770 research outputs found

    Domino effect for world market fluctuations

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    In order to emphasize cross-correlations for fluctuations in major market places, series of up and down spins are built from financial data. Patterns frequencies are measured, and statistical tests performed. Strong cross-correlations are emphasized, proving that market moves are collective behaviors.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to EPJ

    The Lived Experience of Facilitating the Violet Oaklander Model of Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents

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    The purpose of this phenomenological study was to describe the experience of facilitating the Oaklander Model of Gestalt Play Therapy when treating children or adolescents in psychotherapy. Interviews were conducted with clinicians who have received training and use the Oaklander method in their practice of psychotherapy. Transcriptions of the interviews were coded and analyzed, revealing a consistent experience along various themes. Participants reported that this Gestalt method allows a non-linear method of helping clients to unfold according to the needs and challenges of each session. Participants also reported that the end goal of the Oaklander Gestalt model helped young clients express themselves through the use of customized strategies that included consideration of the experiences and physical capabilities of children. The model’s focus on the strength of the clinician-client, clinician-parent, and parent-client relationship facilitated self-awareness and sense of self through effective mind-body interventions. Further exploration by broadening the range, size, and type of sample studied is recommended. The electronic version of this dissertation is available free at Ohiolink ETD Center, www.ohiolink.edu/et

    Don’t Touch! Examining the Role of Hands-On Children’s Programs in Museums

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    Until the 20th century, museums were designed mainly for scholars to conduct research on rare and endangered objects. In the past few decades, museums have broadened their outreach to the general public to include people of all ages and demographics. Many museums now offer children’s programs that include hands-on activities as a way to stimulate a love for learning in a more relaxed and independent fashion. At two institutions targeting the same demographic, the Los Angeles Zoo and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art [LACMA], children are able to learn about endangered animals and rare works of art through hands-on activities. Although the LA Zoo and LACMA are challenged by exhibiting subjects that cannot be touched, they have succeeded in bringing children closer to both animals and art through the construction of children’s spaces, interactive children’s programming and supplemental materials. Through a comparative analysis of the Los Angeles Zoo’s Critters n’ Kids Program and LACMA’s NexGen program, this paper investigates the role of hands-on activities in museum children’s program as a way to bridge learning for a younger demographic. My analysis of the recent development of the interpretive media, programs, and spaces at the LA Zoo and LACMA provides a basis for redefining the role of the public museum in society. This will highlight the idea of the importance of using interpretative media as a way for museums to serve as a perpetrator of education for society

    A First Look at Periodicity in HAWC with TeV Binaries

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    Only five binary systems have been found to emit at TeV energies. Each of these systems is composed of a massive O or B type star and a compact object (black hole or a pulsar). The type of compact object and the origin of the gamma-ray emission is unknown for most of these systems. Extending spectral observations to higher energies can help disentangle the nature of the compact object as well as the particle acceleration mechanisms present. Interestingly, the TeV emission from these systems does not always coincide with their emission in GeV or X-ray, which is how many such systems have been originally discovered. Increased coverage of these systems may allow HAWC to see precisely when in the orbit the TeV emission begins and ends. The HAWC Observatory detects TeV gamma-rays with high sensitivity, covering over two-thirds of the overhead sky every day. Applying a stacking method to known TeV binary systems can help HAWC enhance the signal from TeV binaries above the steady background from other sources in the galaxy. We will present results from this stacking analysis using 760 days of HAWC data.Comment: Presented at the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017), Bexco, Busan, Korea. See arXiv:1708.02572 for all HAWC contribution

    Bio Roll-Up: Self-Assembling Scaffolds For Tissue Engineering

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    There is an unmet need for controlled, dynamic cell scaffolds that will generate 3-D monolayers of epithelial cells for medical research and tissue engineering. Here we describe a system that uses photoimageable and biocompatible HEMA-based hydrogel bilayers that self-assemble from 2-D substrates into 3-D tube-shaped structures. These structures are patterned on top of another layer that demonstrates an ability to anchor the assembled structure and control the direction and extent of selfassembly. Cell viability was determined by MTT assay which shows material components comparable with the positive control (80-110%). Finally, the masks used in the experiments herein were redesigned to improve ease of use, alignment and testability

    Electron spectrum of the dragonfly pulsar wind nebula from X-ray to TeV

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    The Dragonfly nebula is a Vela-like Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN) in the Cygnus region powered by the spin down of PSR J2021+3651. In X-rays, the inner nebula is a few arcseconds across, whereas at TeV energies VERITAS and HAWC has observed extended emission much larger than the extension in X-rays. The TeV gamma-ray source HAWC J2019+368 was originally discovered in 2007 by the Milagro Observatory and has been associated with this pulsar. Recent work has shown hints of energy dependent morphology for the source at TeV energies, supporting the interpretation of the gamma-ray emission being due to Inverse Compton scattering of electrons and positrons from interstellar radiation fields and cosmic microwave background photons. The hard spectral index and spectral softening above 30 TeV of the source are consistent with Klein- Nishina suppression of the electron-photon cross-section at high energies. We will present our most recent studies in modeling and analysis of HAWC J2019+368, explaining the X-ray and TeV emission up to the highest energies using the latest data from the HAWC Observatory

    The Blade Against the Burden: The Iconography of the Sword in \u3ci\u3eThe Lord of the Rings\u3c/i\u3e

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    Invites us to consider the deeper social implications of carrying and using a sword in the medieval world of Middle-earth—how bearing a sword not only indicates leadership and service, but provides an opportunity for social mobility, in addition to its more obvious military meanings. Considers as examples Merry and Pippin swearing oaths to, respectively, Théoden and Denethor; Éowyn’s heroic deeds; and especially Aragorn’s use of Narsil/Andúril as a symbol of legitimacy and service to his people

    Chemotherapy-Induced Premature Menopause Among Latina Women With Breast Cancer: An Interpretive Description: A Dissertation

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    The description and interpretation of Latinas’ experience with chemotherapyinduced premature menopause from breast cancer treatment were explored in this study, which utilized an interpretive descriptive method from a feminist lens, and Knobf’s (1998, 2002) “Carrying on” theory. The specific aims of the study and the interview questions were guided by the state of the science literature. Overall, the impact of physiological effects, psychosocial effects, barriers, influencing factors that made their experience easier or harder, and how participants adjusted to a cancer diagnosis, treatment course, and menopause transition were described as bigger than the menopause experience alone. Participants also described a period of uncertainty or “ever-changing landscape” that began at the time of diagnosis and continued through survivorship. The impact of information, access to healthcare, acculturation levels, support, and a sense of control were elucidated as important factors in “working through” the experience. A range of collateral data sources were employed. Study limitations and future implications for practice, research, and health policy were demarcated

    First galactic survey of energy-dependent diffusion by HAWC

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    HAWC’s wide field-of-view enables unbiased observations of much of the galaxy, allowing for analysis of many candidate sources in the HAWC dataset. Recent work has allowed HAWC to start investigating electron diffusion around pulsars at TeV energies. Surveying electron diffusion at TeV energies along the galactic plane is a unique capability of HAWC that allows us to examine the sources of electrons in our galaxy and constrain the energy dependence of the diffusion mech-anism. HAWC has already applied this model to the Geminga and Monogem pulsars. This work will expand the study to include multiple sources associated with pulsars in the latest HAWC dataset. Unlike older pulsars, lepton transport around young pulsars is likely to be dominated by advective processes. Using simple assumptions, both advective and diffusive processes predict that the size of the emission region follows a power law dependence on energy. This study has important consequences for the positron excess reported by space-based instruments; if electron diffusion is suppressed for tens of parsecs around pulsars relative to diffusion in the interstellar medium (a two-zone model), they may be able to explain at least part of the observed increase in the positron fraction above 10 GeV
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