178 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of mutant β-catenin in endometrial cancer progression

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    Endometrial carcinoma (EC) is the most diagnosed gynecological malignancy in Western countries. Both incidence and mortality rates of EC have steadily risen in recent years. Despite generally favorable prognoses for patients with the endometrioid type of EC, a subset of patients has been identified with decreased progression-free survival. Patients in this group are distinguished from other endometrioid EC patients by the presence of exon 3 hotspot mutations in CTNNB1, the gene encoding for the β-catenin protein. β-catenin is an evolutionarily conserved protein with critical functions in both adherens junctions and Wnt-signaling. The exact mechanism by which exon 3 CTNNB1 mutations drive EC progression is not well understood. Further, the potential contribution of mutant β-catenin to adherens junctions’ integrity is not known. Additionally, the magnitude of worsened progression-free survival in patients with CTNNB1 mutations is context dependent, and therefore the importance of this subset of patients can be obscured by improper categorization. This review will examine the history and functions of β-catenin, how these functions may change and drive EC progression in CTNNB1 mutant patients, and the importance of this patient group in the broader context of the disease

    Centrosome-associated regulators of the G2/M checkpoint as targets for cancer therapy

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    In eukaryotic cells, control mechanisms have developed that restrain cell-cycle transitions in response to stress. These regulatory pathways are termed cell-cycle checkpoints. The G2/M checkpoint prevents cells from entering mitosis when DNA is damaged in order to afford these cells an opportunity to repair the damaged DNA before propagating genetic defects to the daughter cells. If the damage is irreparable, checkpoint signaling might activate pathways that lead to apoptosis. Since alteration of cell-cycle control is a hallmark of tumorigenesis, cell-cycle regulators represent potential targets for therapy. The centrosome has recently come into focus as a critical cellular organelle that integrates G2/M checkpoint control and repairs signals in response to DNA damage. A growing number of G2/M checkpoint regulators have been found in the centrosome, suggesting that centrosome has an important role in G2/M checkpoint function. In this review, we discuss centrosome-associated regulators of the G2/M checkpoint, the dysregulation of this checkpoint in cancer, and potential candidate targets for cancer therapy

    Genetic variation in genes for the xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes CYP1A1, EPHX1, GSTM1, GSTT1, and GSTP1 and susceptibility to colorectal cancer in Lynch syndrome.

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    Individuals with Lynch syndrome are predisposed to cancer due to an inherited DNA mismatch repair gene mutation. However, there is significant variability observed in disease expression likely due to the influence of other environmental, lifestyle, or genetic factors. Polymorphisms in genes encoding xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes may modify cancer risk by influencing the metabolism and clearance of potential carcinogens from the body. In this retrospective analysis, we examined key candidate gene polymorphisms in CYP1A1, EPHX1, GSTT1, GSTM1, and GSTP1 as modifiers of age at onset of colorectal cancer among 257 individuals with Lynch syndrome. We found that subjects heterozygous for CYP1A1 I462V (c.1384A\u3eG) developed colorectal cancer 4 years earlier than those with the homozygous wild-type genotype (median ages, 39 and 43 years, respectively; log-rank test P = 0.018). Furthermore, being heterozygous for the CYP1A1 polymorphisms, I462V and Msp1 (g.6235T\u3eC), was associated with an increased risk for developing colorectal cancer [adjusted hazard ratio for AG relative to AA, 1.78; 95% confidence interval, 1.16-2.74; P = 0.008; hazard ratio for TC relative to TT, 1.53; 95% confidence interval, 1.06-2.22; P = 0.02]. Because homozygous variants for both CYP1A1 polymorphisms were rare, risk estimates were imprecise. None of the other gene polymorphisms examined were associated with an earlier onset age for colorectal cancer. Our results suggest that the I462V and Msp1 polymorphisms in CYP1A1 may be an additional susceptibility factor for disease expression in Lynch syndrome because they modify the age of colorectal cancer onset by up to 4 years

