871 research outputs found

    Birds of the North Gulf Coast - Prince William Sound Region, Alaska

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    The North Gulf Coast - Prince William Sound region of Alaska, phytographically, lies at the northern limit of the Sitka Spruce-hemlock coastal/subalpine forests of the Pacific Coast; it includes approximately 178,500 km2 and a shoreline of approximately 8,500 km. Fourteen habitats are utilized by birds: tundra; shrub thickets; hemlock-Sitka Spruce forests; bogs; mixed deciduous-spruce woodlands; marshes; lacustrine waters; fluviatile waters; cliffs, bluffs, and screes; moraines, alluvia, and barrier islands; beaches and tidal flats; rocky shores and reefs; inshore waters; and offshore waters. Two hundred nineteen species of birds have been recorded in the region, 111 of which are primarily water-related. Status, abundance, habitat, and seasonal occurrence are discussed in the annotated list of species. The geographic location and restrictive topography of the region make it a spectacular corridor for millions of migrating birds. In spring millions of Pintails, Dunlins, Western Sandpipers, and Northern Phalaropes move through the region, as do tens of thousands of Whistling Swans, Snow Geese, Knots, and Sanderlings. Fall concentrations of White-fronted Geese and Sandhill Cranes may exceed 100,000's. Species with notably large summering populations include Trumpeter Swans (several hundred breeding pairs), Bald Eagles (1,800-2,000 breeding pairs), Aleutian Terns (150-250 breeding pairs on Copper River Delta), Marbled Murrelets (probably millions), and Kittlitz's Murrelets (probably a few 100,000's). Significant range extensions reported include Yellow-billed Loons (fairly common in winter), Pink-footed and Pale-footed shearwaters, Brandt's Cormorants (breeding), Red-faced Cormorants (breeding), Steller's Eiders (winter), Bristle-thighed Curlews (migrant), Bar-tailed Godwits (migrant), Crested Auklets (winter), and northernmost wintering populations of waterfowl (Canada Geese, Gadwalls, Pintails, Green-winged Teals, American Widgeons) and shorebirds (Surfbirds, Black Trunstones, Dunlins, and Sanderlings). Some unexpected species reported include Skua, Anna's Hummingbird, Purple Marin, Yellowthroat, Common Grackle, and White-throated Sparrow

    Science, transmedia and (post)poetry : interactions in the construction of Agustín Fernández Mallos poetic theory

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    El presente trabajo, parte de una investigación sobre las interacciones y tensiones de los discursos científicos y literarios en la literatura española del siglo XIX al XXI, propone un recorrido por la obra poética Agustín Fernández Mallo. Conocido por su trilogía narrativa Proyecto Nocilla, las poesías de este multifacético autor tensionan, expanden, desdibujan los límites del texto poético a partir de la incorporación del discurso científico y la tecnología multimedia no meramente en términos de referencialidad sino como principios constructivos y, a la vez, teóricos desde los cuales abordar la producción artística.This paper, which is part of a research on the interactions and tensions between science and literature in Spain from the 19th to the 21st centuries, is focused on Agustín Fernández Mallo’s poetry. Besides his famous narrative trilogy Proyecto Nocilla, his poetry expand and blur the limits of the poetic textuality by the incorporation of science and multimedia technology not just in a referencial fashion but as both constructive and theoretical principles from which is possible a critical consideration of the poetic process.Fil: Brina, Maximiliano. Universidad de Buenos Aire

    Considerations For Source Water Protection In Ontario

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    Source water protection under the Ontario Clean Water Act (2006) emerged after the fatal E. coli outbreak in Walkerton, Ontario in 2000. It is the protection of raw drinking water at its source, and it is carried out at a local watershed and municipal level primarily through land use planning tools and stewardship in Ontario. The scope of source water protection is limited to anthropocentric considerations, and therefore it misses the opportunity to protect watersheds for the sake of ecosystem integrity and to conserve the many critical ecosystem services provided by watersheds. There are numerous threats to watersheds and other considerations that are not currently addressed by the regulation that undermine effective source water protection, such as groundwater quantity, urban growth, and existing contaminated lands. In addition, a jurisdictional gap has led to a water crisis in many First Nations communities, for whom contaminated source water is a primary concern. However, source water protection in First Nations communities is made difficult by external and internal threats, and as a tool, it is neither holistic nor aligned with traditional water management practices. Management of watersheds and water sources requires complex solutions and strong governance and institutions. Global freshwater resources are under unprecedented strain, and the lessons from Ontario can be emulated and expanded upon to achieve sustainability and ecosystem integrity

    Hair Matters: African American Women and the Natural Hair Aesthetic

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    This thesis addresses the negative cultural and social connotations of natural hair for African American women. This issue is examined throughout history from slavery to present day with a visual analysis of hair care advertisements. Presently, natural hair is gaining more positive implications; which can be affected by creating more positive images with natural hair. Using art as the vehicle for social change and using research to inform art has a positive impact on teaching and learning in the art classroom


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    Identity Status, Achievement Goal Orientation, and Academic Engagement

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    Watershed Investigative Support to the Poteau Valley Improvement Authority: Stream Water Quality to Support HUC 12 Prioritization in the Lake Wister Watershed, Oklahoma

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    Nonpoint source pollution associated with human land use (agriculture and urbanization) is one of the leading causes of impairment to waterways in the United States (EPA, 2000). The primary pollutants associated with agricultural and urban land use are sediment and nutrients which enter nearby streams during rain events and are then carried downstream. These sediments and nutrients may result in water quality issues in the downstream water bodies like increased algal growth or decreased water clarity (e.g. Smith et al., 1999)

    Stream Water Quality to Support HUC 12 Prioritization in the Lake Wister Watershed, Oklahoma: August 2017 through May 2019

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    Nonpoint source pollution associated with human land use (agriculture and urbanization) is one of the leading causes of impairment to waterways in the United States (EPA 2000). The primary pollutants associated with agricultural and urban land use are sediment and nutrients which enter nearby streams during rain events and are then carried downstream. These sediments and nutrients may result in water quality issues in the downstream water bodies like increased algal growth or decreased water clarity (e.g. Smith et al., 1999). Best management practices (BMPs) are often used to mitigate the effects of nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. Practices such as riparian buffers installed along the edge of field and conservation tillage (e.g., no-till, spring-till, and cover crops) slow overland flow, reducing erosion and nutrient loss from the landscape (Schoumans et al. 2014). Installing BMPs throughout the entire watershed would have the greatest effect at reducing nonpoint source pollution; however, this is not socially or economically feasible. Targeting critical source areas or priority watersheds for BMPs installation, optimizes the benefits while reducing the overall (Sharpley et al. 2000)


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    Introduction: Bronchopneumonia is an acute infection of the lower respiratory tract in the lungs, which anatomically affects the lung lobules starting from the lung parenchyma to the border of the bronchi which can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and foreign bodies. Characterized by shortness of breath, nasal flaring, and cyanosis (discoloration) around the nose or mouth. The effort that can be given is to give a nebulizer (inhalation) which is a treatment by administering drugs. Meanwhile, chest physiotherapy (chest physical therapy) is an intervention to help free a blocked airway caused by mucus/secretions. Methods: This research uses a case study research method. Results: At T1: (5) to T4: (3) as well as an increase in the ability to expel sputum. Conclusion: Based on the research description and discussion above that there is a decrease in shortness of breath and an increase in the ability to expel sputum during 4 treatments. Keywords: Bronchopneumonia, nebulizer, chest physical Therapy