321 research outputs found

    Gunshot wound to the spine with delayed radiculopathy: A case report

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    Gunshot wounds (GSWs) to any part of the body can leave a trail of insidious complications. When the spinal cord is the injured organ, these sequelae can be debilitating to the patient and often exhaust all known therapeutic approaches available to the providers. The management of pain associated with GSWs to the spine is often a clinical challenge and there is often a question as to whether or not surgical intervention can help with pain relief in these cases. Here, we present a 45-year-old woman who experienced delayed radicular pain following a GSW to the spine with a retained bullet at the level of the lumbosacral canal. After an unsuccessful comprehensive multimodal analgesia, the patient underwent surgical removal of the bullet, which did not successfully provide a substantial lasting analgesic effect. This case demonstrates the potential for surgical failure and supports the general recommendation of more conservative management in this population

    Flow analysis and facility design

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    Includes bibliographical references.Motorola's Radio Support Center (RSC) in Rockford, IL is planning to expand its current facility of 60,450 square feet to 120,900 square feet. A project team of three senior-level industrial engineering students has completed a complete facility design and flow analysis for the expansion. The major task that was undertaken by the project team was to learn the processes within the RSC, analyze and improve the processes, and design a layout for the expansion. The project team has developed the facility layout in three phases: the placement of departments, the actual design of individual departments, and the installment of conveyors. The objectives of the final layout are to optimize the receiving, login, billing, packaging, and shipping areas, while improving the material flow throughout the facility with the utilization of a conveyor system. The goal of the project team was to develop a facility that can service 4000 units per day on both the FEP and Linx lines. With the use of drafting software, time studies, justifications, and simulation software, the project team has come to a final recommendation for the client. The overall cost of the expansion will be approximately 8.9 million dollars. With the increase in volume of units, the expansion will pay for itself in less than a year. The final recommendations are thoroughly discussed within this report.B.S. (Bachelor of Science

    X-Ray Diffuse Scattering

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    Contains research summary and reports on two research projects.Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAL03-86-K-0002)Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAL03-89-C-0001

    Selective hydroxylation of 1,8- and 1,4-cineole using bacterial P450 variants

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    This study has evaluated the use of the P450 metalloenzymes CYP176A1, CYP101A1 and CYP102A1, together with engineered protein variants of CYP101A1 and CYP102A1, to alter the regioselectivity of 1,8- and 1,4-cineole hydroxylation. CYP176A1 was less selective for 1,4-cineole oxidation when compared to its preferred substrate, 1,8-cineole. The CYP102A1 variants significantly improved the activity over the WT enzyme for oxidation of 1,4- and 1,8-cineole. The CYP102A1 R47L/Y51F/A74G/F87V/L188Q mutant generated predominantly (1S)-6α-hydroxy-1,8-cineole (78% e.e.) from 1,8-cineole. Oxidation of 1,4-cineole by the CYP102A1 R47L/Y51F/F87A/I401P variant generated the 3α product in >90% yield. WT CYP101A1 formed a mixture metabolites with 1,8-cineole and very little product was generated with 1,4-cineole. In contrast the F87W/Y96F/L244A/V247L and F87W/Y96F/L244A variants of CYP101A1 favoured formation of 5α-hydroxy-1,8-cineole (>88%, 1S 86% e.e.) while the F87V/Y96F/L244A variant generated (1S)-6α-hydroxy-1,8-cineole in excess (90% regioselective, >99% e.e.). The CYP101A1 F87W/Y96F/L244A/V247L and F87W/Y96F/L244A mutants improved the oxidation of 1,4-cineole generating an excess of the 3α metabolite (1S > 99% e.e. with the latter). The CYP101A1 F87L/Y96F variant also improved the oxidation of this substrate but shifted the site of oxidation to the isopropyl group, (8-hydroxy-1,4-cineole). When this 8-hydroxy metabolite was generated in significant quantities desaturation of C8C9 to the corresponding alkene was also detected

    X-Ray Diffuse Scattering

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    Contains introduction and reports on three research projects.Joint Services Electronics Program DAAL03-89-C-000


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    Após um ano de pandemia da covid-19, as instituições da rede estadual de educação do Paraná mantinham o ensino remoto como forma de diminuir a disseminação do vírus, utilizando a plataforma on-line disponibilizada pela Google e suas ferramentas, possibilitando assim que o aluno mantivesse o vínculo com a escola. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste artigo foi analisar os possíveis impactos de uma prática pedagógica remota e interdisciplinar com docência compartilhada e sua contribuição em relação as concepções/ideias/conceitos que os alunos possuem sobre: ser humano e natureza, preservação das nascentes e uso da água. Os sujeitos dessa investigação foram alunos do município de Matinhos, de uma turma do 9o ano e outra da 1a série do Ensino Médio, tendo como docentes regentes dessas turmas uma professora da disciplina de Matemática e outra de Ciências. Os convidados para a docência compartilhada foram profissionais de diferentes áreas e instituições de ensino. Com uma abordagem quali-quantitativa,realizou-se uma análise comparativa, cujos dados foram coletados por meio de questionários na forma online e analisados pela técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Após a análise percebeu-se que a partir das aulas interdisciplinares, houve variação de 4,0% para 19,0% de alunos que passaram a perceber o homem como parte da natureza. A docência compartilhada como estratégia metodológica favoreceu o diálogo, proporcionou maior dinamismo e estimulou diferentes visões sobre os assuntos abordados, destarte a ação mostrou-se relevante, contribuindo para a formação de sujeitos críticos com capacidade de argumentar e tomar decisões pertinentes sobre questões socioambientais.Palavras-chave: prática pedagógica; educação remota; ensino interdisciplinar

    Estimating Distribution of Hidden Objects with Drones: From Tennis Balls to Manatees

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), or drones, have been used widely in military applications, but more recently civilian applications have emerged (e.g., wildlife population monitoring, traffic monitoring, law enforcement, oil and gas pipeline threat detection). UAV can have several advantages over manned aircraft for wildlife surveys, including reduced ecological footprint, increased safety, and the ability to collect high-resolution geo-referenced imagery that can document the presence of species without the use of a human observer. We illustrate how geo-referenced data collected with UAV technology in combination with recently developed statistical models can improve our ability to estimate the distribution of organisms. To demonstrate the efficacy of this methodology, we conducted an experiment in which tennis balls were used as surrogates of organisms to be surveyed. We used a UAV to collect images of an experimental field with a known number of tennis balls, each of which had a certain probability of being hidden. We then applied spatially explicit occupancy models to estimate the number of balls and created precise distribution maps. We conducted three consecutive surveys over the experimental field and estimated the total number of balls to be 328 (95%CI: 312, 348). The true number was 329 balls, but simple counts based on the UAV pictures would have led to a total maximum count of 284. The distribution of the balls in the field followed a simulated environmental gradient. We also were able to accurately estimate the relationship between the gradient and the distribution of balls. Our experiment demonstrates how this technology can be used to create precise distribution maps in which discrete regions of the study area are assigned a probability of presence of an object. Finally, we discuss the applicability and relevance of this experimental study to the case study of Florida manatee distribution at power plants