23 research outputs found
Koralionastetales, A New Order of Marine Ascomycota in the Sordariomycetes
Based on molecular studies using 1760 bp of the nuSSU and 604 bp of the nuLSU rRNA genes and using morphological characters, the genera Koralionastes and Pontogeneia are assigned to the new order Koralionastetales, family Koralionastetaceae, class Sordariomycetes. Koralionastetales is a sister group to Lulworthiales; differences in morphological characters are expressed in the ascospores and the presence/absence of periphyses and paraphyses. A new species of Pontogencia, P. microdictyi from Microdictyon sp. in the Bahamas, is described. (c) 2008 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
A re-evaluation of Lulworthiales: relationships based on 18S and 28S rDNA
The Lulworthiales consists of four genera: three that were removed from the Halosphaeriales, namely Lulworthia, Lindra, and Kohlmeyeriella; and Spathulospora, reassigned from the Spathulosporales. However, studies have shown that neither Lulworthia nor Lindra are monophyletic genera. This study was therefore undertaken to re-evaluate the genera of the Lulworthiales based on the SSU and LSU rDNA genes. Taxonomic revisions are proposed here for Lulworthia crassa, L. lignoarenaria, L. uniseptata and Lindra marinera: Lulworthia crassa is transferred into the genus Kohlmeyeriella; Lulwoidea gen. nov. is established for L. lignoarenaria; Lulwoana gen. nov. is established for L. uniseptata; and Lindra marinera is reduced to synonymy with L. thalassiae. Taxonomic descriptions are emended for the genus Lulworthia s. str., and for L. grandispora and Lindra thalassiae. A neotype is designated for Lulworthia grandispora