54 research outputs found

    Chapter 7 Leading and Managing Interaction Under Risk in the Police

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    "Leading interaction under risk is one of the aspects of being a leader in the police. After the 22nd of July 2011 Norwegian terror attacks it has been pointed out that the main explanatory factors as to why interaction under risk turned out as it did not necessarily was due to the lack of resources, previous evaluations or government plans but rather the lack of living up to these. In organisation theory, - psychology and management literature, it is customary to distinguish between expressed and actual ways to manage and lead, as well as between the structuralinstrumental and the institutional perspective. These strands of research address how the difference between general and overarching political aims and the execution of the same aims in practice neither may be neither uncommon nor unexpected. However, is it possible to expect more agreement between aims and actual behaviour? If so, what may some of the underlying conditions for leading learning from experience be? This chapter discusses what some of the underlying conditions for leading and managing learning from experience in the case of interaction under risk in the police may be. Specifically, conditions of learning located between the expressed and executed, that is, between the institutional and cultural.

    Varsling : utfordring i skjæringspunktet mellom juss og psykologi

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    De årene som har gått siden arbeidsmiljølovens bestemmelser om varsling trådte i kraft, har etter vår mening synliggjort særlig tre overordnede utfordringer som det må tas hensyn til ved vurderingen av hvorvidt gjeldende rett i tilstrekkelig grad beskytter arbeidstakere som varsler om kritikkverdige forhold. Den første utfordringen er blitt synliggjort ved saker i media hvor tidligere varslere advarer andre arbeidstakere mot å gjøre det samme fordi de selv har opplevd ikke å bli hørt av arbeidsgiver, offentlige myndigheter eller av domstolen. Den andre utfordringen er at selve eksistensen av lovregulering av varslervern i noen tilfeller har blitt benyttet som et bevis for at varslervernet fungerer. Den tredje utfordringen er nødvendigheten av å nyansere de forskningsmessige funn som er gjort vedrørende forekomsten av represalier etter varsling

    Ledelse av mangfold i politiet

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    Siden mangfoldsåret 2008 har politiet arbeidet med «Plan for mangfoldsarbeidet i politi- og lensmannsetaten» (Politidirektoratet, 2008). Som den første sentrale strategiske plan i politiet som dekker hele mangfoldsbegrepet er hensikten å arbeide målrettet og systematisert. Strategien er å integrere mangfold som en naturlig del av den ordinære virksomheten. På vei inn i det siste året for mangfoldsplanens virketid vil vi i den artikkelen fokusere på kulturelt mangfold i politiet. For å gi noen innspill til ledelse av mangfold i politiet i praksis vil vi knytte en modell for akkulturasjon sammen med funn fra en undersøkelse av hvordan politistudenter med flerkulturell bakgrunn tilpasser seg studiemiljøet

    Å forbedre en etat: Om læring gjennom eksisterende systemer i politiorganisasjonen

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    Reformer i offentlig forvaltning tar ofte utgangspunkt i å endre atferd via formelle strukturer og formaliserte prosedyrer og rutiner (Røvik, 2007). Likevel viser forskning at formell struktur og faktisk atferd i organisasjonen sjeldent samsvarer (Jacobsen og Thorsvik, 2013). Å påvirke atferd gjennom formaliserte styringsinstrumenter kan dermed by på utfordringer (Christensen, Lægreid, Roness og Røvik, 2009). Med disse forutsetningene spør vi hvordan man best kan tilrettelegge for organisasjonslæring i endringsprosesser. Hvilke læringsarenaer kan gjøre komplekse organisasjoner mer kunnskapsbaserte? Med utgangspunkt i politietaten som case vil vi utforske hvordan man med virkemidler fra både styring og ledelse kan tilrettelegge for læring i organisasjoner som bærer trekk fra tradisjonelt byråkrati og profesjonsbyråkrati. I artikkelen understreker vi at endret atferd i politiorganisasjonen må hvile på medvirkning fra polititjenestepersonene, og kommer med noen eksempler på læringsarenaer og mulige hindre i arbeid med læring og endring som kan reduseres for å få læring til. I tillegg presenterer vi en del begreper som kan være nyttige, og viser til eksempler på måter politiet kan lære å lære av feil på. Siden gapet mellom formelle og uformelle prosesser i politiorganisasjonen er så stort, vil det å utvikle interne profesjonelle standarder ut fra langsiktig målsetting styrke politiets kontroll med arbeidsprosessene og tilrettelegge for medvirkning i det pågående endringsarbeidet. Systematisert, kunnskapsbasert erfaringslæring er en av de veiene politiledere og deres organisasjoner oppfordres til å følge (NOU 2009:12, Hove, 2014)

    Preventing and dealing with retaliation against whistleblowers

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    In this chapter we shown how whistleblowing has the potential to alert and stop detrimental activities that often harm a third party. We first outlined the background for our research before we explained the term retaliation and described some types of such behaviour. We then presented some of the most typical symptoms reported by employees that have reported wrongdoing at work and been exposed to retaliation and workplace bullying afterwards, before we delineated the link between whistleblowing, retaliation, workplace bullying and health. Studies have shown that there is a link between whistleblowing, retaliation and workplace bullying. Future studies should also investigate the link between health and later employment status. In the subsequent section we portrayed different ways in which to prevent and deal with retaliation against whistleblowers in practice. In individual, group or societal tertiary interventions, therapists and practitioners are encouraged to listen. Through listening, they can gain insight into how one can understand and be of help to employees that attempt or have tried to improve the situation for a third party without excluding the impact of the organisation or society in question

