731 research outputs found

    Theoretical He I Emissivities in the Case B Approximation

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    We calculate the He I case B recombination cascade spectrum using improved radiative and collisional data. We present new emissivities over a range of electron temperatures and densities. The differences between our results and the current standard are large enough to have a significant effect not only on the interpretation of observed spectra of a wide variety of objects but also on determinations of the primordial helium abundance.Comment: Accepted to ApJ

    Improving Predictions for Helium Emission Lines

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    We have combined the detailed He I recombination model of Smits with the collisional transitions of Sawey & Berrington in order to produce new accurate helium emissivities that include the effects of collisional excitation from both the 2 (3)S and 2 (1) S levels. We present a grid of emissivities for a range of temperature and densities along with analytical fits and error estimates. Fits accurate to within 1% are given for the emissivities of the brightest lines over a restricted range for estimates of primordial helium abundance. We characterize the analysis uncertainties associated with uncertainties in temperature, density, fitting functions, and input atomic data. We estimate that atomic data uncertainties alone may limit abundance estimates to an accuracy of 1.5%; systematic errors may be greater than this. This analysis uncertainty must be incorporated when attempting to make high accuracy estimates of the helium abundance. For example, in recent determinations of the primordial helium abundance, uncertainties in the input atomic data have been neglected.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Achieving orphan designation for placental insufficiency: annual incidence estimations in Europe

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    Objective To determine whether a novel therapy for placental insufficiency could achieve orphan drug status by estimating the annual incidence of placental insufficiency, defined as an estimated fetal weight below the 10th centile in the presence of abnormal umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry, per 10 000 European Union (EU ) population as part of an application for European Medicines Agency (EMA ) orphan designation. Design Incidence estimation based on literature review and published national and EU statistics. Setting and population European Union. Methods Data were drawn from published literature, including national and international guidelines, international consensus statements, cohort studies and randomised controlled trials, and published national and EU statistics, including birth rates and stillbirth rates. Rare disease databases were also searched. Results The proportion of affected pregnancies was estimated as 3.17% (95% CI 2.93–3.43%), using a weighted average of the results from two cohort studies. Using birth rates from 2012 and adjusting for a pregnancy loss rate of 1/100 gave an estimated annual incidence of 3.33 per 10 000 EU population (95% CI 3.07–3.60 per 10 000 EU population). This fell below the EMA threshold of 5 per 10 000 EU population. Conclusions Maternal vascular endothelial growth factor gene therapy for placental insufficiency was granted EMA orphan status in 2015 after we demonstrated that it is a rare, life‐threatening or chronically debilitating and currently untreatable disease. Developers of other potential obstetric therapies should consider applying for orphan designation, which provides financial and regulatory benefits

    Temperature Fluctuations and Abundances in HII Galaxies

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    There is evidence for temperature fluctuations in Planetary Nebulae and in Galactic HII regions. If such fluctuations occur in the low-metallicity, extragalactic HII regions used to probe the primordial helium abundance, the derived 4He mass fraction, Y_P, could be systematically different from the true primordial value. For cooler, mainly high-metallicity HII regions the derived helium abundance may be nearly unchanged but the oxygen abundance could have been seriously underestimated. For hotter, mainly low-metallicity HII regions the oxygen abundance is likely accurate but the helium abundance could be underestimated. The net effect is to tilt the Y vs. Z relation, making it flatter and resulting in a higher inferred Y_P. Although this effect could be large, there are no data which allow us to estimate the size of the temperature fluctuations for the extragalactic HII regions. Therefore, we have explored this effect via Monte Carlos in which the abundances derived from a fiducial data set are modified by \Delta-T chosen from a distribution with 0 < \Delta-T < \Delta-T_max where \Delta-T_max is varied from 500K to 4000K. It is interesting that although this effect shifts the locations of the HII regions in Y vs. O/H plane, it does not introduce any significant additional dispersion.Comment: 11 pages, 9 postscript figures; submitted to the Ap

