comment: To appear in Chapter 1 in the book Black Holes in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, ed. Arca Sedda, Bortolas, Spera, pub. Elsevier. All authors equally contributed to the chapter. Figures from other publications have been reproduced with permissio

    Common-Envelope Episodes that lead to Double Neutron Star formation

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    Close double neutron stars have been observed as Galactic radio pulsars, while their mergers have been detected as gamma-ray bursts and gravitational-wave sources. They are believed to have experienced at least one common-envelope episode during their evolution prior to double neutron star formation. In the last decades there have been numerous efforts to understand the details of the common-envelope phase, but its computational modelling remains challenging. We present and discuss the properties of the donor and the binary at the onset of the Roche-lobe overflow leading to these common-envelope episodes as predicted by rapid binary population synthesis models. These properties can be used as initial conditions for detailed simulations of the common-envelope phase. There are three distinctive populations, classified by the evolutionary stage of the donor at the moment of the onset of the Roche-lobe overflow: giant donors with fully-convective envelopes, cool donors with partially-convective envelopes, and hot donors with radiative envelopes. We also estimate that, for standard assumptions, tides would not circularise a large fraction of these systems by the onset of Roche-lobe overflow. This makes the study and understanding of eccentric mass-transferring systems relevant for double neutron star populations.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures. Includes bug fix. Two new figures and an appendix adde

    Population synthesis of accreting white dwarfs: Rates and evolutionary pathways of H and He novae

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    Novae are some of the most commonly detected optical transients and have the potential to provide valuable information about binary evolution. Binary population synthesis codes have emerged as the most effective tool for modelling populations of binary systems, but such codes have traditionally employed greatly simplified nova physics, precluding detailed study. In this work, we implement a model treating H and He novae as individual events into the binary population synthesis code \binaryc. This treatment of novae represents a significant improvement on the `averaging' treatment currently employed in modern population synthesis codes. We discuss the evolutionary pathways leading to these phenomena and present nova event rates and distributions of several important physical parameters. Most novae are produced on massive white dwarfs, with approximately 70 and 55 per cent of nova events occurring on O/Ne white dwarfs for H and He novae respectively. Only 15 per cent of H-nova systems undergo a common-envelope phase, but these systems are responsible for the majority of H nova events. All He-accreting He-nova systems are considered post-common-envelope systems, and almost all will merge with their donor star in a gravitational-wave driven inspiral. We estimate the current annual rate of novae in M31 (Andromeda) to be approximately 41±441 \pm 4 for H novae, underpredicting the current observational estimate of 65−16+1565^{+15}_{-16}, and 0.14±0.0150.14\pm0.015 for He novae. When varying common-envelope parameters, the H nova rate varies between 20 and 80 events per year.Comment: Accepted, MNRAS. 7 Jun 2020: Minor correction regarding AM CVn masses at period bounce, courtesy of P. Neuteufe

    Impact of Massive Binary Star and Cosmic Evolution on Gravitational Wave Observations I: Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers

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    Mergers of black hole-neutron star (BHNS) binaries have now been observed by GW detectors with the recent announcement of GW200105 and GW200115. Such observations not only provide confirmation that these systems exist, but will also give unique insights into the death of massive stars, the evolution of binary systems and their possible association with gamma-ray bursts, rr-process enrichment and kilonovae. Here we perform binary population synthesis of isolated BHNS systems in order to present their merger rate and characteristics for ground-based GW observatories. We present the results for 420 different model permutations that explore key uncertainties in our assumptions about massive binary star evolution (e.g. mass transfer, common-envelope evolution, supernovae), and the metallicity-specific star formation rate density, and characterize their relative impacts on our predictions. We find intrinsic local BHNS merger rates spanning Rm0≈4\mathcal{R}_{\rm{m}}^0 \approx 4-830 Gpc−3 yr−1830\,\rm{Gpc}^{-3}\,\rm{yr}^{-1} for our full range of assumptions. This encompasses the rate inferred from recent BHNS GW detections, and would yield detection rates of Rdet≈1\mathcal{R}_{\rm{det}} \approx 1-180 yr−1180\, \rm{yr}^{-1} for a GW network consisting of LIGO, Virgo and KAGRA at design sensitivity. We find that the binary evolution and metallicity-specific star formation rate density each impact the predicted merger rates by order O(10)\mathcal{O}(10). We also present predictions for the GW detected BHNS merger properties and find that all 420 model variations predict that ≲5%\lesssim 5\% of the BHNS mergers have BH masses ≳18 M⊙\gtrsim 18\,M_{\odot}, total masses ≳20 M⊙ \gtrsim 20\,M_{\odot}, chirp masses ≳5.5 M⊙\gtrsim 5.5\,M_{\odot}, mass ratios ≳12 \gtrsim 12 or ≲2\lesssim 2. Moreover, we find that massive NSs ≳2 M⊙\gtrsim 2\,M_{\odot} are expected to be commonly detected in BHNS mergers in almost all our model variations.Comment: 38 pages, 18 figures, accepted to MNRAS. The authors welcome suggestions and feedback. All data and code to reproduce the results in this paper are publicly availabl

    Multi-messenger prospects for black hole - neutron star mergers in the O4 and O5 runs

