26 research outputs found

    Characterisation of pseudorabies virus in domestic pigs and wild boars in Croatia

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    Serological data imply that pseudorabies (Aujeszky’s disease) is present in domestic pigs and wild boars in Croatia. Therefore, this study included testing of brain tissue samples collected from 200 domestic pigs and 105 wild boars originating from seventeen districts of Croatia. The presence of pseudorabies virus (PrV) DNA was confirmed in samples originating from six domestic pigs (3%) and one wild boar (0.95%). Positive samples were sequenced and analysed on the basis of a gC genome fragment. PrV strains have shown to be genetically identical and they are strongly related to some representative strains in the relatively heterogeneous Clade A. The results clearly show that PrV is still circulating among the domestic pig population in Croatia. Furthermore, the presence of pseudorabies virus in wild boars underlines the importance of this species as a PrV reservoir. Continued surveillance is necessary to track the viral spread in order to achieve final eradication of the disease

    Viral gastroenteritis in pigs: current knowledge and challenges

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    Virusni gastroenteritisi u svinja predstavljaju kontinuirani izazov za uzgajivače svinja, kako sa stajališta zdravstvenog upravljanja stadom, tako i sa stajališta primjene odgovarajućih biosigurnosnih mjera. U etiologiji se ističu koronavirusi i rotavirusi, a odlikuje ih izlučivanje u visokim koncentracijama, niska infektivna doza, iznimna stabilnost u okolišu i visoka kontagioznost. Uzročnici epizootija s izraženim mortalitetima u sisajuće prasadi (do 100 %) su upravo koronavirusi, poglavito virus epidemijskog proljeva svinja (PEDV) koji je prouzročio znatne gubitke u svinjogojstvu u svijetu, ali i kod nas. Osim PEDV-a, predstavnici koronavirusa koji su značajni patogeni u svinja su i virus transmisivnog gastroenteritisa svinja (TGEV), svinjski deltakoronavirus (PDCoV) te nedavno opisani koronavirus sindroma akutnog proljeva u svinja (SADS-CoV). Iako ubikvitarni, i rotavirusi, a naročito vrsta Rotavirus A (RVA) od ukupno pet vrsta dokazanih u svinja, predstavljaju značajne uzročnike gastroenteritisa u mlađih dobnih kategorija, a poznat je i njihov zoonotski potencijal. Iako koronavirusi koji inficiraju svinje nisu dokazani u čovjeka, smatra se da svinjski deltakoronavirusi možda posjeduju taj potencijal. Primjer SADS-CoV i njegovog prijenosa sa šišmiša na svinje ističe važnost pretraživanja divljih životinja koje su dokazano izvorište bolesti važnih za veterinarsko i humano javno zdravstvo. Patogeneza, klinička slika, obdukcijski i patohistološki nalaz su slični kod svih virusnih gastroenteritisa u svinja te u slučaju pojave vodenastog proljeva žućkasto-bijele boje i povraćanja visokog morbiditeta i mortaliteta naročito u sisajuće prasadi, moramo posumnjati na virusne uzročnike. Upravo je stoga pravovremena dijagnostika ključna kako bi se čim ranije mogle primijeniti odgovarajuće mjere i spriječiti širenje bolesti, a time i smanjiti štete. Liječenje je simptomatsko, a cjepiva nisu dostupna na našem tržištu te se kontrola ovih virusnih infekcija svodi na dobro zdravstveno upravljanje stadom i primjenu strogih higijensko-sanitarnih te vanjskih i unutarnjih biosigurnosnih mjera.Viral gastroenteritis in pigs is a continuous challenge for pig breeders, from the aspects of health management and the implementation of adequate biosecurity measures. The most important pathogens in its aetiology are coronaviruses and rotaviruses, having features such as excretion in high concentrations, low infective dose, extreme environmental stability and high contagiousness. Coronaviruses are the causative agents of important epizootics with high mortalities in nursing piglets (up to 100%), in particular the porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus (PEDV), which recently caused substantial losses for pig breeders in Croatia and worldwide. Apart from PEDV, notable coronaviruses in pigs are transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) and the recently described swine acute diarrhoea syndrome-coronavirus (SADS-CoV). Rotaviruses are also significant pathogens causing diarrhoea in young pigs, even though they are ubiquitous, with Rotavirus A (RVA) being the most important species among five rotavirus species known to circulate in pigs. Rotaviruses are known to possess a zoonotic potential which is also speculated for porcine deltacoronavirus, nevertheless coronaviruses of pigs have not yet been detected in humans. The example of SADS-CoV transmission from bats to pigs emphasizes the need for surveillance of wild animals known as a source of diseases that present a veterinary and public health threat. The pathogenesis, clinical appearance, autopsy and pathohistological findings are similar for all viral gastroenteritis in pigs. In case of an outbreak of watery and yellowish diarrhoea of high morbidity and mortality, especially in nursing piglets, the suspicion of viral aetiology is warranted. Therefore, early diagnosis is key for the implementation of adequate measures to prevent the disease from spreading and causing substantial losses. The therapy is only supportive and vaccines are not available on this market, therefore the control of these viral infections is based on good health management and the implementation of strict hygiene and sanitary measures, as well as internal and external biosecurity measures