    The Synergistic Effect of Conditional Pten Loss and Oncogenic K-ras Mutation on Endometrial Cancer Development Occurs via Decreased Progesterone Receptor Action

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    Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological cancer. Estrogen-dependent endometrioid carcinoma is the most common type of endometrial cancer, and alterations in the expression of PTEN and K-ras have been associated with this disease. To study the roles of Pten and K-ras in endometrial cancer, we generated Pten ablation and oncogenic K-ras mutation in progesterone receptor positive cells (PRcre/+Ptenf/f K-rasG12D). Double mutant mice dramatically accelerated the development of endometrial cancer compared to a single mutation of either gene. Histological analysis showed that all of the 1-month old double mutant female mice developed endometrial cancer with myometrial invasion. The expression of PR was downregulated in double mutant mice compared to a single mutation of either gene which resulted in decreased suppression of estrogen signaling. Therefore, these results suggest a synergistic effect of dysregulation of the Pten and K-ras signaling pathways during endometrial tumorigenesis

    Enhanced estrogen-induced proliferation in obese rat endometrium.

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    OBJECTIVE: We tested the hypothesis that the proliferative estrogen effect on the endometrium is enhanced in obese vs lean animals. STUDY DESIGN: Using Zucker fa/fa obese rats and lean control, we examined endometrial cell proliferation and the expression patterns of certain estrogen-regulated proproliferative and antiproliferative genes after short-term treatment with estradiol. RESULTS: No significant morphologic/histologic difference was seen between the obese rats and the lean rats. Estrogen-induced proproliferative genes cyclin A and c-Myc messenger RNA expression were significantly higher in the endometrium of obese rats compared with those of the lean control. Expression of the antiproliferative gene p27Kip1 was suppressed by estrogen treatment in both obese and lean rats; however, the decrease was more pronounced in obese rats. Estrogen more strongly induced the antiproliferative genes retinaldehyde dehydrogenases 2 and secreted frizzled-related protein 4 in lean rats but had little or no effect in obese rats. CONCLUSION: Enhancement of estrogen-induced endometrial proproliferative gene expression and suppression of antiproliferative gene expression was seen in the endometrium of obese vs lean animals

    Regulation of inflammatory responses by IL-17F

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    Although interleukin (IL) 17 has been extensively characterized, the function of IL-17F, which has an expression pattern regulated similarly to IL-17, is poorly understood. We show that like IL-17, IL-17F regulates proinflammatory gene expression in vitro, and this requires IL-17 receptor A, tumor necrosis factor receptor–associated factor 6, and Act1. In vivo, overexpression of IL-17F in lung epithelium led to infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages and mucus hyperplasia, similar to observations made in IL-17 transgenic mice. To further understand the function of IL-17F, we generated and analyzed mice deficient in IL-17F or IL-17. IL-17, but not IL-17F, was required for the initiation of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Mice deficient in IL-17F, but not IL-17, had defective airway neutrophilia in response to allergen challenge. Moreover, in an asthma model, although IL-17 deficiency reduced T helper type 2 responses, IL-17F–deficient mice displayed enhanced type 2 cytokine production and eosinophil function. In addition, IL-17F deficiency resulted in reduced colitis caused by dextran sulfate sodium, whereas IL-17 knockout mice developed more severe disease. Our results thus demonstrate that IL-17F is an important regulator of inflammatory responses that seems to function differently than IL-17 in immune responses and diseases

    G-protein coupled receptor 64 (GPR64) acts as a tumor suppressor in endometrial cancer

