78 research outputs found

    The right to justification : Recensie van: Rainer Forst (2007) Das Recht auf Rechtfertigung. Elemente einer konstruktivistischer Theorie der Gerechtigkeit. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 413 pp.

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    Rezension von: Rainer Forst (2007) Das Recht auf Rechtfertigung. Elemente einer konstruktivistischer Theorie der Gerechtigkeit. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 413 pp


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    It is an honor for University College Roosevelt to host the 2017 Student Research Conference. Our main building, the City Hall from 1452, will be packed with some of the biggest talents in undergraduate research and distinguished keynote speakers. Your work has been meticulously reviewed by senior researchers from all Dutch research universities, many of which will attend the conference. Let me thank them for their hard and devoted work, without which the highly competitive environment of the Student Research Conference could not exist. University College Roosevelt offers an English-taught, three-year bachelor program in the Liberal Arts and Sciences. The college is an independent foundation, but academically the program is part of Utrecht University. More than 40% of our just 600 students come from abroad. We have students from all continents - except for Antarctica. We are the only ‘stand-alone’ university college in the Netherlands. The stand-alone concept is wellknown in the United States, where many undergraduate colleges are located far from the hustle and bustle of big city life. Students come to University College Roosevelt to live in an intensive high -pressure cooker of academic and civic engagement for three years. After that, they are ready and yearning to jump to graduate schools around the globe. About 50% of our graduates go on to do a master’s program in the Netherlands, about 50% go abroad. At University College Roosevelt, we firmly believe that undergraduate studies are about much more than gaining basic academic competence in one or more academic disciplines. Academic education is about academic and personal growth, as well as civic engagement. All three elements are about demonstrating curiosity and responsibility. Integrating active student-driven research into the curriculum is one of the best ways to foster curiosity and responsibility in students. Indeed, student-driven research puts a lot of responsibility for the learning process on the student. And as visitors to the conference know,that may well be the best way of shaping great education. It is very good to see that this educational philosophy is flourishing in many universities and universities of applied science in the Netherlands. At University College Roosevelt, we are proud to host the Student Research Conference 2017, where some of the best work produced through student-driven research will be presented. I wish you success - and lots of intellectual fun! Kind regards,Prof. dr. Bert van den Brin

    The Tragedy of Liberalism. Pragmatism and Perfectionism in a Liberal State of Law

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    Autor smatra da je liberalizmu kao političkoj doktrini imanentno proturječje, koje utjelovljuju dvije njegove varijante. Perfekcionističke doktrine Williama Galstona i Josepha Raza zagovaraju liberalne oblike dobrog života (autonomiju, toleranciju, otvorenost prema svijetu), dok se antiperfekcionistička doktrina Johna Rawlsa ograničuje na definiranje proceduralnih pretpostavki pravednosti. Rawlsov i Galstonov liberalni perfekcionizam u opasnosti je da u ime liberalnih vrijednosti i vrlina povrijedi načelo neutralnosti političke vlasti prema individualnim vrijednosnim izborima, dok Rawlsova koncepcija proceduralne pravednosti ne može izbjeći prijetnju da potpuna otvorenost prema individualnim vrijednosnim opcijama naposljetku potkopa pretpostavke liberalnog društva. Autor zaključuje da je za obranu liberalizma nužna ravnoteža perfekcionizma i antiperfekcionizma. Takva argumentacijska strategija mora uvažiti supstancijalni liberalni pojam pravednosti, nužnost deliberativne demokratske politike i ideju građanina kao subjekta koji (prakticirajući aktivnu toleranciju) preuzima odgovornost za zajednicu.The author thinks that liberalism, as a political doctrine, is imanently contradictory, the contradiction being embodied in its two variants. The perfectionist doctrines by William Galston and Joseph Raz advocate liberal forms of good life (autonomy, tolerance, openeess to the world), while the antiperfectionist doctrine of John Rawls limits itself to defining the procedural foundations of justice. Rawls\u27 and Galston\u27s liberal perfectionism is in danger, in the name of liberal values and virtues, of violating the principle of neutrality of political authority in relation to individual choice of values, while Rawls\u27 concept of procedural justice cannot steer clear of the danger that the total permissivness regarding individual value options eventually undermines the foundations of liberal society. The author concludes that the balance between perfectionism and anti perfectionism is essential for the defence of liberalism. Such argumentational strategy has to take into consideration the liberal notion of justice, the necessity of a liberating democratic politics and the concept of a citizen as a subject who, by practising active tolerance, accepts the responsibility for the community

