608 research outputs found

    Connecting physical resonant amplitudes and lattice QCD

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    We present a determination of the isovector, PP-wave ππ\pi\pi scattering phase shift obtained by extrapolating recent lattice QCD results from the Hadron Spectrum Collaboration using mπ=236m_\pi =236 MeV. The finite volume spectra are described using extensions of L\"uscher's method to determine the infinite volume Unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory scattering amplitude. We exploit the pion mass dependence of this effective theory to obtain the scattering amplitude at mπ=140m_\pi= 140 MeV. The scattering phase shift is found to be in good agreement with experiment up to center of mass energies of 1.2 GeV. The analytic continuation of the scattering amplitude to the complex plane yields a ρ\rho-resonance pole at Eρ=[755(2)(1)(0220)i2129(3)(1)(17)] MeVE_\rho= \left[755(2)(1)(^{20}_{02})-\frac{i}{2}\,129(3)(1)(^{7}_{1})\right]~{\rm MeV}. The techniques presented illustrate a possible pathway towards connecting lattice QCD observables of few-body, strongly interacting systems to experimentally accessible quantities.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, equivalent to published version, added two appendices and a figur

    Two-Nucleon Systems in a Finite Volume: (II) 3S1-3D1 Coupled Channels and the Deuteron

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    The energy spectra of two nucleons in a cubic volume provide access to the two phase shifts and one mixing angle that define the S-matrix in the 3S1-3D1 coupled channels containing the deuteron. With the aid of recently derived energy quantization conditions for such systems, and the known scattering parameters, these spectra are predicted for a range of volumes. It is found that extractions of the infinite-volume deuteron binding energy and leading scattering parameters, including the S-D mixing angle at the deuteron pole, are possible from Lattice QCD calculations of two-nucleon systems with boosts of |P| <= 2pi sqrt{3}/L in volumes with 10 fm <~ L <~ 14 fm. The viability of extracting the asymptotic D/S ratio of the deuteron wavefunction from Lattice QCD calculations is discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figure

    Scattering processes and resonances from lattice QCD

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    The vast majority of hadrons observed in nature are not stable under the strong interaction, rather they are resonances whose existence is deduced from enhancements in the energy dependence of scattering amplitudes. The study of hadron resonances offers a window into the workings of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) in the low-energy non-perturbative region, and in addition, many probes of the limits of the electroweak sector of the Standard Model consider processes which feature hadron resonances. From a theoretical standpoint, this is a challenging field: the same dynamics that binds quarks and gluons into hadron resonances also controls their decay into lighter hadrons, so a complete approach to QCD is required. Presently, lattice QCD is the only available tool that provides the required non-perturbative evaluation of hadron observables. In this article, we review progress in the study of few-hadron reactions in which resonances and bound-states appear using lattice QCD techniques. We describe the leading approach which takes advantage of the periodic finite spatial volume used in lattice QCD calculations to extract scattering amplitudes from the discrete spectrum of QCD eigenstates in a box. We explain how from explicit lattice QCD calculations, one can rigorously garner information about a variety of resonance properties, including their masses, widths, decay couplings, and form factors. The challenges which currently limit the field are discussed along with the steps being taken to resolve them

    Isoscalar ππ,KK,ηη\pi\pi, K\overline{K}, \eta\eta scattering and the σ,f0,f2\sigma, f_0, f_2 mesons from QCD

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    We present the first lattice QCD study of coupled isoscalar ππ,KK,ηη\pi\pi,K\overline{K},\eta\eta SS- and DD-wave scattering extracted from discrete finite-volume spectra computed on lattices which have a value of the quark mass corresponding to mπ391m_\pi\sim391 MeV. In the JP=0+J^P=0^+ sector we find analogues of the experimental σ\sigma and f0(980)f_0(980) states, where the σ\sigma appears as a stable bound-state below ππ\pi\pi threshold, and, similar to what is seen in experiment, the f0(980)f_0(980) manifests itself as a dip in the ππ\pi\pi cross section in the vicinity of the KKK\overline{K} threshold. For JP=2+J^P=2^+ we find two states resembling the f2(1270)f_2(1270) and f2(1525)f_2'(1525), observed as narrow peaks, with the lighter state dominantly decaying to ππ\pi\pi and the heavier state to KKK\overline{K}. The presence of all these states is determined rigorously by finding the pole singularity content of scattering amplitudes, and their couplings to decay channels are established using the residues of the poles

