10,790 research outputs found

    On the dependence of the avalanche angle on the granular layer thickness

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    A layer of sand of thickness h flows down a rough surface if the inclination is larger than some threshold value theta which decreases with h. A tentative microscopic model for the dependence of theta with h is proposed for rigid frictional grains, based on the following hypothesis: (i) a horizontal layer of sand has some coordination z larger than a critical value z_c where mechanical stability is lost (ii) as the tilt angle is increased, the configurations visited present a growing proportion $_s of sliding contacts. Instability with respect to flow occurs when z-z_s=z_c. This criterion leads to a prediction for theta(h) in good agreement with empirical observations.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamical instabilities in density-dependent hadronic relativistic models

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    Unstable modes in asymmetric nuclear matter (ANM) at subsaturation densities are studied in the framework of relativistic mean-field density-dependent hadron models. The size of the instabilities that drive the system are calculated and a comparison with results obtained within the non-linear Walecka model is presented. The distillation and anti-distillation effects are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 8 Postscript figures. Submitted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The distribution of forces affects vibrational properties in hard sphere glasses

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    We study theoretically and numerically the elastic properties of hard sphere glasses, and provide a real-space description of their mechanical stability. In contrast to repulsive particles at zero-temperature, we argue that the presence of certain pairs of particles interacting with a small force ff soften elastic properties. This softening affects the exponents characterizing elasticity at high pressure, leading to experimentally testable predictions. Denoting P(f)∼fθeP(f)\sim f^{\theta_e} the force distribution of such pairs and ϕc\phi_c the packing fraction at which pressure diverges, we predict that (i) the density of states has a low-frequency peak at a scale ω∗\omega^*, rising up to it as D(ω)∼ω2+aD(\omega) \sim \omega^{2+a}, and decaying above ω∗\omega^* as D(ω)∼ω−aD(\omega)\sim \omega^{-a} where a=(1−θe)/(3+θe)a=(1-\theta_e)/(3+\theta_e) and ω\omega is the frequency, (ii) shear modulus and mean-squared displacement are inversely proportional with ⟨δR2⟩∼1/μ∼(ϕc−ϕ)κ\langle \delta R^2\rangle\sim1/\mu\sim (\phi_c-\phi)^{\kappa} where κ=2−2/(3+θe)\kappa=2-2/(3+\theta_e), and (iii) continuum elasticity breaks down on a scale ℓc∼1/δz∼(ϕc−ϕ)−b\ell_c \sim1/\sqrt{\delta z}\sim (\phi_c-\phi)^{-b} where b=(1+θe)/(6+2θe)b=(1+\theta_e)/(6+2\theta_e) and δz=z−2d\delta z=z-2d, where zz is the coordination and dd the spatial dimension. We numerically test (i) and provide data supporting that θe≈0.41\theta_e\approx 0.41 in our bi-disperse system, independently of system preparation in two and three dimensions, leading to κ≈1.41\kappa\approx1.41, a≈0.17a \approx 0.17, and b≈0.21b\approx 0.21. Our results for the mean-square displacement are consistent with a recent exact replica computation for d=∞d=\infty, whereas some observations differ, as rationalized by the present approach.Comment: 5 pages + 4 pages supplementary informatio

    A symmetric quantum calculus

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    We introduce the α,β\alpha,\beta-symmetric difference derivative and the α,β\alpha,\beta-symmetric N\"orlund sum. The associated symmetric quantum calculus is developed, which can be seen as a generalization of the forward and backward hh-calculus.Comment: Submitted 26/Sept/2011; accepted in revised form 28/Dec/2011; to Proceedings of International Conference on Differential & Difference Equations and Applications, in honour of Professor Ravi P. Agarwal, to be published by Springer in the series Proceedings in Mathematics (PROM

    On the Modeling of Droplet Evaporation on Superhydrophobic Surfaces

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    When a drop of water is placed on a rough surface, there are two possible extreme regimes of wetting: the one called Cassie-Baxter (CB) with air pockets trapped underneath the droplet and the one characterized by the homogeneous wetting of the surface, called the Wenzel (W) state. A way to investigate the transition between these two states is by means of evaporation experiments, in which the droplet starts in a CB state and, as its volume decreases, penetrates the surface's grooves, reaching a W state. Here we present a theoretical model based on the global interfacial energies for CB and W states that allows us to predict the thermodynamic wetting state of the droplet for a given volume and surface texture. We first analyze the influence of the surface geometric parameters on the droplet's final wetting state with constant volume, and show that it depends strongly on the surface texture. We then vary the volume of the droplet keeping fixed the geometric surface parameters to mimic evaporation and show that the drop experiences a transition from the CB to the W state when its volume reduces, as observed in experiments. To investigate the dependency of the wetting state on the initial state of the droplet, we implement a cellular Potts model in three dimensions. Simulations show a very good agreement with theory when the initial state is W, but it disagrees when the droplet is initialized in a CB state, in accordance with previous observations which show that the CB state is metastable in many cases. Both simulations and theoretical model can be modified to study other types of surface.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Non-Markovian incoherent quantum dynamics of a two-state system

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    We present a detailed study of the non-Markovian two-state system dynamics for the regime of incoherent quantum tunneling. Using perturbation theory in the system tunneling amplitude Δ\Delta, and in the limit of strong system-bath coupling, we determine the short time evolution of the reduced density matrix and thereby find a general equation of motion for the non-Markovian evolution at longer times. We relate the nonlocality in time due to the non-Markovian effects with the environment characteristic response time. In addition, we study the incoherent evolution of a system with a double-well potential, where each well consists several quantized energy levels. We determine the crossover temperature to a regime where many energy levels in the wells participate in the tunneling process, and observe that the required temperature can be much smaller than the one associated with the system plasma frequency. We also discuss experimental implications of our theoretical analysis.Comment: 10 pages, published versio
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