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    The existence of merging black hole-neutron star (BHNS) binaries has been ascertained through the observation of their gravitational wave (GW) signals. However, to date, no definitive electromagnetic (EM) emission has been confidently associated with these mergers. Such an association could help unravel crucial information on these systems, for example, their BH spin distribution, the equation of state (EoS) of NS and the rate of heavy element production. We model the multi-messenger (MM) emission from BHNS mergers detectable during the fourth (O4) and fifth (O5) observing runs of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA GW detector network, in order to provide detailed predictions that can help enhance the effectiveness of observational efforts and extract the highest possible scientific information from such remarkable events. Our methodology is based on a population synthesis-approach, which includes the modelling of the signal-to-noise ratio of the GW signal in the detectors, the GW-inferred sky localization of the source, the kilonova (KN) optical and near-infrared light curves, the relativistic jet gamma-ray burst (GRB) prompt emission peak photon flux, and the GRB afterglow light curves in the radio, optical and X-ray bands. The resulting prospects for BHNS MM detections during O4 are not promising, with a GW detection rate of 15.0−8.8+15.415.0^{+15.4}_{-8.8} yr−1^{-1}, but joint MM rates of ∼10−1\sim 10^{-1} yr−1^{-1} for the KN and ∼10−2\sim 10^{-2} yr−1^{-1} for the jet-related emission. In O5 we find an overall increase in expected detection rates by around an order of magnitude, owing to both the enhanced sensitivity of the GW detector network, and the coming online of future EM facilities. Finally, we discuss direct searches for the GRB radio afterglow with large-field-of-view instruments as a new possible follow-up strategy in the context of ever-dimming prospects for KN detection.Comment: Submitted to A&A. 17 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables. Comments are welcome

    Characterizing Gravitational Wave Detector Networks: From A♯^\sharp to Cosmic Explorer

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    Gravitational-wave observations by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Virgo have provided us a new tool to explore the universe on all scales from nuclear physics to the cosmos and have the massive potential to further impact fundamental physics, astrophysics, and cosmology for decades to come. In this paper we have studied the science capabilities of a network of LIGO detectors when they reach their best possible sensitivity, called A#, and a new generation of observatories that are factor of 10 to 100 times more sensitive (depending on the frequency), in particular a pair of L-shaped Cosmic Explorer observatories (one 40 km and one 20 km arm length) in the US and the triangular Einstein Telescope with 10 km arms in Europe. We use a set of science metrics derived from the top priorities of several funding agencies to characterize the science capabilities of different networks. The presence of one or two A# observatories in a network containing two or one next generation observatories, respectively, will provide good localization capabilities for facilitating multimessenger astronomy and precision measurement of the Hubble parameter. A network of two Cosmic Explorer observatories and the Einstein Telescope is critical for accomplishing all the identified science metrics including the nuclear equation of state, cosmological parameters, growth of black holes through cosmic history, and make new discoveries such as the presence of dark matter within or around neutron stars and black holes, continuous gravitational waves from rotating neutron stars, transient signals from supernovae, and the production of stellar-mass black holes in the early universe. For most metrics the triple network of next generation terrestrial observatories are a factor 100 better than what can be accomplished by a network of three A# observatories.Comment: 45 pages, 20 figure

    Rates of Compact Object Coalescences

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    Gravitational-wave detections are enabling measurements of the rate of coalescences of binaries composed of two compact objects - neutron stars and/or black holes. The coalescence rate of binaries containing neutron stars is further constrained by electromagnetic observations, including Galactic radio binary pulsars and short gamma-ray bursts. Meanwhile, increasingly sophisticated models of compact objects merging through a variety of evolutionary channels produce a range of theoretically predicted rates. Rapid improvements in instrument sensitivity, along with plans for new and improved surveys, make this an opportune time to summarise the existing observational and theoretical knowledge of compact-binary coalescence rates.Comment: Invited review article for Living Reviews in Relativity. Updates based on recent observations and models. The authors very much welcome further suggestions. All code and data are publicly available via https://zenodo.org/record/571571

    Which black hole formed first? Mass-ratio reversal in massive binary stars from gravitational-wave data

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    Population inference of gravitational-wave catalogs is a useful tool to translate observations of black-hole mergers into constraints on compact-binary formation. Different formation channels predict identifiable signatures in the astrophysical distributions of source parameters, such as masses and spins. One example within the scenario of isolated binary evolution is mass-ratio reversal: even assuming efficient core-envelope coupling in massive stars and tidal spin-up of the stellar companion by the first-born black hole, a compact binary in which the second- (first-) born black hole is more (less) massive and (non-) spinning can still form through mass transfer from the initially more to less massive progenitor. Using current LIGO/Virgo observations, we measure the fraction of sources in the underlying population with this mass-spin combination and interpret it as a constraint on the occurrence of mass-ratio reversal in massive binary stars. We modify commonly-used population models by including negligible-spin subpopulations and, most crucially, nonidentical component spin distributions. We do not find evidence for subpopulations of black holes with negligible spins and measure the fraction of massive binary stars undergoing mass-ratio reversal to be consistent with zero and <32%<32\% (99%99\% confidence). The dimensionless spin peaks around 0.2\unicode{x2013}0.3 appear robust, however, and are yet to be explained by progenitor formation scenarios.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure