43 research outputs found

    Higher Dimensional Thompson Groups

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    We construct a "higher dimensional" version 2V of Thompson's group V. Like V it is an infinite, finitely presented, simple subgroup of the homeomorphism group of the Cantor set, but we show that it is not isomorphic to V by showing that the actions on the Cantor set are not topologically conjugate: 2V has an element with "chaotic" action, while V cannot have such an element. A theorem of Rubin is then applied which shows that for these two groups, isomorphism would imply topological conjugacy.Comment: 27 pages To appear in Geometriae Dedicat

    The Free Group of Rank 2 is a Limit of Thompson's Group F

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    We show that the free group of rank 2 is a limit of 2-markings of Thompson's group F in the space of all 2-marked groups. More specifically, we find a sequence of generating pairs for F so that as one goes out the sequence, the length of the shortest relation satisfied by the generating pair goes to infinity.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figure

    Automorphisms of generalized Thompson groups

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    We look at the automorphisms of Thompson type groups of piecewise linear homeomorphisms of the real line or circle that use slopes that are integral powers of a fixed integer n with n>2. We show that large numbers of "exotic" automorphisms appear---automorphisms that are represented as conjugation by non-PL homeomorphisms of the real line or circle. This is in contrast to the n=2 case where no such automorphisms appear.Comment: DVI and Post-Script files onl

    Commentary on Robert Riley's article "A personal account of the discovery of hyperbolic structures on some knot complements"

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    We give some background and biographical commentary on the postumous article that appears in this [journal issue | ArXiv] by Robert Riley on his part of the early history of hyperbolic structures on some compact 3-manifolds. A complete list of Riley's publications appears at the end of the article.Comment: 5 page

    Coherence of Associativity in Categories with Multiplication

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    The usual coherence theorem of MacLane for categories with multiplication assumes that a certain pentagonal diagram commutes in order to conclude that associativity isomorphisms are well defined in a certain practical sense. The practical aspects include creating associativity isomorphisms from a given one by tensoring with the identity on either the right or the left. We show, by reinspecting MacLane's original arguments, that if tensoring with the identity is restricted to one side, then the well definedness of constructed isomorphisms follows from naturality only, with no need of the commutativity of the pentagonal diagram. This observation was discovered by noting the resemblance of the usual coherence theorems with certain properties of a finitely presented group known as Thompson's group F. This paper is to be taken as an advertisement for this connection.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebr