139 research outputs found

    High efficiency SiO2-TiO2 hybrid sol-gel antireflective coating for infrared applications

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    Sol-gel derived antireflective thin films were created for chalcogenide glass substrates in the 1.5-5 mu m wavelength range of infrared region. Presented herein is a preparation and characterization of the hybrid sol-gel created including particle size, refractive index, pH, and Fourier transform infrared FTIR transmission spectra. It is shown that an increase of not less than 8% and up to 25.1% transmission is achieved using sol-gel derived antireflective coatings


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    Whooping crane (Grus americana) migratory stopovers can vary in length from hours to more than a month. Stopover sites provide food resources and safety essential for the completion of migration. Factors such as weather, climate, demographics of migrating groups, and physiological condition of migrants influence migratory movements of cranes (Gruidae) to varying degrees. However, little research has examined the relationship between habitat characteristics and stopover stay length in cranes. Site quality may relate to stay length with longer stays that allow individuals to improve body condition, or with shorter stays because of increased foraging efficiency. We examined this question by using habitat data collected at 605 use locations from 449 stopover sites throughout the United States Great Plains visited by 58 whooping cranes from the Aransas–Wood Buffalo Population tracked with platform transmitting terminals. Research staff compiled land cover (e.g., hectares of corn; landscape level) and habitat metric (e.g., maximum water depth; site level) data for day use and evening roost locations via site visits and geospatial mapping. We used Random Forest regression analyses to estimate importance of covariates for predicting stopover stay length. Site-level variables explained 9% of variation in stay length, whereas landscape-level variables explained 43%. Stay length increased with latitude and the proportion of land cover as open-water slough with emergent vegetation as well as alfalfa, whereas stay length decreased as open-water lacustrine wetland land cover increased. At the site level, stopover duration increased with wetted width at riverine sites but decreased with wetted width at palustrine and lacustrine wetland sites. Stopover duration increased with mean distance to visual obstruction as well as where management had reduced the height of vegetation through natural (e.g., grazing) or mechanical (e.g., harvesting) means and decreased with maximum water depth. Our results suggest that stopover length increases with the availability of preferred land cover types for foraging. High quality stopover sites with abundant forage resources may help whooping cranes maintain fat reserves important to their annual life cycle

    Boreal Chorus Frog Calling Activity in the Central Platte River Valley of Nebraska in Spring 2015 - 2017

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    Boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata) calling activity and associated environmental variables collected in the Central Platte River Valley of Nebraska in the spring of 2015, 2016, and 2017. Calling activity derived from sound analysis. Vegetation phenology and wet meadow hydrology derived from image-analysis. Weather and river discharge obtained from NOAA and USGS, respectively. Metadata: Site: study sites; either slough or wet meadow Year: 2015, 2016, or 2017 Date: m/d/yyyy Missing: denotes 1 if calling activity is missing for the day and 0 if data is not missing Count: daily calling activity of boreal chorus frog scaled from 0 - 1 GCC: green chromatic coordinates, vegetation index derived from image analysis HYDRO: scaled 0 - 1 hydropattern; at slough this is USGS Platte River streamflow; at wet meadow this is water inundation from image-analysis WND: average windspeed in MPH PRCP: total daily precipitation accumulation SNOW: total daily snow accumulation (cm) SNWD: daily snow depth (cm) TAVG: daily average temperature (c) TMAX: maximum daily temp (c) TMIN: minimum daily temp (c) PRCP7: weekly precipitation accumulation (cm) PRCP1: day prior daily accumulation (cm) DOY: day of year For further details, see accompanying manuscript 'Assessing ecological and environmental influences on Boreal Chorus Frog (Pseudacris maculata) spring calling phenology using multimodal passive monitoring technologies' and Data-In-Brief

    The Solution Precursor Plasma Spray Processing Of Nanomaterials

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    Solution precursor plasma spray (SPPS) synthesis is a simple, single-step, and rapid technique for synthesizing nano-ceramic materials from solution precursors. This innovative method uses molecularly mixed precursors as liquids, avoiding a separate processing method for the preparation of powders and enabling the synthesis of a wide range of metal oxide powders and coatings. Also, this technique is considered to be promising for the formation of nonequilibrium phases in multi-component oxide systems. This short review provides an insight into the important aspects of SPPS, the properties obtained in comparison to conventional plasma spray and the potential applications of the SPPS process


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