    Detection of a Lyman-alpha Emission-Line Companion to the z=4.69 QSO BR1202-0725

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    We report the detection of a nearby emission-line companion to the z=4.695 quasar BR1202-0725. Deep narrow-band exposures on this field from the UH 2.2 m show a Ly alpha flux of 1.5\times\ten{-16} ergs cm^{-2} s^{-1}. High-resolution HST WFC2 imaging in the F814W filter band shows continuum structure near the emission position, at 2.6" NW of the quasar, corresponding to a projected separation of ~7.5 h^{-1} kpc for \qnought=0.5, where h=\hnought/100\kms Mpc^{-1}. We discuss possible explanations for the combined line and color properties. The ionization is most likely produced by the quasar, but if due to underlying star formation would require a star formation rate of ~7 h^2 solar masses per yr.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX (aastex4.0 macros: aasms4.sty, flushrt.sty) plus 3 figures. To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. Typo in original submission ("2" should have been "7" in luminosity: 7e42 h^{-2} ergs and in the star formation rate: 7 h^{-2} \msun per yr). Resubmitted with figure

    Analysis of model rotor blade pressures during parallel interaction with twin vortices

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    This paper presents and provides analysis of unsteady surface pressures measured on a model rotor blade as the blade experienced near parallel blade vortex interaction with a twin vortex system. To provide a basis for analysis, the vortex system was characterized by hot-wire measurements made in the interaction plane but in the absence of the rotor. The unsteady pressure response resulting from a single vortex interaction is then presented to provide a frame of reference for the twin vortex results. A series of twin vortex interaction cases are then presented and analyzed. It is shown that the unsteady blade pressures and forces are very sensitive to the inclination angle and separation distance of the vortex pair. When the vortex cores lie almost parallel to the blade chord, the interaction is characterized by a two-stage response associated with the sequential passage of the two cores. Conversely, when the cores lie on a plane that is almost perpendicular to the blade chord, the response is similar to that of a single vortex interaction. In all cases, the normal force response is consistent with the distribution of vertical velocity in the flow field of the vortex system. The pitching moment response, on the other hand, depends on the localized suction associated with the vortex cores as they traverse the blade chord

    The Chemical Composition of the Small Magellanic Cloud H II Region NGC 346 and the Primordial Helium Abundance

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    Spectrophotometry in the 3400-7400 range is presented for 13 areas of the brightest H II region in the SMC: NGC 346. The observations were obtained at CTIO with the 4-m telescope. Based on these observations its chemical composition is derived. The helium and oxygen abundances by mass are given by: Y(SMC)=0.2405+-0.0018 and O(SMC)=0.00171+-0.00025. From models and observations of irregular and blue compact galaxies it is found that dY/dO=3.5+-0.9 and consequently that the primordial helium abundance by mass is given by: Yp=0.2345+-0.0026 (1-sigma). This result is compared with values derived from Big Bang nucleosynthesis, and with other determinations of Yp.Comment: 32 pages + 5 figures Referee Revised Versio

    Spectrophotometric Observations of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies: Mrk 370

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    We present results from a detailed spectrophotometric analysis of the blue compact dwarf galaxy (BCD) Mrk 370, based on deep UBVRI broad-band and Halpha narrow-band observations, and long-slit and two-dimensional spectroscopy of its brightest knots. The spectroscopic data are used to derive the internal extinction, and to compute metallicities, electronic density and temperature in the knots. By subtracting the contribution of the underlying older stellar population, modeled by an exponential function, removing the contribution from emission lines, and correcting for extinction, we can measure the true colors of the young star-forming knots. We show that the colors obtained this way differ significantly from those derived without the above corrections, and lead to different estimates of the ages and star-forming history of the knots. Using predictions of evolutionary synthesis models, we estimate the ages of both the starburst regions and the underlying stellar component. We found that we can reproduce the colors of all the knots with an instantaneous burst of star formation and the Salpeter initial mass function with an upper mass limit of 100 solar masses. The resulting ages range between 3 and 6 Myrs. The colors of the low surface brightness component are consistent with ages larger than 5 Gyr. The kinematic results suggest ordered motion around the major axis of the galaxy.Comment: 26 pages with 14 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Management and implications of severe COVID-19 in pregnancy in the UK: data from the UK Obstetric Surveillance System national cohort