    An overview on Aujeszky disease in wild boars

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    Bolest Aujeszkoga je virusna zarazna bolest primarno domaćih i divljih svinja uzrokovana svinjskim herpesvirusom 1 (Su HV1). Zbog visokih ekonomskih šteta koje uzrokuje izravno, uginućima, i neizravno, ograničenjima prodaje i transporta svinja, bolest Aujeszkoga ubraja se među najvažnije bolesti svinja. Osim svinja od ove bolesti može oboljeti velik broj različitih vrsta s izuzetkom viših primata i ljudi. Prema dostupnim podacima udio serološki pozitivnih divljih svinja na području Europe kreće se u rasponu od 0,8 do čak 55%. U Republici Hrvatskoj dokazan je udio od 54,54% serološki pozitivnih divljih svinja na području Moslavine. Pojava klinički vidljive bolesti u divljih svinja opisana je tek u nekoliko slučajeva na području Španjolske. Iako poradi brojnosti divljih svinja bolest Aujeszkoga za sada nema znatniji utjecaj na njihovu populaciju, postoji potencijalan rizik od njezina širenja na populacije domaćih svinja i lovačke pse, a ne treba isključiti ni možebitnu opasnost za ugrožene grabežljivce kojima je divlja svinja povremeni plijen.Aujeszky’s disease is a viral disease caused by porcine or suid herpesvirus type 1 (Su HV1) that primarily affects domestic and wild suids. High economic losses caused by direct (mortality in piglets, reduced growth rate) and indirect damage (restriction of transport), classify Aujeszky disease among the most important diseases of pigs. Besides pigs, Aujeszky’s disease can affect various species with the exception of humans and higher primates. According to the available data, the percentage of seropositive wild boars in Europe ranges from 0.8 to nearly 55%. In the Republic of Croatia research into the wild boar population from the Moslavina region revealed 54.54% of seropositive animals. However, the clinical disease is rarely reported, including several cases in Spain. Despite the fact that presently Aujeszky’s disease represents no threat to the wild boar population, a potential risk for the spread of the virus to the domestic swine population or the potential danger for hunting dogs and threatened predators that prey upon wild boars cannot be neglected

    Imunoenzimni test i lančana reakcija polimerazom uz prethodnu reverznu transkripciju za dokazivanje perzistentne zaraze virusom virusnog proljeva goveda u skupnom uzorku krvnog seruma - kratko priopćenje.

