1,156 research outputs found

    Many-body Green's function theory for electron-phonon interactions: the Kadanoff-Baym approach to spectral properties of the Holstein dimer

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    We present a Kadanoff-Baym formalism to study time-dependent phenomena for systems of interacting electrons and phonons in the framework of many-body perturbation theory. The formalism takes correctly into account effects of the initial preparation of an equilibrium state, and allows for an explicit time-dependence of both the electronic and phononic degrees of freedom. The method is applied to investigate the charge neutral and non-neutral excitation spectra of a homogeneous, two-site, two-electron Holstein model. This is an extension of a previous study of the ground state properties in the Hartree (H), partially self-consistent Born (Gd) and fully self-consistent Born (GD) approximations published in Ref. [arXiv:1403.2968]. We show that choosing a homogeneous ground state solution leads to unstable dynamics for a sufficiently strong interaction, and that allowing a symmetry-broken state prevents this. The instability is caused by the bifurcation of the ground state and understood physically to be connected with the bipolaronic crossover of the exact system. This mean-field instability persists in the partially self-consistent Born approximation but is not found for the fully self-consistent Born approximation. By understanding the stability properties, we are able to study the linear response regime by calculating the density-density response function by time-propagation. This functions amounts to a solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation with a sophisticated kernel. The results indicate that none of the approximations is able to describe the response function during or beyond the bipolaronic crossover for the parameters investigated. Overall, we provide an extensive discussion on when the approximations are valid, and how they fail to describe the studied exact properties of the chosen model system.Comment: 12 figure

    Fast Fourier Optimization: Sparsity Matters

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    Many interesting and fundamentally practical optimization problems, ranging from optics, to signal processing, to radar and acoustics, involve constraints on the Fourier transform of a function. It is well-known that the {\em fast Fourier transform} (fft) is a recursive algorithm that can dramatically improve the efficiency for computing the discrete Fourier transform. However, because it is recursive, it is difficult to embed into a linear optimization problem. In this paper, we explain the main idea behind the fast Fourier transform and show how to adapt it in such a manner as to make it encodable as constraints in an optimization problem. We demonstrate a real-world problem from the field of high-contrast imaging. On this problem, dramatic improvements are translated to an ability to solve problems with a much finer grid of discretized points. As we shall show, in general, the "fast Fourier" version of the optimization constraints produces a larger but sparser constraint matrix and therefore one can think of the fast Fourier transform as a method of sparsifying the constraints in an optimization problem, which is usually a good thing.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    A General Setting for Geometric Phase of Mixed States Under an Arbitrary Nonunitary Evolution

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    The problem of geometric phase for an open quantum system is reinvestigated in a unifying approach. Two of existing methods to define geometric phase, one by Uhlmann's approach and the other by kinematic approach, which have been considered to be distinct, are shown to be related in this framework. The method is based upon purification of a density matrix by its uniform decomposition and a generalization of the parallel transport condition obtained from this decomposition. It is shown that the generalized parallel transport condition can be satisfied when Uhlmann's condition holds. However, it does not mean that all solutions of the generalized parallel transport condition are compatible with those of Uhlmann's one. It is also shown how to recover the earlier known definitions of geometric phase as well as how to generalize them when degeneracy exists and varies in time.Comment: 4 pages, extended result

    Bat Echolocation Research: A handbook for planning and conducting acoustic studies

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    Echolocation provides an acoustic window on the behavior of most species of bats. Donald R. Griffin's book (Listening in the Dark: The Acoustic Orientation of Bats and Men) gave us a preview of what we might hear through this window. This Handbook illustrates how a small window has turned into a giant screen. The study of bat echolocation has progressed from a boutique curiosity and source of wonder to a discipline spanning areas of science from neurobiology through behavior, ecology, evolution, and environmental science. Many people who study bats use echolocation as a focus for their work. To some this means, for example, neurobiology, communication behavior, or environmental assessment. Whatever the goal, diversity is an underlying and overarching reality. At one level, diversity means that different species take quite different approaches to echolocation. At another level, individual differences remind us that echolocation is a conscious behavior. The same bat may, for instance, use quite different echolocation calls over the course of a night, a season, or its life. How much of echolocation behavior is inherited, and how much is learned

