39 research outputs found

    Characterization of a Drosophila Alzheimer's Disease Model: Pharmacological Rescue of Cognitive Defects

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    Transgenic models of Alzheimer's disease (AD) have made significant contributions to our understanding of AD pathogenesis, and are useful tools in the development of potential therapeutics. The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, provides a genetically tractable, powerful system to study the biochemical, genetic, environmental, and behavioral aspects of complex human diseases, including AD. In an effort to model AD, we over-expressed human APP and BACE genes in the Drosophila central nervous system. Biochemical, neuroanatomical, and behavioral analyses indicate that these flies exhibit aspects of clinical AD neuropathology and symptomology. These include the generation of Aβ40 and Aβ42, the presence of amyloid aggregates, dramatic neuroanatomical changes, defects in motor reflex behavior, and defects in memory. In addition, these flies exhibit external morphological abnormalities. Treatment with a γ-secretase inhibitor suppressed these phenotypes. Further, all of these phenotypes are present within the first few days of adult fly life. Taken together these data demonstrate that this transgenic AD model can serve as a powerful tool for the identification of AD therapeutic interventions

    Sapientia, 2001, Vol. LVI, nº 209 (número completo)

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    Contenido: Lo connatural y el conocimiento por connaturalizad: Santo Tomás de Aquino / Ciro E. Schmidt Andrade – Santo Tomás de Aquino: la exégesis de la metafísica y la refutación del nominalismo / Mario Enrique Sacchi – Hacia un realismo hermenéutico sobre la base de Santo Tomás de Aquino-Husserl (1ª parte) / Gabriel J. Zanotti -- ¿La “cumbre” de la metafísica del idealismo alemán? / Martín Zubiría – Esencia y destino de la modernidad en Hegel / Francisco Leocata – El inconsciente espiritual y la supraconciencia del espíritu según Jacques Maritain / Martín Federico Echavarría – La Escuela de Frankfurt: reflexiones sobre el mal en la historia / Marisa Mosto – Nihilismo y tecnología: Hans Jonas y la filosofía de la historia / Amán Rosales Rodríguez – Las concepciones del mundo: reflexiones histórico-críticas acerca de un concepto ambiguo / Roberto J. Brie – Inferencia y conocimiento previo de lógica / Marisa Villalba de Tablón – El habitus principiorum y la luz intelectual / Lorenzo Vicente Burgoa – La necesidad de revalorizar la razón humana / María Celestina Donadío Maggi de Gandolfi – Democracia antigua y democracia liberal contemporánea / Jorge Martínez Barrera – Notas y comentarios – Bibliografí