7 research outputs found

    Chagas disease at the crossroad of international migration and public health policies: why a national protocol is not enough

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    Since the year 2000, Chagas disease, traditionally known as a rural Latin American affliction, has been rising in the ranking of international health priorities due to the growing migration flows from endemic areas to non-endemic ones. Using the example of Italy and reporting preliminary results of a study carried out in the district of Bologna, the paper will argue that a disease-centred public health approach might be inadequate when dealing with complex and uncertain situations, in which complete statistical data are not available or not reliable, and in which the involved actors, health professionals on the one side, migrants on the other, appear to be unaware of the issue, or might even be denying it. In such a context, an effective public health approach should be capable of crossing disciplinary boundaries and bridging the gap between health services and communities, as well as between health and social issues

    La malattia di Chagas in un paese non endemico: il conte-sto bolognese. Analisi multidisciplinare della malattia e del fenomeno migratorio.

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    Chagas disease is a parasitic illness endemic in 21 countries of Central and South America, affecting over 10 million people. Due to the increase of migration fows to Europe, Chagas disease is an emerging public health issuein non endemic countries. In Italy, where no specific policy has yet been developed, the Centre for International Health of the University of Bologna is carrying out the project \u201cChagas disease in a non endemic country: a study in the district of Bologna\u201d. A multidisciplinary and multi-method approach was adopted to estimate the problemand its impact in our territory. A retrospective analysis was performed searching several databases in order to collect information concerning the demographic and epidemiological profile of Latin American migrants coming from endemic countries. At the same time, a preliminary ethnographic research was conducted to start unveilingthe main socio-anthropological characteristics of this population, thanks to the involvement of key informants and community associations. According to preliminary findings, Chagas disease is a present and possibly increasing reality in our territory. Due to the particular features of the affected population, socio-cultural variables have to be considered for their impact on the visibility of the condition and on health seeking behaviors

    In vivo rectal wall measurements during HDR prostate brachytherapy with MOSkin dosimeters integrated on a trans-rectal US probe: Comparison with planned and reconstructed doses

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    Background and purpose: To study if MO. Skin detectors coupled to a trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS) probe may be used for in vivo dosimetry on the rectal wall surface during US-based HDR prostate brachytherapy and to quantify possible discrepancies between planned and delivered doses. Materials and methods: MO. Skins are a specific type of MOSFET dosimeter optimized to measure dose in steep dose gradients on interfaces. Two MO. Skins were assembled on a TRUS probe used for on-line treatment planning. Measurements of the dose to the rectal wall were performed over 18 treatment sessions and compared to the doses calculated on the pre-treatment plan (DPRE ) and reconstructed on post-treatment images (DPOST ). Results: Averages of the absolute differences between MO. Skin readings and DPRE , MO. Skin readings and DPOST and DPRE and DPOST were 6.7. ±. 5.1%, 3.6. ±. 1.9% and 6.3. ±. 4.7%, respectively. Agreement between measurements and DPOST was significantly better than between measurements and DPRE (p = 0.002) and DPRE and DPOST (p = 0.004). Discrepancy between DPOST and DPRE correlated with the time required for treatment planning. Conclusion: MO. Skin dosimeters integrated to the TRUS probe proved to be an accurate instrument for measuring the dose delivered to the rectal wall in HDR prostate brachytherapy. The delivered doses may differ significantly from those calculated in the treatment plan

    Agregação de valor à resíduo agroindustrial: remoção de fenol utilizando adsorvente preparado a partir de casca de amendoim

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência do carvão ativado com CO2 (CA) produzido a partir da casca de amendoim como adsorvente para remoção de fenol em solução aquosa (100-300 mg.L-1). A caracterização do CA foi realizada pelos métodos de BET, DRX, TGA, FT-IR e pHpcz, houve a caracterização da casca de amendoim (CS) para fins de comparação. Avaliou-se a influência do pH inicial da solução e a dosagem do adsorvente (D.A.). As condições de trabalho foram definidas com o auxílio de um planejamento fatorial 23 (PF) avaliando a influência das variáveis: D.A., granulometria (G.) e velocidade de agitação (V.A.) sobre o processo adsortivo, tendo como resposta a capacidade adsortiva q (mg.g-1). Com base nos resultados do PF foram realizados estudos cinéticos e de equilíbrio de adsorção. O carvão foi classificado como mesoporoso e predominantemente amorfo. Na TGA foi observada maior estabilidade do material após a ativação. Nos espectros de FT-IR foram identificadas bandas referentes a grupos hidroxilas, carboxílicos e ésteres. O pHpcz foi 10,4 possibilitando a utilização das soluções fenólicas em pH natural da solução. No PF, o maior q foi obtido para o nível 4 g.L-1, G. 0,090 mm e 300 rpm, condição adotada nos estudos cinéticos e de equilíbrio. A evolução cinética foi rápida até 120 minutos, atingindo o equilíbrio em torno de 480 minutos. O modelo pseudo n ordem foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados experimentais e foi constatado que o processo é controlado por mais de uma etapa, incluindo difusão intrapartícula. No estudo do equilíbrio os modelos que melhor se ajustaram aos dados experimentais foram os de Fritz-Schlunder e Redlich-Peterson apresentando qmax de 29,01 À 0,96 mg.g-1. Os resultados demonstraram o potencial técnico do carvão em estudo para remoção de fenol presente em solução aquosaPalavras-chave: ativação física, efluente industrial, resíduo agroindustrial

    RIvaroxaban and VAscular Surgery (RIVAS): insights from a multicenter, worldwide web-based survey

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    Assessment of neurological manifestations in hospitalized patients with COVID‐19

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