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    INTRODUCTION: There is a lack of population level data on risk factors and impact of severe COVID-19 in pregnancy. The aims of this study were to determine the characteristics, and maternal and perinatal outcomes associated with severe COVID-19 in pregnancy compared with those with mild and moderate COVID-19 and to explore the impact of timing of birth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a secondary analysis of a national, prospective cohort study. All pregnant women admitted to hospital in the UK with symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 from March 1, 2020 to October 31, 2021 were included. The severity of maternal infection (need for high flow or invasive ventilation, intensive care admission or died), pregnancy and perinatal outcomes, and the impact of timing of birth were analyzed using multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: Of 4436 pregnant women, 13.9% (n = 616) had severe infection. Women with severe infection were more likely to be aged ≄30 years (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] aged 30-39 1.48, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.20-1.83), be overweight or obese (aOR 1.73, 95% CI 1.34-2.25 and aOR 2.52 95% CI 1.97-3.23, respectively), be of mixed ethnicity (aOR 1.93, 95% CI 1.17-3.21) or have gestational diabetes (aOR 1.43, 95% CI 1.09-1.87) compared with those with mild or moderate infection. Women with severe infection were more likely to have a pre-labor cesarean birth (aOR 8.84, 95% CI 6.61-11.83), a very or extreme preterm birth (28-31+ weeks' gestation, aOR 18.97, 95% CI 7.78-14.85; <28 weeks' gestation, aOR 12.35, 95% CI 6.34-24.05) and their babies were more likely to be stillborn (aOR 2.51, 95% CI 1.35-4.66) or admitted to a neonatal unit (aOR 11.61, 95% CI 9.28-14.52). Of 112 women with severe infection who were discharged and gave birth at a later admission, the majority gave birth ≄36 weeks (85.7%), noting that three women in this group (2.7%) had a stillbirth. CONCLUSIONS: Severe COVID-19 in pregnancy increases the risk of adverse outcomes. Information to promote uptake of vaccination should specifically target those at greatest risk of severe outcomes. Decisions about timing of birth should be informed by multidisciplinary team discussion; however, our data suggest that women with severe infection who do not require early delivery have mostly good outcomes but that those with severe infection at term may warrant rapid delivery

    Severity of maternal infection and perinatal outcomes during periods of SARS-CoV-2 wildtype, alpha, and delta variant dominance in the UK: prospective cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the severity of maternal infection and perinatal outcomes during periods in which wildtype, alpha variant, and delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 were dominant in the UK. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: 194 obstetric units across the UK, during the following periods: between 1 March and 30 November 2020 (wildtype dominance), between 1 December 2020 and 15 May 2021 (alpha variant dominance), and between 16 May and 31 October 2021 (delta variant dominance). PARTICIPANTS: 4436 pregnant women admitted to hospital with covid-19 related symptoms. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Moderate to severe maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection (indicated by any of the following: oxygen saturation <95% on admission, need for oxygen treatment, evidence of pneumonia on imaging, admission to intensive care, or maternal death), and pregnancy and perinatal outcomes (including mode and gestation of birth, stillbirth, live birth, admission to neonatal intensive care, and neonatal death). RESULTS: 1387, 1613, and 1436 pregnant women were admitted to hospital with covid-19 related symptoms during the wildtype, alpha, and delta dominance periods, respectively; of these women, 340, 585, and 614 had moderate to severe infection, respectively. The proportion of pregnant women admitted with moderate to severe infection increased during the subsequent alpha and delta dominance periods, compared with the wildtype dominance period (wildtype 24.5% v alpha 36.2% (adjusted odds ratio 1.98, 95% confidence interval 1.66% to 2.37%); wildtype 24.5% v delta 42.8% (2.66, 2.21 to 3.20)). Compared with the wildtype dominance period, women admitted during the alpha dominance period were significantly more likely to have pneumonia, require respiratory support, and be admitted to intensive care; these three risks were even greater during the delta dominance period (wildtype v delta: pneumonia, adjusted odds ratio 2.52, 95% confidence interval 2.06 to 3.09; respiratory support, 1.90, 1.52 to 2.37; and intensive care, 2.71, 2.06 to 3.56). Of 1761 women whose vaccination status was known, 38 (2.2%) had one dose and 16 (1%) had two doses before their diagnosis (of whom 14 (88%) had mild infection). The proportion of women receiving drug treatment for SARS-CoV-2 management was low, but did increase between the wildtype dominance period and the alpha and delta dominance periods (10.4% wildtype v 14.9% alpha (2.74, 2.08 to 3.60); 10.4% wildtype v 13.6% delta (2.54, 1.90 to 3.38)). CONCLUSIONS: While limited by the absence of variant sequencing data, these findings suggest that during the periods when the alpha and delta variants of SARS-CoV-2 were dominant, covid-19 was associated with more severe maternal infection and worse pregnancy outcomes than during the wildtype dominance period. Most women admitted with SARS-CoV-2 related symptoms were unvaccinated. Urgent action to prioritise vaccine uptake in pregnancy is essential. STUDY REGISTRATION: ISRCTN40092247