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    The applicability and reliability were investigated of antigen enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Ag ELISA) and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the diagnosis of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) in pooled serum samples of persistently infected cattle. In this study 968 serum samples were tested and persistent infection was confirmed by Ag ELISA in six animals by sampling twice at a four week interval. Positive samples were tested undiluted and diluted by Ag ELISA and RT-PCR. Sera were diluted (fivefold) and tested once again by both methods. All undiluted samples were tested positive by Ag ELISA, while the end point dilution was 1:5. When RT-PCR was used, samples were shown to be positive to 1:125, and in one sample in a dilution of 1:625. We can conclude that Ag ELISA can be useful in the diagnosis of BVD in a maximum five pooled serum samples from persistently infected animals. RT-PCR shows greater sensitivity and thus is more appropriate for screening purposes when pooling of samples is recommended.Istražena je primjenjivost i pouzdanost Ag ELISA-e i lančane reakcije polimerazom uz prethodnu reverznu transkripciju (RT-PCR) u dijagnostici virusnoga proljeva u skupnom uzorku krvnog seruma perzistentno zaraženih goveda. Perzistentna zaraza dokazana je dvokratnim uzorkovanjem s razmakom od četiri tjedna. Ukupno je Ag ELISA-om bili pretraženo 968 uzoraka seruma goveda, a perzistentna je zaraza utvrđena u šest goveda. Uzorci seruma svih šest goveda bili su peterostruko razrijeđeni. Nerazrijeđeni i razrijeđeni uzorci bili su pretraženi usporedno Ag ELISA-om i RT-PCR om. Svi nerazrijeđeni uzorci dali su pozitivan rezultat s obje metode. Razrijeđeni uzorci pretraživani Ag ELISA-om pokazali su pozitivan rezultat do razrijeđenja 1:5. Svi razrijeđeni uzorci pretraživani RT PCR-om bili su pozitivni do razrjeđenja 1:125, a jedan uzorak do razrjeđenja 1:625. Zaključno se može reći da se Ag ELISA može rabiti u dijagnostici virusnoga proljeva goveda u skupnim uzorcima do najviše pet goveda. RT-PCR pokazao je veću osjetljivost i specifičnost u pretraživanju skupnih uzoraka krvnog seruma goveda

    Patient Doses Received During Interventional Cardiology Procedures at the University Hospital Osijek

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    Posljednjih godina znatno se povećava broj zahvata intervencijske kardiologije. Iako od velike koristi za bolesnika, koronarne su intervencije zahvati koji uključuju izloženost visokim dozama zračenja. Mjerenje doza koje su bolesnici primili pri radiološkim zahvatima u Republici Hrvatskoj propisano je zakonom, ali se ono, u pravilu, ne primjenjuje. U KBC-u Osijek uveden je priručnik za kontrolu kvalitete u koronarnim intervencijama. Priručnik, osim provjera tehničkih karakteristika uređaja, propisuje i stalno mjerenje apsorbiranih doza bolesnicima u intervencijskoj kardiologiji te njihovu analizu. Rezultati prvih istraživanja pokazuju da su se mjerene doze snizile tijekom vremena i u skladu su s literaturom, ali i dalje postoji mogućnost dodatne optimizacije opreme i načina rada. Pri visokim dozama zračenja koje bolesnici primaju tijekom koronarnih intervencija postoji mogućnost ozljeda kože uzrokovanih zračenjem koje često ostanu neprepoznate. Zbog toga se bolesnici koji su ozračeni dozama pri kojima postoji rizik od ozljede upozoravaju te pozivaju na kontrolne preglede. Do sada nije zabilježena nijedna ozljeda kože, ali je postupak uveden kao redovit. Ovaj je rad jedan u nizu koraka koji je potrebno učiniti da bi se bolesnici što bolje zaštitili od nepoželjnih učinaka zračenja.Apart from its benefi ts, the interventional cardiology (IC) is known to generate high radiation doses to patients and medical staff involved. Measuring patient doses in radiological procedures is required by law in Croatia, but rarely implemented. The Osijek University Hospital implements its own radiation protection quality guidelines. Among other, the guidelines require constant measuring of patient doses in IC and their periodic analysis. Doses measured until now are within the acceptable limits compared to literature. With time the doses were reduced signifi cantly, but there is room to downsize them still further. IC procedures can generate skin doses over 2 Gy, which is considered the threshold for erythema. Depending on the dose received, IC patients at the Osijek University Hospital are informed about the risk and examined for skin injuries. Until now we have found none, but this practice remains to be routine

