1,317 research outputs found

    Macroscopic limit cycle via pure noise-induced phase transition

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    Bistability generated via a pure noise-induced phase transition is reexamined from the view of bifurcations in macroscopic cumulant dynamics. It allows an analytical study of the phase diagram in more general cases than previous methods. In addition using this approach we investigate patially-extended systems with two degrees of freedom per site. For this system, the analytic solution of the stationary Fokker-Planck equation is not available and a standard mean field approach cannot be used to find noise induced phase transitions. A new approach based on cumulant dynamics predicts a noise-induced phase transition through a Hopf bifurcation leading to a macroscopic limit cycle motion, which is confirmed by numerical simulation.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    The universality of synchrony: critical behavior in a discrete model of stochastic phase coupled oscillators

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    We present the simplest discrete model to date that leads to synchronization of stochastic phase-coupled oscillators. In the mean field limit, the model exhibits a Hopf bifurcation and global oscillatory behavior as coupling crosses a critical value. When coupling between units is strictly local, the model undergoes a continuous phase transition which we characterize numerically using finite-size scaling analysis. In particular, the onset of global synchrony is marked by signatures of the XY universality class, including the appropriate classical exponents β\beta and ν\nu, a lower critical dimension dlc=2d_{lc} = 2, and an upper critical dimension duc=4d_{uc}=4.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Binary black hole spectroscopy

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    We study parameter estimation with post-Newtonian (PN) gravitational waveforms for the quasi-circular, adiabatic inspiral of spinning binary compact objects. The performance of amplitude-corrected waveforms is compared with that of the more commonly used restricted waveforms, in Advanced LIGO and EGO. With restricted waveforms, the properties of the source can only be extracted from the phasing. For amplitude-corrected waveforms, the spectrum encodes a wealth of additional information, which leads to dramatic improvements in parameter estimation. At distances of 100\sim 100 Mpc, the full PN waveforms allow for high-accuracy parameter extraction for total mass up to several hundred solar masses, while with the restricted ones the errors are steep functions of mass, and accurate parameter estimation is only possible for relatively light stellar mass binaries. At the low-mass end, the inclusion of amplitude corrections reduces the error on the time of coalescence by an order of magnitude in Advanced LIGO and a factor of 5 in EGO compared to the restricted waveforms; at higher masses these differences are much larger. The individual component masses, which are very poorly determined with restricted waveforms, become measurable with high accuracy if amplitude-corrected waveforms are used, with errors as low as a few percent in Advanced LIGO and a few tenths of a percent in EGO. The usual spin-orbit parameter β\beta is also poorly determined with restricted waveforms (except for low-mass systems in EGO), but the full waveforms give errors that are small compared to the largest possible value consistent with the Kerr bound. This suggests a way of finding out if one or both of the component objects violate this bound. We also briefly discuss the effect of amplitude corrections on parameter estimation in Initial LIGO.Comment: 28 pages, many figures. Final version accepted by CQG. More in-depth treatment of component mass errors and detectability of Kerr bound violations; improved presentatio

    Critical behavior and synchronization of discrete stochastic phase coupled oscillators

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    Synchronization of stochastic phase-coupled oscillators is known to occur but difficult to characterize because sufficiently complete analytic work is not yet within our reach, and thorough numerical description usually defies all resources. We present a discrete model that is sufficiently simple to be characterized in meaningful detail. In the mean field limit, the model exhibits a supercritical Hopf bifurcation and global oscillatory behavior as coupling crosses a critical value. When coupling between units is strictly local, the model undergoes a continuous phase transition which we characterize numerically using finite-size scaling analysis. In particular, we explicitly rule out multistability and show that that the onset of global synchrony is marked by signatures of the XY universality class. Our numerical results cover dimensions d=2, 3, 4, and 5 and lead to the appropriate XY classical exponents \beta and \nu, a lower critical dimension d_{lc} = 2, and an upper critical dimension d_{uc}=4

