211 research outputs found

    Implications of differences between temperate and tropical freshwater ecosystems for the ecological risk assessment of pesticides

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    Despite considerable increased pesticide use over the past decades, little research has been done into their fate and effects in surface waters in tropical regions. In the present review, possible differences in response between temperate and tropical freshwaters to pesticide stress are discussed. Three underlying mechanisms for these differences are distinguished: (1) climate related parameters, (2) ecosystem sensitivity, and (3) agricultural practices. Pesticide dissipation rates and vulnerability of freshwaters appear not to be consistently higher or lower in tropical regions compared to their temperate counterparts. However, differences in fate and effects may occur for individual pesticides and taxa. Furthermore, intensive agricultural practices in tropical countries lead to a higher input of pesticides and spread of contamination over watersheds. Field studies in tropical farms on pesticide fate in the enclosed and surrounding waterways are recommended, which should ultimately lead to the development of surface water scenarios for tropical countries like developed by the Forum for the co-ordination of pesticide fate models and their use for temperate regions. Future tropical effect assessment studies should evaluate whether specific tropical taxa, not represented by the current standard test species in use, are at risk. If so, tropical model ecosystem studies evaluating pesticide concentration ranges need to be conducted to validate whether selected surrogate indigenous test species are representative for local tropical freshwater ecosystems

    Impact of single and repeated applications of the insecticide chlorpyrifos on tropical freshwater plankton communities

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    This paper describes the effects of a single and a repeated application of the organophosphorus insecticide chlorpyrifos on zooplankton and phytoplankton communities in outdoor microcosms in Thailand. Treatment levels of 1 mu g L-1 were applied once or twice with a 2-week interval. Both treatments led to a significant decrease in cladocerans followed by an increase in rotifers, although the extent by which species were affected was different. Ceriodaphnia cornuta was the most responding cladoceran after the first treatment, while Moina micrura responded most to the second. This is explained by differences in the growth phase of M. micrura at the time of application and an increase in Microcystis abundance over the course of the experiment. Several phytoplankton taxa either increased or decreased as a result of the chlorpyrifos-induced changes in zooplankton communities. Even though chlorpyrifos disappeared fast from the water column, effects on plankton communities persisted till the end of the experiment (42 days) when the insecticide concentrations had dropped below the detection limit. This was presumably due to the increasing population trend of Microcystis, favouring rotifers over cladocerans

    Institutions for adaptation: the capacity and ability of the Dutch institutional framework to adapt to climate change

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    The climate is not the only aspect in this world that is changing. We notice a number of societal trends – a shift towards individual responsibility to receive rain water on private property and to encourage individuals to seek insurance rather than depend on a safety net to be provided by the government; increasing pressure on rural land use because of urbanisation processes, together with development to combine land use functions; decisions to develop large scale housing projects that do not take into account the potential impact of climate change; and, inter alia, the development of innovative solutions such as floating houses and brackish agriculture. We also notice the development of new organizational arrangements, such as multilevel agreements between policy actors, a more horizontal approach to land use planning, and a shift form national to European nature policies. Obviously, the system we will try to study is a moving target, and the theoretical framework we use will have to be able to deal with thi

    Institutions for Climate Change : A Method to assess the Inherent Characteristics of Institutions to enable the Adaptive Capacity of Society

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    This paper addresses the question: How can the inherent characteristics of institutions to stimulate the adaptive capacity of society to climate change from local through to national level be assessed? On the basis of a literature review and several brainstorm sessions, this paper presents six criteria: Variety, learning capacity, space for planned and innovative autonomous action, leadership, availability of resources and fair governance

    Self-efficacy did not predict the outcome of the transition to adult care in adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease

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    Aim: It can be difficult for adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) to make the transition from paediatric to adult care. We studied the outcomes of this process and defined what constituted a successful transition. Methods: In 2008, 50 adolescents who attended our IBD transition clinic completed IBD-yourself, a self-efficacy questionnaire that we had previously developed and validated. We approached the subjects in 2014, two to six years after they transferred to adult care, and 35 agreed to take part in the current study. The outcome of transition was assessed by our newly developed Transition Yourself Score. In addition, the relationship between self-efficacy and the outcome of the transition was measured. Results: The mean age of the patients was 21.8 years, and 69% suffered from Crohn's disease. The transition process was successful in 63% of cases, moderately successful in 31% and failed in 6%. A successful transition was associated with effective use of medication and clinical remission at the time of transfer, but could not be predicted by self-efficacy. The Transition Yourself Score will be validated in future studies. Conclusion: Nearly two-thirds (63%) of the adolescents who attended the IBD transition clinic had a successful transition to adult care