    Pathology of canine herpesvirus infection

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    Pseća je herpesviroza globalno prisutna virusna zarazna bolest prouzročena psećim herpesvirusom 1 (Canid alphaherpesvirus-1; CHV). Infekcija ovim virusom ima dvije faze: litičku i latentnu. Sam ishod infekcije uvelike ovisi o dobi i razvijenosti imunološkog sustava psa. Najznačajnija patološka posljedica pseće herpesviroze je liza endotelnih stanica i epitelnih stanica više organskih sustava koja se pojavljuje u imunodeficijentnih štenaca. Zbog pantropizma CHV-a, posljedica infekcije je nekrohemoragična upala mnogobrojnih organa zbog koje štenci nerijetko i ugibaju. U imunokompetentnih starijih pasa, iako često asimptomatska, litička infekcija može biti i smrtonosna. Klinički simptomi uključuju infekcije dišnog i spolnog sustava i očiju. Najčešće prisutna lezija očiju je konjunktivitis, ali mogu se pojaviti i ulceracije, petehijalna krvarenja i eksudativni blefaritis s krustama i alopecijom. Utjecaj CHV-a na respiratorni sustav rezultira blagim rinitisom, faringitisom i traheobronhitisom, iznimno pneumonijom. CHV se često povezuje i sa zaraznim traheobronhitisom u pasa, tzv. ‘’kašaljem štenare’’. Infekcija spolnog sustava ograničena je na hiperemiju vagine ili prepucija s hiperplastičnim limfoidnim folikulima te papulovezikularnim lezijama, ali se smatra najvažnijim izvorom infekcije za štenad pri porođaju. Prestankom kliničkih simptoma CHV prelazi u fazu latencije u živčanim ganglijima te se na taj način trajno zadržava u domaćinu. Prilikom stresa i imunosupresije latentni se CHV virus može reaktivirati i uspostaviti litičku fazu. Time se virus ponovno počinje replicirati i izlučivati, a oboljeli pas se mora isključiti iz uzgoja jer predstavlja izvor daljnjeg širenja virusa. Ipak, primjenom cjepiva u gravidnih kuja moguće je zaštititi novorođenu štenad te spriječiti teške posljedice herpesviroze u pasa.Canine alphaherpesvirus-1 (CHV) is a globally present virus causing infectious disease in dogs. The outcome of CHV infection depends significantly on the age and immune system development of the dog and occurs in two phases: lytic and latent. Due to the pantropism of CHV, lysis occurs in the endothelium and epithelium of various organ systems, causing necrohaemorrhagic inflammation and frequently death in immunodeficient puppies. Lytic infection produces reduced or silent symptoms in older, immunocompetent dogs, although it can occasionally be fatal. Clinical signs of infection appear in the ocular, reproductive, and respiratory systems. The most typical eye lesion is conjunctivitis, though other conditions such as ulcers, petechial haemorrhages, exudative blepharitis with crusts, and alopecia can also occur. When CHV affects the respiratory system, it can cause mild rhinitis, pharyngitis, and tracheobronchitis, as well as severe pneumonia. The virus is also frequently linked to infectious tracheobronchitis in dogs, or “kennel cough.” Although infection of the reproductive system is restricted to hyperaemia of the vagina or prepuce with hyperplastic lymphoid follicles and papulovesicular lesions, it is thought to be the most significant source of infection for puppies after birth. After the onset of clinical symptoms, CHV enters the latency phase in the nerve ganglia, where it remains in the host indefinitely. During times of stress and immunosuppression in dogs, the latent CHV virus can occasionally reactivate and establisha lytic phase, at which point it resumes replication and shedding. These CHV latency effects are a significant problem since the affected dog is permanently infected, cannot be bred, and is always a source of possible virus outbreak. Although death ensuing from CHV infection is the worst conceivable consequence, immunisation of pregnant females can protect newborn puppies and breeders from this outcome

    Arthritis Encephalitis Virus in goats in the Republic of Croatia in the period from 2012 to 2019: serological and molecular research

