191 research outputs found

    Agent Based Traffic Signals Regulating Flow On a Basic Grid

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    A simulation study on traffic light optimisation with agent-based behaviour of the traffic signals

    Quality of Floating Car Data

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    Meanwhile, Floating Car Data (FCD) is a widely available and affordable data source for traffic surveillance. The German Aerospace Center, Institute of Transportation Systems (DLR-TS) receives FCD from taxi-fleets ranging from 300 to 4000 vehicles from various German and European cities since the year 2002. To extract common traffic variables like travel times or travel speeds and generate traffic information out of it, the raw GPS data of the vehicles are matched to a digital road network. However, compared to data from inductive loops, where each vehicle passing a loop generates data and the whole traffic flow is covered, the FCD represent only singular measurements. Thus, they are very noisy (especially when passing signalized intersections) and typically need to be aggregated to yield useful information. This means, a single delivered value is not very reliable and does not necessarily represent the state of the traffic flow on the according street segment. Data from some vehicles have to be aggregated and smoothed for some time interval and/or space to obtain reliable traffic information

    A new cellular automata model for city traffic

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    We present a new cellular automata model of vehicular traffic in cities by combining ideas borrowed from the Biham-Middleton-Levine (BML) model of city traffic and the Nagel-Schreckenberg (NaSch) model of highway traffic. The model exhibits a dynamical phase transition to a completely jammed phase at a critical density which depends on the time periods of the synchronized signals.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, uses Springer Macros 'lncse', to appear in "Traffic and Granular Flow '99: Social, Traffic, and Granular Dynamics" edited by D. Helbing, H. J. Herrmann, M. Schreckenberg, and D. E. Wolf (Springer, Berlin

    Automatic relocation of link related data in an updated road map

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    For a rising number of ITS applications, location information obtained by the processing of sensor data is related to the links of a specific digital road map. Such maps are available from different vendors like Here, TomTom/TeleAtlas and OSM. They are created with different philosophies, resulting in significant differences in the geometry and the topology of the road networks. If a map needs to be updated to a new release, the user faces the problem that a relocation of any annotated location data, i.e. a proper mapping of these locations from the old to the new map becomes necessary. For this reason, DLR developed a new prototypic software application called DataRelocator@Map2Map. It enables the automatic relocation of location data between the two maps. Using this new tool, an almost fully automatic relocation is possible and thus the cost of service failures related to the map update can be avoided

    Von der Fürsorge zur Arbeitsmarktpolitik:Entwicklung und Organisation der Arbeitsvermittlung in Dienstleistungsstädten vom Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg ; Studien zu Münster und Wiesbaden

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    Der Arbeitsvermittlung kommt in der Industriegesellschaft eine hohe wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftspolitische Stabilisierungsfunktion zu. Die vorliegende Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung arbeitsmarktpolitischen Engagements der Kommunen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts als Vorläufer staatlicher Beteiligung bei der Zusammenführung von Angebot und Nachfrage. Die Fokussierung auf Dienstleistungsstädte mit ihrem transparenteren Arbeitsmarkt ermöglicht einen genauen Blick auf die Motive kommunaler Arbeitsvermittlung jenseits bloßen Krisenmanagements. In Münster wie in Wiesbaden kann von einer in der Forschung angenommenen bewusst angestrebten Vermittlerfunktion öffentlicher Instanzen im gesellschaftlichen Konflikt nicht die Rede sein; im Gegenteil beschränkte man sich bewusst auf eine subsidiäre Rolle. Vor allem in der katholisch geprägten westfälischen Provinzhauptstadt sah man trotz objektiver Notwendigkeit keinen Grund zur Ausdehnung des kommunalen Aufgabenspektrums


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    Cities with medium to high traffic volumes are expected to keep the traffic rolling in a most efficient way. Accidents, construction sites or large events are counteracting this effort. In addition, cities are facing the fact that traffic signal plans configured and optimized several years ago are no longer suitable for current traffic volumes. Expert knowledge of traffic engineers as well as reports from citizens may help to find out on irregular or inefficient traffic flow. However, in most cases it is fairly impossible to determine if observed deviations from the expected traffic conditions occur only once, periodically or permanently. Therefore there is a need to explore the causes for the changed traffic flows, and also for evaluating the impacts of construction sites, events, or changed traffic signal control plans in a systematic manner. For tackling this task, a prototype of a traffic quality analysis tool (TQAT) is developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). It is based on a tool which came into operation for the representation of recent traffic conditions during the soccer world championship 2006 in Germany in the police department of Cologne (1). The prototype of the TQAT is set up as an application for the City of Nuremberg within the project ORINOKO

    Experiences Building an Environment friendly its in the City of Huainan

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    Huainan is a former mining city with about 3 million inhabitants which means in China a classification as a "third-tier" city. In this class of city are more than 200 other cities in China, which shows the great potential that Huainan has to act as a pioneer and possible blueprint for other cities. During the application phase, the progressive ideas of the city government led to experts from DLR being invited to integrate sustainable and environmental protection aspects into the project, subsumed in the "German Innovation Package". The project to set up the new ITS was planned for 2 years (2018-2020) plus a phase of 3 years for maintenance which was also used for optimization and enhancements. This contribution describes the main results und experiences of the overall project and new core functionalities of the integrated modules developed by DLR, namely a traffic and environment dashboard and weekly/monthly reports about the ITS situation, all integrated in the established web-portal KeepMoving

    Three-phase traffic theory and two-phase models with a fundamental diagram in the light of empirical stylized facts

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    Despite the availability of large empirical data sets and the long history of traffic modeling, the theory of traffic congestion on freeways is still highly controversial. In this contribution, we compare Kerner's three-phase traffic theory with the phase diagram approach for traffic models with a fundamental diagram. We discuss the inconsistent use of the term "traffic phase" and show that patterns demanded by three-phase traffic theory can be reproduced with simple two-phase models, if the model parameters are suitably specified and factors characteristic for real traffic flows are considered, such as effects of noise or heterogeneity or the actual freeway design (e.g. combinations of off- and on-ramps). Conversely, we demonstrate that models created to reproduce three-phase traffic theory create similar spatiotemporal traffic states and associated phase diagrams, no matter whether the parameters imply a fundamental diagram in equilibrium or non-unique flow- density relationships. In conclusion, there are different ways of reproducing the empirical stylized facts of spatiotemporal congestion patterns summarized in this contribution, and it appears possible to overcome the controversy by a more precise definition of the scientific terms and a more careful comparison of models and data, considering effects of the measurement process and the right level of detail in the traffic model used.Comment: 18 pages in the published article, 13 figures, 2 table

    Fuzzy cellular model for on-line traffic simulation

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    This paper introduces a fuzzy cellular model of road traffic that was intended for on-line applications in traffic control. The presented model uses fuzzy sets theory to deal with uncertainty of both input data and simulation results. Vehicles are modelled individually, thus various classes of them can be taken into consideration. In the proposed approach, all parameters of vehicles are described by means of fuzzy numbers. The model was implemented in a simulation of vehicles queue discharge process. Changes of the queue length were analysed in this experiment and compared to the results of NaSch cellular automata model.Comment: The original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co
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