    Well-being, multidisciplinary work and a skillful team:essential elements of successful treatment in severe challenging behavior in dementia

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    Objective: Conceptualize successful treatment of persons with dementia and severe challenging behavior as perceived by professionals. Methods: In this concept mapping study 82 experts in dementia care participated. The study followed two phases of data collection: (1) an online brainstorm where participants completed the focus prompt: ‘I consider the treatment of people with severe challenging behavior in dementia successful if.’; (2) individual sorting and rating of the collected statements followed by data analysis using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis, resulting in a concept map. Results: Three clusters were identified, the first addressing treatment outcomes and the latter two addressing treatment processes, each divided into sub-clusters: (1) well-being, comprising well-being of the person with dementia and all people directly involved; (2) multidisciplinary analysis and treatment, comprising multidisciplinary analysis, process conditions, reduction in psychotropic drugs, and person-centered treatment; and (3) attitudes and skills of those involved, comprising consistent approach by the team, understanding behavior, knowing how to respond to behavior, and open attitudes. Conclusions: Successful treatment in people with dementia and severe challenging behavior focuses on well-being of all people involved wherein attention to treatment processes including process conditions is essential to achieve this.</p

    Well-being, multidisciplinary work and a skillful team:essential elements of successful treatment in severe challenging behavior in dementia

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    Objective: Conceptualize successful treatment of persons with dementia and severe challenging behavior as perceived by professionals. Methods: In this concept mapping study 82 experts in dementia care participated. The study followed two phases of data collection: (1) an online brainstorm where participants completed the focus prompt: ‘I consider the treatment of people with severe challenging behavior in dementia successful if.’; (2) individual sorting and rating of the collected statements followed by data analysis using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis, resulting in a concept map. Results: Three clusters were identified, the first addressing treatment outcomes and the latter two addressing treatment processes, each divided into sub-clusters: (1) well-being, comprising well-being of the person with dementia and all people directly involved; (2) multidisciplinary analysis and treatment, comprising multidisciplinary analysis, process conditions, reduction in psychotropic drugs, and person-centered treatment; and (3) attitudes and skills of those involved, comprising consistent approach by the team, understanding behavior, knowing how to respond to behavior, and open attitudes. Conclusions: Successful treatment in people with dementia and severe challenging behavior focuses on well-being of all people involved wherein attention to treatment processes including process conditions is essential to achieve this.</p

    Well-being, multidisciplinary work and a skillful team:essential elements of successful treatment in severe challenging behavior in dementia

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    Objective: Conceptualize successful treatment of persons with dementia and severe challenging behavior as perceived by professionals. Methods: In this concept mapping study 82 experts in dementia care participated. The study followed two phases of data collection: (1) an online brainstorm where participants completed the focus prompt: ‘I consider the treatment of people with severe challenging behavior in dementia successful if.’; (2) individual sorting and rating of the collected statements followed by data analysis using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis, resulting in a concept map. Results: Three clusters were identified, the first addressing treatment outcomes and the latter two addressing treatment processes, each divided into sub-clusters: (1) well-being, comprising well-being of the person with dementia and all people directly involved; (2) multidisciplinary analysis and treatment, comprising multidisciplinary analysis, process conditions, reduction in psychotropic drugs, and person-centered treatment; and (3) attitudes and skills of those involved, comprising consistent approach by the team, understanding behavior, knowing how to respond to behavior, and open attitudes. Conclusions: Successful treatment in people with dementia and severe challenging behavior focuses on well-being of all people involved wherein attention to treatment processes including process conditions is essential to achieve this.</p

    Institutions for adaptation: do institutions allow society to adapt to the impacts of climate change?

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    Historisch gezien hebben instituties (formele en informele sociale regels en interactiepatronen) zich altijd ontwikkeld als reactie op sociale problemen, waaronder milieuproblemen. De laatste decennia worden gekenmerkt door toenemende economische ontwikkeling en globalisering, waardoor sociale problemen zich sneller ontwikkelen en onze kennis over deze problemen toeneemt. Belangrijke vraag is: in hoeverre maken instituties een tijdige en effectieve reactie vanuit de samenleving op de gevolgen van klimaatverandering mogelijk? Eerst is het Adaptatiewiel ontwikkeld als een methode om instituties te beoordelen op de mate waarin zij aanpassingen vanuit de samenlevingen bevorderen of belemmeren. Darmee is vervolgens de officiële Nederlandse institutionele context geëvalueerd in vier beleidssectoren (natuur, landbouw, water en ruimtelijke ordening). Ook is het Adaptatiewiel toegepast in vier case studies (Individuele Verantwoordelijkheid, Waterveiligheid, Bouwen in Laaggelegen Gebieden en Waddenzee
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