    Борьба за зримое присутствие: о моральной грамматике документальной фотографии

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    The moral grammar of photojournalistic and documentary photographs is explored in the article. A moral grammar can be understood as the set of structural rules that govern the social struggles over the moral legitimacy of recognitive patterns of expectation and evaluation in any given social constellation. The author focuses on the study of normative-aesthetic mechanisms that enable documentary images of social conflict elicit our empathic engagement. The author argues that documentary photographs of social conflict and violence speak to us because they empathically engage our human concern for the integrity of social relations and the wellbeing of the vulnerable and needy others.Key words: theory of recognition, A. Honneth, documentary photography, visibility, justice, social conflict, normative-aesthetic appeal.В статье представлены особенности политико-философского подхода, предлагаемого для исследования вопросов справедливости в документальной фотографии, которая, зримо предъявляя нам социальные проблемы и конфликты, пронизывающие современное общество,  производит на нас сильное морально-эстетическое воздействие. С опорой на разработанную А. Хоннетом концепцию признания доказывается, что документальные фотографии дают нам такой тип зрительного доступа к социальным проблемам, который высвечивает конфликт и одновременно с этим выявляет спорность принятых в обществе социальных ожиданий, регулируемых стандартами признания и отвержения тех или иных идентичностей социальных акторов.Ключевые слова: теория признания, А. Хоннет, документальная фотография, визуальность, справедливость, социальный конфликт, морально-эстетическое воздействие

    Парадигма признания в социальной философии

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    The paradigm of recognition is outlined in the article. The role recognition plays in institutional and individual contexts is clarified. Methodology of studying conflicts as struggle for recognition offered by Axel Honneth is analyzed. Criticism that focuses on methodological and normative aspects of the paradigm of recognition is presented. The author concludes that agonistic approach provides better resources for interpreting social conflicts than the recognition paradigm in its current forms does.Key words: struggle for recognition, social conflict, redistribution, self-confidence, self-respect, self-esteem.В статье дается краткий обзор парадигмы признания, проясняется роль признания в индивидуальном и институциональном аспектах, анализируется методология изучения конфликтов борьбы за признание, предложенная Акселем Хоннетом. Далее предлагается оценка и критика методологических установок и ценностных предпосылок теории признания как социально-философской теории, приводятся аргументы о преимуществе агонистического подхода в изучении социальных конфликтов.Ключевые слова: борьба за признание, социальный конфликт, перераспределение, уверенность в себе, самоуважение, самооценка

    Asymmetric magnetic bubble expansion under in-plane field in Pt/Co/Pt: effect of interface engineering

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    We analyse the impact of growth conditions on asymmetric magnetic bubble expansion under in-plane field in ultrathin Pt / Co / Pt films. Specifically, using sputter deposition we vary the Ar pressure during the growth of the top Pt layer. This induces a large change in the interfacial structure as evidenced by a factor three change in the effective perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Strikingly, a discrepancy between the current theory for domain-wall propagation based on a simple domain-wall energy density and our experimental results is found. This calls for further theoretical development of domain-wall creep under in-plane fields and varying structural asymmetry.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    From Political Philosophy to Messy Empirical Reality

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    This chapter describes how philosophical theorizing about justice can be connected with empirical research in the social sciences. We begin by drawing on some received distinctions between ideal and non-ideal approaches to theorizing justice along several different dimensions, showing how non-ideal approaches are needed to address normative aspects of real-world problems and to provide practical guidance. We argue that there are advantages to a transitional approach to justice focusing on manifest injustices, including the fact that it enables us to set aside some reasonable disagreements about justice. The ‘bottom-up’ approach we advocate, for which we borrow Wolff’s term ‘real-world political philosophy’, is an empirically-informed normative analysis that attends to specific, identifiable injustices, and thus is partial, though not isolationist. We illustrate our approach by considering how different models of the nature of disability suggest different kinds of remedy for injustices faced by persons living with disabilities. We reflect on the nature and significance of vulnerabilities, and we assess the role of public opinion in normative theorizing, suggesting a particular significance for the opinions and experiences of marginalized groups. We finally reflect on the relevance of European legal and institutional frameworks for theorizing justice in Europe

    Electoral Dioramas: On the Problem of Representation in Voting Advice Applications

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    Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) are online tools designed to help citizens decide how to vote. They typically offer their users a representation of what is at stake in an election by matching user preferences on issues with those of parties or candidates. While the use of VAAs has boomed in recent years in both established and new democracies, this new phenomenon in the electoral landscape has received little attention from political theorists. The current academic debate is focused on epistemic aspects of the question how a VAA can adequately represent electoral politics. We argue that conceptual and normative presuppositions at play in the background of the tool are at least as important. Even a well-developed VAA does not simply reflect what is at stake in the election by neutrally passing along information. Rather, it structures political information in a way that is informed by the developers’ presuppositions. Yet, these presuppositions remain hidden if we interpret the tool as a mirror that offers the user a reflection of him/herself situated within the political landscape. VAAs should therefore be understood as electoral dioramas, staged according to a contestable picture of politics