10 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: Figure S2. of Spatial pattern of genetic diversity and selection in the MHC class II DRB of three Neotropical bat species

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    Positions of PCR primers used to amplify the indicated fragments of the MHC class II loci in C. perspicillata, D. rotundus and M. molossus, based on cDNA. The structure of the cDNA of the MHC class II DRB gene is based on [50]. According to each species, boxes indicate the amplified region using each couple of primers. The shaded region represents the region of interest, namely exon 2. Sequences and references of all primers used are given in Table 1. (PDF 26 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Spatial pattern of genetic diversity and selection in the MHC class II DRB of three Neotropical bat species

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    Supplementary methods, including the characteristics of all capture sites (Table S1)ÄŹĹĄĹĽ, the list of samples successfully amplified for the MHC class II DRB loci (Table S2), the distribution of DRB alleles per species (Table S3-5), the pairwise differentiation computations per species (Table S6-8), as well as the correlations of genetics and geographic distance (Table S9). (XLS 179 kb

    Taxonomic resolution of the golden-crowned sifaka diet.

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    <p>Panel (a) presents the results base on the EMBL reference database only. Panel (b) presents the results using both EMBL and customized local reference database. Panel (c) uses the final results integrating the final validation by taxonomic experts. The proportions correspond to the number of sequences assigned to each taxonomic rank compared to the total number of identified sequences from DNA Barcoding (N = 130).</p