396 research outputs found

    Time-resolved reflectance measurements on layered tissues with strongly varying optical properties

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    Most biological tissues consist of layers with different optical properties. A few examples are the skin, the esophagus, the stomach and the wall of arteries. An understanding of how the light propagates in such layered systems is a prerequisite for any light based therapy or diagnostic scheme. In this study we investigate the influence of different kinds of layers on time resolved reflectance measurements. Experiments were performed on layered gel phantoms and the results compared to Monte Carlo simulations and diffusion theory. It is shown that when a low absorbing medium is situated on top of a high absorbing medium, the absorption coefficient of the lower layer is accessible if the differences in the absorption coefficient are only small. In the case of large difference the optical properties of the upper layer dominate the signal and shield information on the lowest layer. The degree of this shielding effect depends on layer thickness as well as optical properties. In the case of an almost absorption and scattering free layer in between two normal tissues, an overall increase of the signal is visible. However, the overall shape of the curve is about preserved. The apparent scattering coefficient is slightly decreased, while the apparent absorption coefficient is unaltered

    Конструкційна міцність багатошарових елементів машин з дефектами структури

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    У дисертаційній роботі вирішений ряд важливих науково-технічних завдань, які включають в себе обґрунтування моделей і методик розрахунку напружено-деформованого та термопружного стану багатошарових оболонок обертання з міжшаровими дефектами структури. Розроблені алгоритми, програми, методики досліджень та отримані на їх основі теоретикоекспериментальні результати показали наявність нових особливостей деформованого стану розглянутих конструкцій. Побудовано замкнену систему диференціальних рівнянь та відповідні крайові умови незв'язаної стаціонарної задачі термопружного деформування багатошарової композитної оболонки, що дозволяють врахувати деформації поперечного зсуву і трансверсального обтиснення, забезпечити умови механічного і теплового сполучення шарів і умови термомеханічного навантаження на лицьових поверхнях такої оболонки. На основі класичної теорії пружності анізотропного тіла розроблений чисельно-аналітичний підхід розв’язання термопружних незв’язаних крайових задач для циліндричних товстостінних оболонок за умови як ідеального, так і неідеального контакту суміжних шарів по сполученим поверхням. Встановлено вплив температурних навантажень на напружено-деформований стан ущільнення робочого колеса, виготовленого із композиційних матеріалів.В диссертационной работе решен ряд важных научно-технических задач, которые включают в себя обоснование моделей и методик расчета напряженно-деформированного и термоупругого состояния многослойных оболочек вращения с межслойными дефектами структуры. Разработанные алгоритмы, программы, методики исследований и полученные на их основе теоретико-экспериментальные результаты показали наличие новых особенностей деформированного состояния рассматриваемых конструкций. Построено замкнутую систему дифференциальных уравнений и соответствующие краевые условия несвязанной стационарной задачи термоупругого деформирования многослойной композитной оболочки, позволяющие учесть деформации поперечного сдвига и трансверсального обжатия, обеспечить условия механического и теплового сопряжения слоев и условия термомеханической нагрузки на лицевых поверхностях такой оболочки. На основе классической теории упругости анизотропного тела разработан численно-аналитический подход решения термоупругих несвязанных краевых задач для цилиндрических толстостенных оболочек при условии как идеального, так и неидеального контакта соседних слоев по сопряженным поверхностям. Установлено влияние температурных нагрузок на напряженно-деформированное состояние уплотнения рабочего колеса, изготовленного из композиционных материалов. Решена задача прочности и получена величина граничного внутреннего давления комбинированных газовых баллонов высокого давления. Исследовано напряженно-деформированное состояние стеклопластиковых труб в зоне фланцевых соединений в зависимости от жесткости фланцев.The thesis presents number of important scientific and technical problems, which include study models and methods of calculating the stress-strain and the thermoelastic state multilayer shells with interlayer structural defects. The algorithms, programs, research methodology, theoretical and experimental results showed the presence of new features deformed state considered structures. We construct a closed system of differential equations and appropriate boundary conditions unrelated stationary problem thermostatic deformation of the multilayer composite shell that allow for deformations of transverse shear and transversal compression, ensure conditions of mechanical and thermal connection layers and thermomechanical loading conditions on the front surface of this shell. Based on the classical theory of elasticity of an anisotropic body developed numerical-analytical approach solving of thermoelastic unrelated boundary problems for thick-walled cylindrical shells provided ideal and non-ideal contact of adjacent layers on surfaces mated. The influence of temperature loads on the stress-strain state seal rotor made from composite materials was found