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    Artritis-encefalitis koza (AEK) je neizlječiva virusna bolest proširena u većini zemalja koje se bave intenzivnim uzgojem koza. Ekonomsko značenje ove bolesti očituje se uginućem jaradi, smanjenim prirastom i mliječnošću, prijevremenim lučenjem iz uzgoja. U razdoblju od 2012. do 2019. godine na području 16 županija u Republici Hrvatskoj pretraženo je 10 715 uzoraka krvi, a tijekom tog osmogodišnjeg razdoblja specifična protutijela za virus AEK bila su potvrđena u 4 353 uzoraka krvnog seruma pa zaključno možemo govoriti o seroprevalenciji od 40,62 %. Rezultati genotipiziranja odabranih sojeva LVMP ukazuju na cirkulaciju genetske skupine A i B u populaciji koza i to su prva takva istraživanja provedena u Hrvatskoj. Dokaz prisutnosti genotipa A u stadu koza u kojem je istovremeno dokazan i genotip B ukazuje na činjenicu da sojevi LVMP nisu ograničeni na jednu vrstu već da sojevi MVV koji se uglavnom nalaze u ovaca, cirkuliraju i u koza. Rezultati višegodišnjeg istraživanja provedenog na Hrvaskom veterinarskom institutu ukazuju na široku rasprostranjenost virusa AEK u uzgojima koza u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ako znamo da jednom zaražena jedinka ostaje doživotni nositelj i prenositelj virusa postavlja se pitanje uspješnosti cijele proizvodnje pa je stoga jedini dugoročno održiv način uzgoja uzgoj slobodan od AEK.Caprine arthritis and encephalitis (CAE) is a contagious and an economically important viral disease of goats. Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) is a member of the small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) that is distributed worldwide, including Croatia. Common symptoms resulting from CAEV infection include arthritis, pneumonia, indurative mastitis and encephalitis. One of the first and most common signs of CAEV infection is weight loss. However, many goats will not show any symptoms. Goats that do show symptoms may display swollen knees or carpal joints, exhibit reduced body condition, and develop a rough hair coat. Pregnant and nursing does display a hard udder that is firm and swollen, and produce very little milk. During 2012 to 2019, a total of 10,715 blood serum samples were collected in 16 counties in Croatia and examined for the presence of CAEV specific antibodies using ELISA. Antibodies against CAEV were confirmed in 4353 (40.62%) of samples. As this is the first such study to be carried out in Croatia, the results of molecular testing of selected SRLV strains indicate the circulation of the A and B genotypes in the Croatian goat population. The simultaneous presence of both genotypes A and B in a goat herd suggests that SRLV strains are not limited to one species, and that Maedi visna virus (MVV) strains, which are mainly detected in sheep, also circulate in goats. The results of this eight-year study conducted by the Croatian Veterinary Institute (CVI) indicate the widespread prevalence of SRLVs in goat breeding in Croatia. It is known that once an infected, the individual remains a lifelong carrier and can spread the virus. This raises the issue of the success of entire production. In conclusion, the only long-term sustainable goat breeding is on CAEV-free goat farms

    Molecular characteristics and zoonotic potential of rotaviruses

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    Rotavirusi su jedni od najvažnijih uzročnika akutnog gastroenteritisa kod ljudi i životinja, a između devet prepoznatih vrsta rotavirusA se posebno ističe zbog velike proširenosti i patogenosti. I danas, uz visoki pobol i hospitalizaciju oboljele djece u zemljama s visokimhigijenskim standardom, u zemljama u razvoju uzrokuju značajnu smrtnost. Takav je učinak posebno vidljiv kada dostupna cjepivanisu dio nacionalnog imunizacijskog programa. Zbog prirode svoga genoma rotavirusi izrazito brzo evoluiraju, prvenstveno zahvaljujućiučestaloj pojavi točkastih mutacija i genomskog preslagivanja. Stoga nije iznenađujuća visoka genetska heterogenost, patako danas poznajemo ukupno 36 genotipova G i 51 genotip P rotavirusa A. Kada izravno prijeđu vrsnu barijeru, rotavirusi uglavnomnisu sposobni učinkovito inficirati ili se širiti u novom domaćinu. No baš pojava genomskog preslagivanja omogućuje nastanaknovih, potencijalno emergentnih humano-animalnih reasortanata. Stoga je potreban stalni nadzor životinjskih sojeva rotavirusakako bi se dobila točna slika o životinjskim rezervoarima koji u budućnosti mogu biti odgovorni za unos novih rotavirusa uljudsku populaciju ili rotavirusnih gena u genetsku osnovu humanih sojeva. Sustavno praćenje molekularnih značajki rotavirusa kojicirkuliraju u određenom području od posebne je važnosti prije uvođenja nacionalnog imunizacijskog programa, ali i dok je aktivnaimunizacija u tijeku. Opsežnije istraživanje rotavirusa A u ekosustavu Republike Hrvatske je u tijeku, a omogućit će otkrivanje životinjskihrezervoara te pridonijeti boljem razumijevanju zoonotskog potencijala ovih virusa.Rotaviruses are one of the most important pathogens causing acute gastroenteritis in humans and animals. Among nine species,rotavirus A is particularly emphasised considering its prevalence and pathogenicity. Even today, apart from the substantial morbidityand hospitalisation rates in countries with high hygiene standards, it causes considerable mortality in developing countries. Suchimpact is especially evident if available vaccines are not included in the national immunisation program. Due to the nature of theirgenome, the evolution of rotaviruses is quite rapid owing to the accumulation of point mutations and genome reassortment. Therefore,the high heterogeneity and the fact that nowadays there are 36 G genotypes and 51 P genotypes of rotavirus A, is not surprising.When direct interspecies transmission occurs, rotaviruses are mostly not able to efficiently infect or transmit in the new host. However,genome reassortment can result in the generation of new, potentially emergent, human-animal reassortants. Thus, it is necessaryto continuously monitor the animal rotavirus strains in order to get complete perspective of the potential animal reservoirs thatcould be responsible for the introduction of novel rotaviruses in human population or rotavirus genes in the genetic backbone ofhuman strains. Systematic investigation of rotavirus molecular characteristics in a certain region is of special importance before theintroduction or during the implementation of national immunisation program. Comprehensive research that would evaluate theanimal reservoirs and the zoonotic potential of rotavirus A strains in Croatian ecosystem is currently in progress

