91 research outputs found

    National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for Cyberinfrastructure Task Force on Campus Bridging Final Report

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    The mission of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advisory Committee on Cyberinfrastructure (ACCI) is to advise the NSF as a whole on matters related to vision and strategy regarding cyberinfrastructure (CI). In early 2009 the ACCI charged six task forces with making recommendations to the NSF in strategic areas of cyberinfrastructure: Campus Bridging; Cyberlearning and Workforce Development; Data and Visualization; Grand Challenges; High Performance Computing (HPC); and Software for Science and Engineering. Each task force was asked to offer advice on the basis of which the NSF would modify existing programs and create new programs. This document is the final, overall report of the Task Force on Campus Bridging.National Science Foundatio

    Jungian aesthetics : a reconsideration

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    Psychoanalysis has now been established as another aspect of art criticism. Amongst many writers who attempted to create a theory of Aesthetics is the Swiss psychiatrist, and father of analytical psychology, Carl Jung. Unlike Freud, Jung did not see art structured along sexual lines but in archetypes, which may be those of the collective or personal unconscious. For him art was a creative process not a neurosis. In his theory of aesthetics Jung established that the artist expresses archetypes consciously or unconsciously.peer-reviewe

    Bridging a Shamanic Worldview and Electroacoustic Art

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    Abstract Much of my compositional effort over the last ten years has been directed toward creating works that bridge the world of Peruvian shamanism with the world of technological music. These works emerged out of a need to re-conceptualize my musical practice in the face of the personal changes I experienced during years of study with Peruvian shamans. One of my goals when I started this journey was to understand the shaman's use of sound so that I could apply this knowledge in my own compositions, but it is the total shift of my worldview that has come to inform my approach to composition. The single most important thing to know about my shamanic compositional process is that the vast majority of the compositional decisions are made by divination. The divination is performed by holding a small crystal pendulum over my personal collection of sacred objects, a practice that I learned from my very first Peruvian teacher. But then, what is the essential nature of shamanic composition? It is about the impact of the composition in the unseen world including its affect on what we might call the non-physical body of the listener, the energy body

    The unsteady path : towards meaningful participation of organisations of persons with disabilities in the implementation of the CRPD and SDGs. A pilot study by Bridging the gap

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    Resumen: Siguiendo el modelo del nivel único de participación de la sociedad civil en su negociación, la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (CDPD) estipula claramente las obligaciones de Los Estados Partes consultarán e involucrarán a las personas con discapacidad a través de su representante (OPD), en la implementación y seguimiento de la CDPD (artículo 4(3) y 33(3)). Este énfasis en la participación de las personas con discapacidad ha sido una respuesta a su exclusión sistemática de los mecanismos de consulta y toma de decisiones relacionados con diseño, planificación y seguimiento de políticas, programas y servicios que inciden en sus vidas y sus comunidades

    Bridging the gap: a celebratiom of humanity: a photo project by Christian Tasso = Acortando distancias: una celebración de la humanidad: un proyecto fotográfico de Christian Tasso

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    Resumen: La necesidad de garantizar la plena inclusión y participación de las personas con discapacidad en la sociedad empujó a la Unión Europea a poner en marcha Bridging the Gap, un proyecto gestionado por un consorcio de agencias de cooperación europeas y organizaciones de personas con discapacidad que FIIAPP tiene el privilegio de liderar. Trabajar en países de África y América Latina con este objetivo nos ha permitido aprender mucho, fortalecer y ampliar nuestro compromiso con el desarrollo inclusivo, e incorporar un objetivo no siempre presente en la acción para el desarrollo