    Age and Intrinsic Fitness Affect the Female Rotator Cuff Tendon Tissue

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    The risk of the development of tendon disorders or ruptures increases with age, but it is unclear whether intrinsic fitness during lifetime might also affect tendon properties. To investigate this, a contrasting rat model of high-capacity runners (HCR with high intrinsic fitness) and low-capacity runners (LCR with low intrinsic fitness) was employed. Histological and molecular changes in rotator cuff (RC) tendons from 10 weeks old (young; HCR-10 and LCR-10) and 100 weeks old (old; HCR-100 and LCR-100) female rats were investigated. Age-dependent changes of RC tendons observed in HCR and LCR were increase of weight, decrease of tenocytes and RNA content, reduction of the wavy pattern of collagen and elastic fibers, repressed expression of Col1a1 , Eln , Postn , Tnmd , Tgfb3 and Egr1 and reduction of the Col1 : Col3 and Col1 : Eln ratio. The LCR rats showed less physical activity, increased body weight, signs of metabolic disease and a reduced life expectancy. Their RC tendons revealed increased weight (more than age-dependent) and enlargement of the tenocyte nuclei (consistent with degenerative tendons). Low intrinsic fitness led to repressed expression of a further nine genes ( Col3a1 , Fbn1 , Dcn , Tnc , Scx , Mkx , Bmp1 , Tgfb1 , Esr1 ) as well as the rise of the Col1 : Col3 and Col1:Eln ratios (related to the lesser expression of Col3a1 and Eln ). The intrinsic fitness influences the female RC tendons at least as much as age. Lower intrinsic fitness accelerates aging of RC tendons and leads to further impairment; this could result in decreased healing potential and elasticity and increased stiffness

    Near-infrared spectroscopy of a heterogeneous turbid system containing distributed absorbers

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    In most biological tissues, absorbers such as blood in the blood vessels are localized within a low-absorbing background medium. To study the effect of distributed absorbers on the near infrared reflectance, we developed a Monte Carlo code and performed time-domain measurements on heterogeneous tissue-vessel models. The models were made of low absorbing polyester resin mixed with TiO_2 as scatters. A series of tubes with diameters of 3.2 or 6.4 mm were made in the resin sample. The volume ratio of the tubes to the total sample is about 20%. During the measurement, these tubes were filled with turbid fluids with different absorption coefficients to simulate blood in various oxygenation states. We found that the apparent absorption coefficient of the resin/tube system, determined by using the diffusion equation fit, can be approximated by a volume-weighted sum of the absorption coefficients of the different absorbing components. This approximation has to be replaced by a more complex expression if the difference in absorption between the absorbers and background is very large (approximately 20 times). The results of the tissue phantom study are supported by the Monte Carlo simulation. Possible explanations for the photon migration in this kind of heterogeneous system is also presented

    Determination of blood oxygenation in the brain by time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy: influence of the skin, skull, and meninges

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    Near infrared light has been used for the determination of blood oxygenation in the brain but little attention has been paid to the fact that the states of blood oxygenation in arteries, veins, and capillaries differ substantially. In this study, Monte Carlo simulations for a heterogeneous system were conducted, and near infrared time-resolved reflectance measurements were performed on a heterogeneous tissue phantom model. The model was made of a solid polyester resin, which simulates the tissue background. A network of tubes was distributed uniformly through the resin to simulate the blood vessels. The time-resolved reflectance spectra were taken with different absorbing solutions filled in the network. Based on the simulation and experimental results, we investigated the dependence of the absorption coefficient obtained from the heterogeneous system on the absorption of the actual absorbing solution filled in the tubes. We show that light absorption by the brain should result from the combination of blood and blood-free tissue background

    Increased aerobic capacity reduces susceptibility to acute high‐fat diet‐induced weight gain

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134165/1/oby21564.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134165/2/oby21564_am.pd

    Ovariectomy results in differential shifts in gut microbiota in low versus high aerobic capacity rats

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    The increased risk for cardiometabolic disease with the onset of menopause is widely studied and likely precipitated by the decline in endogenous estradiol (E2), yet the precise mechanisms are unknown. The gut microbiome is involved in estrogen metabolism and has been linked to metabolic disease, suggesting its potential involvement in the postmenopausal phenotype. Furthermore, menopause‐associated risk factors, as well as gut ecology, are altered with exercise. Therefore, we studied microbial changes in an ovariectomized (OVX vs. Sham) rat model of high (HCR) and low (LCR) intrinsic aerobic capacity (n = 8–10/group) in relation to changes in body weight/composition, glucose tolerance, and liver triglycerides (TG). Nine weeks after OVX, HCR rats were moderately protected against regional adipose tissue gain and liver TG accumulation (P < 0.05 for both). Microbial diversity and number of the Bacteroidetes phylum were significantly increased in LCR with OVX, but unchanged in HCR OVX relative to Sham. Plasma short‐chain fatty acids (SCFA), produced by bacteria in the gut and recognized as metabolic signaling molecules, were significantly greater in HCR Sham relative to LCR Sham rats (P = 0.05) and were decreased with OVX in both groups. These results suggest that increased aerobic capacity may be protective against menopause‐associated cardiometabolic risk and that gut ecology, and production of signaling molecules such as SCFA, may contribute to the mediation.We have demonstrated modest protection from the metabolic effects of surgical menopause (ovariectomy, OVX) in rats with increased aerobic capacity (high running capacity, HCR) relative to those with low aerobic capacity (low running capacity, LCR). These results are associated with significant differences in gut microbiota and their products (short chain fatty acids) between the two groups.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113123/1/phy212488.pd