22 research outputs found

    Planningsvaardigheden bij autismespectrumstoornissen: een kwalitatief en kwantitatief overzicht

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    At a clinical level, planning problems are often observed in patients with the autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In neuropsychological research, planning problems are objectively identifed using different kinds of neuropsychological tests. In this article, the following questions will be answered: 1) Do people with ASD have planning problems? If yes, 2) which neuropsychological planning test gives the most unambiguous results? Both the qualitative and the quantitative analysis provided evidence of planning impairments in people with ASD. Especially the so called "tower" tasks are useful in measuring the planning problems in ASD, with the exception of the "Stockings of Cambridge" task. In determining the planning impairments in ASD, it is important to take into account that not all planning tasks are equally suited for this purpose