    Rotavirus A in Domestic Pigs and Wild Boars: High Genetic Diversity and Interspecies Transmission

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    Rotavirus A (RVA) is an important pathogen for porcine health. In comparison to humans, RVA in domestic animals and especially in wildlife is under researched. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence, genetic diversity, molecular epidemiology and inter-species transmission of RVA in domestic pigs and wild boars. During the three consecutive RVA seasons (2018–2021) we collected 445 and 441 samples from domestic pigs and wild boars, respectively. Samples were tested by real-time RT- PCR, and RVA-positive samples were genotyped in VP7 and VP4 segments. Our results report an RVA prevalence of 49.9% in domestic pigs and 9.3% in wild boars. Outstanding RVA genetic diversity was observed in VP7 and VP4 segments, especially in domestic pigs exhibiting a striking 23 different RVA combinations (G5P[13] and G9P[23] prevailed). Interspecies transmission events were numerous between domestic pigs and wild boars, sharing G3, G5, G6, G9, G11 and P[13] genotypes. Furthermore, our data indicate that such transmission events involved even bovines (G6, P[11]) and, intriguingly, humans (G1P[8]). This study contributes to the basic knowledge that may be considered important for vaccine development and introduction, as a valuable and currently missing tool for efficient pig health management in the EU

    Interspecies transmission of porcine-originated G4P[6] rotavirus A between pigs and humans: a synchronized spatiotemporal approach

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    As a leading viral cause of acute gastroenteritis in both humans and pigs, rotavirus A (RVA) poses a potential public health concern. Although zoonotic spillover of porcine RVA strains to humans is sporadic, it has been detected worldwide. The origin of chimeric human–animal strains of RVA is closely linked to the crucial role of mixed genotypes in driving reassortment and homologous recombination, which play a major role in shaping the genetic diversity of RVA. To better understand how genetically intertwined porcine and zoonotic human-derived G4P[6] RVA strains are, the present study employed a spatiotemporal approach to whole-genome characterization of RVA strains collected during three consecutive RVA seasons in Croatia (2018–2021). Notably, sampled children under 2 years of age and weanling piglets with diarrhea were included in the study. In addition to samples tested by real-time RT-PCR, genotyping of VP7 and VP4 gene segments was conducted. The unusual genotype combinations detected in the initial screening, including three human and three porcine G4P[6] strains, were subjected to next-generation sequencing, followed by phylogenetic analysis of all gene segments, and intragenic recombination analysis. Results showed a porcine or porcine-like origin for each of the eleven gene segments in all six RVA strains. The G4P[6] RVA strains detected in children most likely resulted from porcine-to-human interspecies transmission. Furthermore, the genetic diversity of Croatian porcine and porcine-like human G4P[6] strains was propelled by reassortment events between porcine and porcine-like human G4P[6] RVA strains, along with homologous intragenotype and intergenotype recombinations in VP4, NSP1, and NSP3 segments. Described concurrent spatiotemporal approach in investigating autochthonous human and animal RVA strains is essential in drawing relevant conclusions about their phylogeographical relationship. Therefore, continuous surveillance of RVA, following the One Health principles, may provide relevant data for assessing the impact on the protectiveness of currently available vaccines