    Thermoregulation in free-ranging Nycteris thebaica (Nycteridae) during winter : no evidence of torpor

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    Bats are among the most heterothermic mammals, with nearly all species investigated under free-ranging conditions to date exhibiting some degree of daily torpor and/or hibernation. We investigated thermoregulation during late winter by seven Nycteris thebaica in a warm, semi-arid habitat in northern South Africa, using temperature-sensitive transmitters to measure skin temperature (Tskin). Unexpectedly, we found no evidence for any expression of daily torpor or hibernation based on a total of 86 days of data from 7 bats (one male and six females), despite air temperatures as low as ∼10 ◦C. Instead, daytime Tskin was distributed unimodally with most values in the 33–35 ◦C range, and a minimum Tskin of 28.4 ◦C at a roost temperature of 24.6 ◦C. There are several possible reasons why N. thebaica may avoid torpor, including predation in roosts, and the long nightly foraging periods of this species compared to many others.http://www.elsevier.com/locate /mambiohb201

    Torpor in dark times : patterns of heterothermy are associated with the lunar cycle in a nocturnal bird

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    Many studies have shown that endotherms become more heterothermic when the costs of thermoregulation are high and /or when limited energy availability constrains thermoregulatory capacity. However, the roles of many ecological variables, including constraints on foraging opportunities and/ or success, remain largely unknown. To test the prediction that thermoregulatory patterns should be related to foraging opportunities in a heterothermic endotherm, we examined the relationship between the lunar cycle and heterothermy in Freckled Nightjars (Caprimulgus tristigma), which are visually orienting, nocturnal insectivores that are dependent on ambient light to forage. This model system provides an opportunity to assess whether variation in foraging opportunities influences the expression of heterothermy. The nightjars were active and foraged for insects when moonlight was available but become inactive and heterothermic in the absence of moonlight. Lunar illumination was a much stronger predictor of the magnitude of heterothermic responses than was air temperature (Ta). Our data suggest that heterothermy was strongly related to variation in foraging opportunities associated with the lunar cycle, even though food abundance appeared to remain relatively high throughout the study period. Patterns of thermoregulation in this population of Freckled Nightjars provide novel insights into the environmental and ecological determinants of heterothermy, with the lunar cycle, and not Ta, being the strongest predictor of torpor use.The University of Pretoria; the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada; and the DST/NRF Centre of Excellence at the Percy FitzPatrick Institute.http://www.uk.sagepub.com/journals/Journal200933ab201

    Fidelity amplitude of the scattering matrix in microwave cavities

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    The concept of fidelity decay is discussed from the point of view of the scattering matrix, and the scattering fidelity is introduced as the parametric cross-correlation of a given S-matrix element, taken in the time domain, normalized by the corresponding autocorrelation function. We show that for chaotic systems, this quantity represents the usual fidelity amplitude, if appropriate ensemble and/or energy averages are taken. We present a microwave experiment where the scattering fidelity is measured for an ensemble of chaotic systems. The results are in excellent agreement with random matrix theory for the standard fidelity amplitude. The only parameter, namely the perturbation strength could be determined independently from level dynamics of the system, thus providing a parameter free agreement between theory and experiment

    Overview: Will Great Power Politics Threaten Arctic Sustainability?

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    The eight Arctic states (Canada, Denmark/Greenland, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Russian Federation, and the United States) wish to maintain a position of preeminence when it comes to dealing with matters of Arctic Ocean governance. However, major non-Arctic states, while recognizing the sovereign rights of the coastal states in their economic zones and on their continental shelves, have growing interests in the maritime Arctic relating to activities such as commercial shipping, oil and gas development, fishing and ship-based tourism. They are increasingly claiming to have a legitimate interest in being consulted when it comes to addressing matters relating to the governance of such activities. Many questions arise from these new formulations: What is the appropriate mechanism for introducing the concerns of the non-Arctic North Pacific countries in forums dealing with Arctic issues? Can they achieve a significant voice in the deliberations of the Arctic Council? Can they address these issues through other mechanisms
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