2,314 research outputs found

    Where are all the gravastars? Limits upon the gravastar model from accreting black holes

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    The gravastar model, which postulates a strongly correlated thin shell of anisotropic matter surrounding a region of anti-de Sitter space, has been proposed as an alternative to black holes. We discuss constraints that present-day observations of well-known black hole candidates place on this model. We focus upon two black hole candidates known to have extraordinarily low luminosities: the supermassive black hole in the Galactic Center, Sagittarius A*, and the stellar-mass black hole, XTE J1118+480. We find that the length scale for modifications of the type discussed in Chapline et al. (2003) must be sub-Planckian.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    The Equation of State of Neutron-Star Matter in Strong Magnetic Fields

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    We study the effects of very strong magnetic fields on the equation of state (EOS) in multicomponent, interacting matter by developing a covariant description for the inclusion of the anomalous magnetic moments of nucleons. For the description of neutron star matter, we employ a field-theoretical approach which permits the study of several models which differ in their behavior at high density. Effects of Landau quantization in ultra-strong magnetic fields (B>1014B>10^{14} Gauss) lead to a reduction in the electron chemical potential and a substantial increase in the proton fraction. We find the generic result for B>1018B>10^{18} Gauss that the softening of the EOS caused by Landau quantization is overwhelmed by stiffening due to the incorporation of the anomalous magnetic moments of the nucleons. In addition, the neutrons become completely spin polarized. The inclusion of ultra-strong magnetic fields leads to a dramatic increase in the proton fraction, with consequences for the direct Urca process and neutron star cooling. The magnetization of the matter never appears to become very large, as the value of H/B|H/B| never deviates from unity by more than a few percent. Our findings have implications for the structure of neutron stars in the presence of large frozen-in magnetic fields.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Theory of Nonlinear Dispersive Waves and Selection of the Ground State

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    A theory of time dependent nonlinear dispersive equations of the Schroedinger / Gross-Pitaevskii and Hartree type is developed. The short, intermediate and large time behavior is found, by deriving nonlinear Master equations (NLME), governing the evolution of the mode powers, and by a novel multi-time scale analysis of these equations. The scattering theory is developed and coherent resonance phenomena and associated lifetimes are derived. Applications include BEC large time dynamics and nonlinear optical systems. The theory reveals a nonlinear transition phenomenon, ``selection of the ground state'', and NLME predicts the decay of excited state, with half its energy transferred to the ground state and half to radiation modes. Our results predict the recent experimental observations of Mandelik et. al. in nonlinear optical waveguides

    Spectroscopy with the Engineering Development Array: cold H+^{+} at 63 MHz towards the Galactic Centre

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    The Engineering Development Array (EDA) is a single test station for Square Kilometre Array (SKA) precursor technology. We have used the EDA to detect low-frequency radio recombination lines (RRLs) from the Galactic Centre region. Low-frequency RRLs are an area of interest for future low-frequency SKA work as these lines provide important information on the physical properties of the cold neutral medium. In this project we investigate the EDA, its bandpass and the radio frequency interference environment for low-frequency spectroscopy. We present line spectra from 30 to 325 MHz for the Galactic Centre region. The decrease in sensitivity for the EDA at the low end of the receiver prevents carbon and hydrogen RRLs to be detected below 40 and 60 MHz respectively. RFI strongly affects frequencies in the range 276-292, 234-270, 131-138, 95-102 and below 33 MHz. Cnα\alpha RRLs were detected in absorption for quantum levels n = 378 to 550 (39-121 MHz) and in emission for n = 272 to 306 (228-325 MHz). Cnβ\beta lines were detected in absorption for n = 387 to 696 (39-225 MHz). Hnα\alpha RRLs were detected in emission for n = 272 to 480 (59-325 MHz). Hnβ\beta lines were detected for n = 387 to 453 (141-225 MHz). The stacked Hnα\alpha detection at 63 MHz is the lowest frequency detection made for hydrogen RRLs and shows that a cold (partially) ionized medium exists along the line of sight to the Galactic Centre region. The size and velocity of this cold H+^{+} gas indicates that it is likely associated with the nearby Riegel-Crutcher cloud.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures and 5 table

    VLBI observations of the Crab nebula pulsar

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    Observations were made at meter wave-lengths using very long base-line interferometry techniques. At 196.5 MHz no resolution of the pulsar are observed; all the pulse shapes observed with the interferometers are similar to single dish profiles, and all the power pulsates. At 111.5 MHz besides the pulsing power there is always a steady component, presumably due to interstellar scattering. The pulsar is slightly resolved at 111.5 MHz with an apparent angular diameter of 0.07 sec ? 0.01 sec. A 50 percent linear polarization of the time-averaged power is noted at 196.5 MHz; at 111.5 MHz, 20 percent of the total time-averaged power is polarized, 35 percent of the pulsing power is polarized, and the steady component is unpolarized

    Cuspons, peakons and regular gap solitons between three dispersion curves

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    A general wave model with the cubic nonlinearity is introduced to describe a situation when the linear dispersion relation has three branches, which would intersect in the absence of linear couplings between the three waves. Actually, the system contains two waves with a strong linear coupling between them, to which a third wave is then coupled. This model has two gaps in its linear spectrum. Realizations of this model can be made in terms of temporal or spatial evolution of optical fields in, respectively, a planar waveguide or a bulk-layered medium resembling a photonic-crystal fiber. Another physical system described by the same model is a set of three internal wave modes in a density-stratified fluid. A nonlinear analysis is performed for solitons which have zero velocity in the reference frame in which the group velocity of the third wave vanishes. Disregarding the self-phase modulation (SPM) term in the equation for the third wave, we find two coexisting families of solitons: regular ones, which may be regarded as a smooth deformation of the usual gap solitons in a two-wave system, and cuspons with a singularity in the first derivative at their center. Even in the limit when the linear coupling of the third wave to the first two vanishes, the soliton family remains drastically different from that in the linearly uncoupled system; in this limit, regular solitons whose amplitude exceeds a certain critical value are replaced by peakons. While the regular solitons, cuspons, and peakons are found in an exact analytical form, their stability is tested numerically, which shows that they all may be stable. If the SPM terms are retained, we find that there again coexist two different families of generic stable soliton solutions, namely, regular ones and peakons.Comment: a latex file with the text and 10 pdf files with figures. Physical Review E, in pres

    Carrier-Induced Magnetic Circular Dichloism in the Magnetoresistive Pyrochlore Tl2Mn2O7

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    Infrared magnetic circular dichloism (MCD), or equivalently magneto-optical Kerr effect, has been measured on the Tl2Mn2O7 pyrochlore, which is well known for exhibiting a large magnetoresistance around the Curie temperature T_C ~ 120 K. A circularly polarized, infrared synchrotron radiation is used as the light source. A pronounced MCD signal is observed exactly at the plasma edge of the reflectivity near and below T_c. However, contrary to the conventional behavior of MCD for ferromagnets, the observed MCD of Tl2Mn2O7 grows with the applied magnetic field, and not scaled with the internal magnetization. It is shown that these results can be basically understood in terms of a classical magnetoplasma resonance. The absence of a magnetization-scaled MCD indicates a weak spin-orbit coupling of the carriers in Tl2Mn2O7. We discuss the present results in terms of the microscopic electronic structures of Tl2Mn2O7.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp