19 research outputs found

    Monitoring the effects of therapeutic interventions in depression through self-assessments

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    The treatment of major psychiatric disorders is an arduous and thorny path for the patients concerned, characterized by polypharmacy, massive adverse side effects, modest prospects of success, and constantly declining response rates. The more important is the early detection of psychiatric disorders prior to the development of clinically relevant symptoms, so that people can benefit from early interventions. A well-proven approach to monitoring mental health relies on voice analysis. This method has been successfully used with psychiatric patients to ‘objectively’ document the progress of improvement or the onset of relapse. The studies with psychiatric patients over 2-4 weeks demonstrated that daily voice assessments have a notable therapeutic effect in themselves. Therefore, daily voice assessments appear to be a lowthreshold form of therapeutic means that may be realized through self-assessments. To evaluate performance and reliability of this approach, we have carried out a longitudinal study on 82 university students in 3 different countries with daily assessments over 2 weeks. The sample included 41 males (mean age 24.2±3.83 years) and 41 females (mean age 21.6±2.05 years). Unlike other research in the field, this study was not concerned with the classification of individuals in terms of diagnostic categories. The focus lay on the monitoring aspect and the extent to which the effects of therapeutic interventions or of behavioural changes are visible in the results of self-assessment voice analyses. The test persons showed an over-proportionally good adherence to the daily voice analysis scheme. The accumulated data were of generally high quality: sufficiently high signal levels, a very limited number of movement artifacts, and little to no interfering background noise. The method was sufficiently sensitive to detect: i) habituation effects when test persons became used to the daily procedure; and ii) short-term fluctuations that exceeded prespecified thresholds and reached significance. Results are directly interpretable and provide information about what is going well, what is going less well, and where there is a need for action. The proposed self-assessment approach was found to be well-suited to serve as a health-monitoring tool for subjects with an elevated vulnerability to psychiatric disorders or to stress-induced mental health problems. Daily voice assessments are in fact a low-threshold form of therapeutic means that can be realized through selfassessments, that requires only little effort, can be carried out in the test person’s own home, and has the potential to strengthen resilience and to induce positive behavioural changes

    A two-center pilot study on the effects of clinical ethics support on coercive measures in psychiatry.

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    BACKGROUND The use of formal coercion such as seclusion, mechanical restraint, and forced medication is one of the most challenging and complex issues in mental health care, on the clinical, the legal, and the ethical level. Clinical ethics support aims at assisting healthcare practitioners in determining the morally most justifiable course of action in these situations. However, the effectiveness of clinical ethics support has hardly been studied so far. METHODS Monthly moral case deliberation (MCD) was implemented in two acute wards of two different psychiatric hospitals in Switzerland. Frequency and intensity of coercion was measured on ward level (npatients = 405), and the Moral Attentiveness Scale, Knowledge on Coercion Scale, and Staff Attitudes towards Coercion Scale were applied on healthcare practitioner level (nHP = 46). Pre-post-comparisons were conducted using multi-level modeling where appropriate. RESULTS After implementation of MCD, formal coercion was less frequent (particularly seclusion, small effect size; 9.6 vs. 16.7%, p = .034, CramĂ©r's V = .105) and less intense (particularly mechanical restraint, large effect size; 86.8 ± 45.3 vs. 14.5 ± 12.1 h, exact p = .019, r = -.74), and approval for coercive measures among healthcare practitioners was lower when controlling for the number of MCD sessions attended. CONCLUSIONS Clinical ethics support such as MCD may be a hitherto underutilized service for the reduction of coercion, complementing existing strategies and programs. Implementing clinical ethics support may help improve quality of care for persons suffering from severe mental illness

    Early detection of the risk of developing psychiatric disorders: a study of 461 Chinese university students under chronic stress

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    Chronic stress, a characteristic of modern time, has a significant impact on general health. In the context of psychiatric disorders, insufficient coping behavior under chronic stress has been linked to higher rates of (1) depressive symptoms among subjects of the general population, (2) relapse among patients under treatment for clinical depression, and (3) negative symptoms among subjects with an elevated vulnerability to psychosis. In this normative study we assessed basic coping behavior among 461 Chinese freshman university students along with their consumption behavior and general health in terms of regular exercises, physical health, psychosomatic disturbances, and mental health. The assessments relied on two instruments that have already demonstrated their capability of (1) reliably detecting insufficient coping behavior under chronic stress and (2) reliably quantifying the interrelation between coping behavior and mental health in the Western world. Thus, we aimed to complement existing data and to develop a generally available, socioculturally independent tool that can be used for the early detection of subjects with an elevated risk of mental health problems. Structural analyses yielded essentially the same scales "activity" and "defeatism" as previous studies on 2,500 students from Switzerland, Italy, Spain, the USA, and Argentina. These scales explained 74.3% of the observed variance in coping behavior among the 461 Chinese students. We found highly significant correlations (p < 0.0001) between the "defeatism" scale on the one hand, and the scales "regular use of medicine," "psychosomatic disturbances," and "impaired mental health" on the other. Particularly intriguing was the finding that a neural net classifier could be constructed to identify students with the highest contributions to the interrelation between "coping behavior" and "mental health," yielding a correlation coefficient as high as r = 0.597 for the respective subgroup. Based on the normative data, an online tool for risk assessments was developed with immediate feedback to users. This study provided another piece of evidence regarding the close link between basic coping behavior and mental health, across cultures and ethnicities. In consequence, our approach to quantifying basic coping behavior, along with other risk factors, can be expected to clear the way for an "early" detection of students with an elevated risk of stress-related mental health problems, nota bene prior to the development of clinically relevant symptoms. The socioeconomic impact of the potential prevention of depressive -disorders, and psychiatric disorders in general, may be enormous

    Affective state and voice: cross-cultural assessment of speaking behavior and voice sound characteristics - a normative multicenter study of 577 + 36 healthy subjects

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    Human speech is greatly influenced by the speakers’ affective state, such as sadness, happiness, grief, guilt, fear, anger, aggression, faintheartedness, shame, sexual arousal, love, amongst others. Attentive listeners discover a lot about the affective state of their dialog partners with no great effort, and without having to talk about it explicitly during a conversation or on the phone. On the other hand, speech dysfunctions, such as slow, delayed or monotonous speech, are prominent features of affective disorders. This project was comprised of 4 studies with healthy volunteers from Bristol (English: n=117), Lausanne (French: n=128), Zurich (German: n=208), and Valencia (Spanish: n=124). All samples were stratified according to gender, age, and education. The specific study design with different types of spoken text along with repeated assessments at 14-day intervals allowed us to estimate the “natural” variation of speech parameters over time, and to analyze the sensitivity of speech parameters with respect to form and content of spoken text. Additionally, our project included a longitudinal self-assessment study with university students from Zurich (n=18) and unemployed adults from Valencia (n=18) in order to test the feasibility of the speech analysis method in home environments. The normative data showed that speaking behavior and voice sound characteristics can be quantified in a reproducible and language-independent way. The high resolution of the method was verified by a computerized assignment of speech parameter patterns to languages at a success rate of 90%, while the correct assignment to texts was 70%. In the longitudinal self-assessment study we calculated individual “baselines” for each test person along with deviations thereof. The significance of such deviations was assessed through the normative reference data. Our data provided gender-, age-, and language-specific thresholds that allow one to reliably distinguish between “natural fluctuations” and “significant changes”. The longitudinal self-assessment study with repeated assessments at 1-day intervals over 14 days demonstrated the feasibility and efficiency of the speech analysis method in home environments, thus clearing the way to a broader range of applications in psychiatry

    In Need of Psychiatric Help - Leave a Message after the Beep

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    Background/Aim: Every day, a substantial proportion of the general population experiences the distressing and frightening signs of an upcoming psychiatric illness. The consequences can be enormous because severe psychiatric disorders typically cause the loss of the ability to work and often mean a long-term burden for both the patients and their families. Even though most developed countries have an exceptionally high density of general practitioners and psychiatrists in private practice, getting a mental health appointment and seeing a doctor is often very difficult for patients with acute psychiatric symptoms. This study aimed at quantifying the time delay involved in seeking medical attendance when psychiatric disorders begin to develop. Methods: Two female actors with well-proven experiences of realistically simulating the clinical presentation of depression and psychotic disorders made systematic phone calls to 106 psychiatrists in private practice and 106 general practitioners (GPs) of the Zurich City area. The actors asked for an appointment at the doctor's earliest convenience due to acute psychiatric symptoms. We assessed (1) the number of phone calls it took to reach each doctor; (2) the time it took to book an appointment; (3) the time span between the first phone call and the earliest available appointment, and (4) the possibility of personal contact with a doctor prior to booking the appointment. Results: A total of 383 phone calls were made by the two actors (227 to psychiatrists and 156 to GPs) which resulted in analyzable data from 102 psychiatrist and 106 GP practices. Two thirds (68%) of the phone calls to the psychiatrists in private practice were answered by voice mail, compared to 21% among the GPs. A personal contact was established with 56% of the psychiatrists and 95% of the GPs. On average, 7.3 phone calls were necessary to successfully book an appointment with a psychiatrist. Almost half of the psychiatrists (45.6%) were not accepting new patients so appointments were able to be booked in less than one third of cases (30.4%). The situation was significantly better with GPs (p < 0.002) but depended on clinical diagnosis (p < 0.01). The waiting time to seeing a psychiatrist often far exceeded 7 days. Conclusions: A high density of psychiatrists in private practice does not necessarily improve the long and troublesome circumstances of obtaining a mental health appointment in acute psychiatric situations. Under these circumstances, a considerable proportion of patients might give up prior to seeing a doctor. This has important implications - many patients could miss the potential benefits from timely therapeutic interventions which can significantly modify both the acute and long-term course of the illness. The situation might be improved if psychiatrists and GPs joined forces in the form of group practices or networks as this would readily ensure (1) a rapid mental health triage by assessing and categorizing the urgency of mental health-related problems, and (2) timely therapeutic interventions whenever indicated

    A two-center pilot study on the effects of clinical ethics support on coercive measures in psychiatry

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    Background: The use of formal coercion such as seclusion, mechanical restraint, and forced medication is one of the most challenging and complex issues in mental health care, on the clinical, the legal, and the ethical level. Clinical ethics support aims at assisting healthcare practitioners in determining the morally most justifiable course of action in these situations. However, the effectiveness of clinical ethics support has hardly been studied so far. Methods: Monthly moral case deliberation (MCD) was implemented in two acute wards of two different psychiatric hospitals in Switzerland. Frequency and intensity of coercion was measured on ward level (npatients_{patients} = 405), and the Moral Attentiveness Scale, Knowledge on Coercion Scale, and Staff Attitudes towards Coercion Scale were applied on healthcare practitioner level (nHP_{HP} = 46). Pre-post-comparisons were conducted using multi-level modeling where appropriate. Results: After implementation of MCD, formal coercion was less frequent (particularly seclusion, small effect size; 9.6 vs. 16.7%, p = .034, CramĂ©r’s V = .105) and less intense (particularly mechanical restraint, large effect size; 86.8 ± 45.3 vs. 14.5 ± 12.1 h, exact p = .019, r = -.74), and approval for coercive measures among healthcare practitioners was lower when controlling for the number of MCD sessions attended. Conclusions: Clinical ethics support such as MCD may be a hitherto underutilized service for the reduction of coercion, complementing existing strategies and programs. Implementing clinical ethics support may help improve quality of care for persons suffering from severe mental illness

    The new remuneration system TARPSY in Swiss psychiatric hospitals: effects on length of stay and readmissions?

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    BACKGROUND In 2018, Switzerland introduced a nationwide case-based prospective remuneration system (TARPSY), with decreasing daily rates for reimbursement of inpatient care in mental health facilities. Initially, there were concerns that declining daily rates could result in early discharges and increased readmission rates. METHODS We compared length of stay (LOS) and readmission rates for patients in adult and geriatric psychiatry treatment at four psychiatric hospitals between 2017 (the last year with the traditional remuneration system) and 2018 (the first year with TARPSY). RESULTS A total of 26,324 treatment episodes of 15,464 patients were analysed. The reduction of average LOS was not statistically significant in the first year after the implementation of TARPSY, neither in adult (mean –0.6 days, 95% confidence interval [CI] –1.6 to 0.4; p = 0.226) nor in geriatric psychiatry (mean −1.6 days, 95% CI −3.8 to 0.7; p = 0.178). When compared with the traditional remuneration system with fixed daily rates, the readmission risk was statistically significantly reduced by −9.1% (95% CI −4.9 to −13.1%; p <0.001) in adult psychiatry but not in geriatric psychiatry (−6.8%, 95% CI −19.2 to 7.4%; p = 0.329). CONCLUSIONS If being evident at all, the effects of the new remuneration system TARPSY on LOS and readmission rates seem to be small. Concerns that declining daily rates in TARPSY would result in early discharges and increased readmission rates did not prove true in adult and geriatric psychiatry

    Psychiatric advance directives in Switzerland: Knowledge and attitudes in patients compared to professionals and usage in clinical practice

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    Background Psychiatric advance directives (PAD) were shown to be effective in the reduction of coercion and strengthening of the patients` autonomy. Therefore, the Swiss legislation was revised and stipulates that PAD must be taken into account during involuntary hospitalization. This study aimed to analyze knowledge on and attitudes towards this instrument in patients and healthcare practitioners and their usage in clinical practice. Methods We developed a structured questionnaire and included patients (n = 110), psychiatrists (n = 205), psychologists (n = 85), nurses (n = 268) and peers (n = 16) to rate their knowledge on and attitudes towards PAD. We registered the existing PAD in patients and peers. The response rate varied between 17% (nurses), 19% (psychologists) 21% (psychiatrists), 33% (peers) and 56% (patients). Results Only 7% of the participating patients had a PAD. Compared to the other groups, patients had the least knowledge on PAD. Psychiatrists were significantly more critical towards PAD. Concerns that PAD impede necessary and adequate treatment, restrict professionals and result in conflicts between patients and HCP were most frequently named as reason for critical attitudes. Conclusions Although being explicitly mentioned in the Swiss legislation the usage of PAD is small. Proactive information and training of psychiatrists might be helpful for a reduction of skeptical attitudes. This might improve the attitudes and lead to active support of patients during the preparation of PAD

    Akzeptanz von psychiatrischen und somatischen PatientenverfĂŒgungen: ein Vergleich unter psychiatrischen Patienten und Fachpersonen

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    Objective: Assessment of the attitudes towards somatic and psychiatric advance directives in the German speaking part of Switzerland Methods: Questionnaire for psychiatric patients, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses and peers assessing the attitudes towards three exemplary advance directives. Results: The attitudes were mainly positive in all participating groups. Compared to professionals (79-100 %), the somatic advance directive found approval in significantly less patients (46 %). There were no significant group differences regarding the psychiatric advance directives, but patients (58 % and 84 %) were slightly more agreeing compared to professionals (31-50 % and 62-70 %). Conclusion: Psychiatric advance directives seem to be broadly accepted. The development of campaigns might help to raise the awareness about these instruments and increase their usage in clinical practice