    On the appropriateness of research design: Intended and actual whistleblowing

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    The act of trying to stop wrongdoing goes way back in time (cf. Park et al. 2005; Vinten 1994). However, whistleblowing research is commonly depicted as related to civil and worker initiatives in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s (Bok 1981). In those times, one of the first efforts to create a body of research consisted of compilations of case stories of the experiences of whistleblowers (for instance, see Nader et al. 1972; Peters and Branch 1972). This period also included books and movies based on experiences from whole organizations and actual cases (for instance, see Anderson et al. 1980; Maas 1973). Later, theoretical papers and empirical research of the act of reporting wrongdoing at work became more common (Miceli and Near 1989; Parmerlee et al. 1982). While the first compiled versions of whistleblowing cases were important for getting attention to the topic, theoretical and empirical research was and is crucial to gaining systematic knowledge about whistleblowing at work. The act of whistleblowing is commonly defined as ‘the disclosure by organization members (former or current) of illegal, immoral or illegitimate practices under the control of their employers, to persons or organizations that may be able to effect action’ (Near and Miceli 1985: 5). Studying real-life whistleblowing is hard due to several factors. It is a sensitive topic, so gaining entry into organizations and ensuring participants that their anonymity will be kept can be challenging. Moreover, in quantitative research designs large samples are necessary to get sufficient numbers of silent observers and actual whistleblowers for statistical analysis

    Relación de la violencia y acoso laboral, desempeño laboral y satisfacción laboral en empleados de una institución de educación superior en Colombia

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    Trabajo de investigaciónLa presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la relación entre las variables de Violencia y Acoso Psicológico en el trabajo, el Desempeño Laboral y la Satisfacción Laboral de una I.E.S. en la ciudad de Bogotá, en el documento se presentan la metodología utilizada y el análisis estadístico de los resultados de la aplicación de tres instrumentos, ratificando lo expuesto en otras investigaciones en donde se establecen relaciones significativas entre las variables de Satisfacción y Desempeño; sin embargo, no se permitió establecer relaciones significativas entre las Variables anteriores y la variable de Violencia y acoso Psicológico debido a que no se contó con el suficiente número de participantes que presentaran situaciones de acoso.RESUMEN ABSTRACT ANTECEDENTES TEÓRICOS Y EMPÍRICOS JUSTIFICACIÓN OBJETIVOS VARIABLES HIPÓTESIS METODOLOGÍA RESULTADOS DISCUSIÓN REFERENCIAS APÉNDICESMaestríaMagister en Psicologí

    Whistleblowing and neoliberalism: Political resistance in late capitalist economy

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    The reigning global market ideology, frequently referred to as neoliberalism, inherently strives for fewer economic regulations in order to create greater wealth for humanity. Whistleblowing, on the other hand, is an action that aims at preserving the conditions and values of the greater common good. Therefore, economic considerations, and human and ethical considerations sometimes collide. In the present globalised economy where neoliberalism endeavours for fewer regulations, workers that oppose wrongdoing at work (i.e. whistleblowers) seem to hold a unique position inbetween governmental interference and singularaction. Whistleblowers are neither sole state regulators nor grass root activists but attempt to effect change from within the organisation. This paper discusses ways in which neoliberalism can influence the act of whistleblowing

    External Whistleblowers’ Experiences of Workplace Bullying by Superiors and Colleagues

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate external whistleblowers’ experiences of workplace bullying by superiors and colleagues, and to analyze how the bullying was influenced by factors such as the support they received from government or NGOs, and whether colleagues understood the reasons for the whistleblower’s actions. For bullying by colleagues we also examined to what extent this was influenced by superiors’ behavior towards the whistleblower. We reviewed the relevant literature on workplace bullying and whistleblowers’ experiences of negative or retaliatory actions and developed three hypotheses, which we tested using data gathered from Korean external whistleblowers. Results revealed that external whistleblowers experienced work-related bullying by superiors and social relation-related and person-related bullying by colleagues more frequently, and found it more distressing, than other types of workplace bullying. Superiors’ bullying was a dominant factor affecting bullying by colleagues. Colleagues’ understanding of the reason for the whistleblower’s actions was significant in reducing bullying frequency while support from government and NGOs was not significant in reducing it. Based on these findings, practical implications are discussed

    Police Leadership Development: Intentions and Critical Success-Factors

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    The Norwegian Police Service (NPS) have been heavily criticized after the 22 July 2011 terror attacks at Utøya and in Oslo. One of the evaluation reports stated three shortcomings in the NPS: culture, attitudes and leadership. Management and leadership in the NPS needs to be improved and strengthened, and this shall take place among other things, with the help of a policy document on Civil Service Leadership, elaborated into a manifest called Plattform for medarbeiderskap (Platform of Employeeship for the NPS). The policy document pertains to how the public sector in general ought to be managed, and the document is based on leadership research and is in accordance with mainstream management theory. The idea of formulating a principle of management that would characterize the classical contributions is also evident in this document. This paper addresses two problems: How can value-based police leadership skills be operationalized and measured, and what are the key critical factors in transferring value-based police leadership principles into improved leadership practices