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    Background Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological cancer. G-protein coupled receptor 64 (GPR64) belongs to a family of adhesion GPCRs and plays an important role in male fertility. However, the function of GPR64 has not been studied in endometrial cancer. Our objective is to investigate the role of GPR64 in endometrial cancer. Methods We examined the levels of GPR64 in human endometrioid endometrial carcinoma by immunohistochemistry analysis. To determine a tumor suppressor role of GPR64 in endometrial cancer, we used a siRNA loss of function approach in human endometrial adenocarcinoma cell lines. Results GPR64 levels were remarkably lower in 10 of 21 (47.62%) of endometrial carcinoma samples compared to control. Depletion of GPR64 by siRNA transfection revealed an increase of colony formation ability, cell proliferation, cell migration, and invasion activity in Ishikawa and HEC1A cells. The expression of Connexin 43 (Cx43), a member of the large family of gap junction proteins, was reduced through activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in Ishikawa cells with GPR64-deficicy. Conclusions These results suggest that GPR64 plays an important tumor suppressor role in endometrial cancer.Grant numbers and sources of support: The design, data collection, data analysis, and data interpretation of this study were supported by Bio-industry Technology Development Program (IPET312060–5), Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea (to J.M.L.), and NIH R01 HD084478 (to J.W.J.). The analysis and interpretation of data and writing support of this manuscript were supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2016R1D1A1B03934346), Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Republic of Korea (to J.Y.Y.) and Grant Number P50CA098258 from the National Cancer Institute (to R.R.B. and T.H.K.)

    Pten and Dicer1 loss in the mouse uterus causes poorly-differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma

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    Endometrial cancer remains the most common gynecological malignancy in the United States. While the loss of the tumor suppressor, PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog), is well studied in endometrial cancer, recent studies suggest that DICER1, the endoribonuclease responsible for miRNA genesis, also plays a significant role in endometrial adenocarcinoma. Conditional uterine deletion of Dicer1 and Pten in mice resulted in poorly differentiated endometrial adenocarcinomas, which expressed Napsin A and HNF1B (hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 homeobox B), markers of clear-cell adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinomas were hormone-independent. Treatment with progesterone did not mitigate poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, nor did it affect adnexal metastasis. Transcriptomic analyses of DICER1 deleted uteri or Ishikawa cells revealed unique transcriptomic profiles and global miRNA downregulation. Computational integration of miRNA with mRNA targets revealed deregulated let-7 and miR-16 target genes, similar to published human DICER1-mutant endometrial cancers from TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas). Similar to human endometrial cancers, tumors exhibited dysregulation of ephrin-receptor signaling and transforming growth factor-beta signaling pathways. LIM kinase 2 (LIMK2), an essential molecule in p21 signal transduction, was significantly upregulated and represents a novel mechanism for hormone-independent pathogenesis of endometrial adenocarcinoma. This preclinical mouse model represents the first genetically engineered mouse model of poorly differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma

    Beyond BRAFV600: Clinical Mutation Panel Testing by Next-Generation Sequencing in Advanced Melanoma

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    The management of melanoma has evolved owing to improved understanding of its molecular drivers. To augment the current understanding of the prevalence, patterns, and associations of mutations in this disease, the results of clinical testing of 699 advanced melanoma patients using a pan-cancer next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel of hotspot regions in 46 genes were reviewed. Mutations were identified in 43 of the 46 genes on the panel. The most common mutations were BRAFV600 (36%), NRAS (21%), TP53 (16%), BRAFNon-V600 (6%), and KIT (4%). Approximately one-third of melanomas had >1 mutation detected, and the number of mutations per tumor was associated with melanoma subtype. Concurrent TP53 mutations were the most frequent events in tumors with BRAFV600and NRAS mutations. Melanomas with BRAFNon-V600mutations frequently harbored concurrent NRAS mutations (18%), which were rare in tumors with BRAFV600 mutations (1.6%). The prevalence of BRAFV600 and KIT mutations were significantly associated with melanoma subtypes, and BRAFV600 and TP53 mutations were significantly associated with cutaneous primary tumor location. Multiple potential therapeutic targets were identified in metastatic unknown primary and cutaneous melanomas that lacked BRAFV600and NRAS mutations. These results enrich our understanding of the patterns and clinical associations of oncogenic mutations in melanoma