    LISA as a dark energy probe

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    Recently it was shown that the inclusion of higher signal harmonics in the inspiral signals of binary supermassive black holes (SMBH) leads to dramatic improvements in parameter estimation with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). In particular, the angular resolution becomes good enough to identify the host galaxy or galaxy cluster, in which case the redshift can be determined by electromagnetic means. The gravitational wave signal also provides the luminosity distance with high accuracy, and the relationship between this and the redshift depends sensitively on the cosmological parameters, such as the equation-of-state parameter w=pDE/ρDEw=p_{\rm DE}/\rho_{\rm DE} of dark energy. With a single binary SMBH event at z<1z < 1 having appropriate masses and orientation, one would be able to constrain ww to within a few percent. We show that, if the measured sky location is folded into the error analysis, the uncertainty on ww goes down by an additional factor of 2-3, leaving weak lensing as the only limiting factor in using LISA as a dark energy probe.Comment: 11pages, 1 Table, minor changes in text, accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity (special issue for proceedings of 7th LISA symposium

    Noise induced transition from an absorbing phase to a regime of stochastic spatiotemporal intermittency

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    We introduce a stochastic partial differential equation capable of reproducing the main features of spatiotemporal intermittency (STI). Additionally the model displays a noise induced transition from laminarity to the STI regime. We show by numerical simulations and a mean-field analysis that for high noise intensities the system globally evolves to a uniform absorbing phase, while for noise intensities below a critical value spatiotemporal intermittence dominates. A quantitative computation of the loci of this transition in the relevant parameter space is presented.Comment: 4 pages, 6 eps figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. See for additional information http://imedea.uib.es

    Finite time and asymptotic behaviour of the maximal excursion of a random walk

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    We evaluate the limit distribution of the maximal excursion of a random walk in any dimension for homogeneous environments and for self-similar supports under the assumption of spherical symmetry. This distribution is obtained in closed form and is an approximation of the exact distribution comparable to that obtained by real space renormalization methods. Then we focus on the early time behaviour of this quantity. The instantaneous diffusion exponent νn\nu_n exhibits a systematic overshooting of the long time exponent. Exact results are obtained in one dimension up to third order in n1/2n^{-1/2}. In two dimensions, on a regular lattice and on the Sierpi\'nski gasket we find numerically that the analytic scaling νnν+Anν\nu_n \simeq \nu+A n^{-\nu} holds.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted J. Phys.

    Rectification of thermal fluctuations in ideal gases

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    We calculate the systematic average speed of the adiabatic piston and a thermal Brownian motor, introduced in [Van den Broeck, Kawai and Meurs, \emph{Microscopic analysis of a thermal Brownian motor}, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.], by an expansion of the Boltzmann equation and compare with the exact numerical solution.Comment: 18 page

    Phase-Induced (In)-Stability in Coupled Parametric Oscillators

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    We report results on a model of two coupled oscillators that undergo periodic parametric modulations with a phase difference θ\theta. Being to a large extent analytically solvable, the model reveals a rich θ\theta dependence of the regions of parametric resonance. In particular, the intuitive notion that anti-phase modulations are less prone to parametric resonance is confirmed for sufficiently large coupling and damping. We also compare our results to a recently reported mean field model of collective parametric instability, showing that the two-oscillator model can capture much of the qualitative behavior of the infinite system.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures; a version with better quality figures can be found in http://hypatia.ucsd.edu/~mauro/English/publications.htm

    Horizon energy and angular momentum from a Hamiltonian perspective

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    Classical black holes and event horizons are highly non-local objects, defined in terms of the causal past of future null infinity. Alternative, (quasi)local definitions are often used in mathematical, quantum, and numerical relativity. These include apparent, trapping, isolated, and dynamical horizons, all of which are closely associated to two-surfaces of zero outward null expansion. In this paper we show that three-surfaces which can be foliated with such two-surfaces are suitable boundaries in both a quasilocal action and a phase space formulation of general relativity. The resulting formalism provides expressions for the quasilocal energy and angular momentum associated with the horizon. The values of the energy and angular momentum are in agreement with those derived from the isolated and dynamical horizon frameworks.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures, Final Version : content essentially unchanged but many small improvements made in response to referees, a few references adde