    Two-Baryon Systems with Twisted Boundary Conditions

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    We explore the use of twisted boundary conditions in extracting the nucleon mass and the binding energy of two-baryon systems, such as the deuteron, from Lattice QCD calculations. Averaging the results of calculations performed with periodic and anti-periodic boundary conditions imposed upon the light-quark fields, or other pair-wise averages, improves the volume dependence of the deuteron binding energy from ~exp(-kappa*L)/L to ~exp(-sqrt(2)kappa*L)/L. However, a twist angle of pi/2 in each of the spatial directions improves the volume dependence from ~exp(-kappa*L)/L to ~exp(-2kappa*L)/L. Twist averaging the binding energy with a random sampling of twist angles improves the volume dependence from ~exp^(-kappa*L)/L to ~exp(-2kappa*L)/L, but with a standard deviation of ~exp(-kappa*L)/L, introducing a signal-to-noise issue in modest lattice volumes. Using the experimentally determined phase shifts and mixing angles, we determine the expected energies of the deuteron states over a range of cubic lattice volumes for a selection of twisted boundary conditions.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Disks around Brown Dwarfs in the Sigma Orionis Cluster

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    We have performed a census of disks around brown dwarfs in the Sigma Ori cluster using all available images from IRAC onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. To search for new low-mass cluster members with disks, we have measured photometry for all sources in the Spitzer images and have identified the ones that have red colors that are indicative of disks. We present 5 promising candidates, which may consist of 2 brown dwarfs, 2 stars with edge-on disks, and a low-mass protostar if they are bona fide members. Spectroscopy is needed to verify the nature of these sources. We have also used the Spitzer data to determine which of the previously known probable members of Sigma Ori are likely to have disks. By doing so, we measure disk fractions of ~40% and ~60% for low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, respectively. These results are similar to previous estimates of disk fractions in IC 348 and Cha I, which have roughly the same median ages as Sigma Ori (3 Myr). Finally, we note that our photometric measurements and the sources that we identify as having disks differ significantly from those of other recent studies that analyzed the same Spitzer images. For instance, previous work has suggested that the T dwarf S Ori 70 is redder than typical field dwarfs, which has been cited as possible evidence of youth and cluster membership. However, we find that this object is only slightly redder than the reddest field dwarfs in [3.6]-[4.5] (1.56+/-0.07 vs. 0.93-1.46). We measure a larger excess in [3.6]-[5.8] (1.75+/-0.21 vs. 0.87-1.19), but the flux at 5.8um may be overestimated because of the low signal-to-noise ratio of the detection. Thus, the Spitzer data do not offer strong evidence of youth and membership for this object, which is the faintest and coolest candidate member of Sigma Ori that has been identified to date.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Spitzer observations of the Orion OB1 association: disk census in the low mass stars

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    We present new Spitzer Space Telescope observations of two fields in the Orion OB1 association. We report here IRAC/MIPS observations for 115 confirmed members and 41 photometric candidates of the ~10 Myr 25 Orionis aggregate in the OB1a subassociation, and 106 confirmed members and 65 photometric candidates of the 5 Myr region located in the OB1b subassociation. The 25 Orionis aggregate shows a disk frequency of 6% while the field in the OB1b subassociation shows a disk frequency of 13%. Combining IRAC, MIPS and 2MASS photometry we place stars bearing disks in several classes: stars with optically thick disks (class II systems), stars with an inner transitional disks (transitional disk candidates) and stars with "evolved disks"; the last exhibit smaller IRAC/MIPS excesses than class II systems. In all, we identify 1 transitional disk candidate in the 25 Orionis aggregate and 3 in the OB1b field; this represents ~10% of the disk bearing stars, indicating that the transitional disk phase can be relatively fast. We find that the frequency of disks is a function of the stellar mass, suggesting a maximum around stars with spectral type M0. Comparing the infrared excess in the IRAC bands among several stellar groups we find that inner disk emission decays with stellar age, showing a correlation with the respective disk frequencies. The disk emission at the IRAC and MIPS bands in several stellar groups indicates that disk dissipation takes place faster in the inner region of the disks. Comparison with models of irradiated accretion disks, computed with several degrees of settling, suggests that the decrease in the overall accretion rate observed in young stellar groups is not sufficient to explain the weak disk emission observed in the IRAC bands for disk bearing stars with ages 5 Myr or older.Comment: Accepted in the Astrophysical Journa

    Photometric Accretion Signatures Near the Substellar Boundary

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    Multi-epoch imaging of the Orion equatorial region by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey has revealed that significant variability in the blue continuum persists into the late-M spectral types, indicating that magnetospheric accretion processes occur below the substellar boundary in the Orion OB1 association. We investigate the strength of the accretion-related continuum veiling by comparing the reddening-invariant colors of the most highly variable stars against those of main sequence M dwarfs and evolutionary models. A gradual decrease in the g band veiling is seen for the cooler and less massive members, as expected for a declining accretion rate with decreasing mass. We also see evidence that the temperature of the accretion shock decreases in the very low mass regime, reflecting a reduction in the energy flux carried by the accretion columns. We find that the near-IR excess attributed to circumstellar disk thermal emission drops rapidly for spectral types later than M4. This is likely due to the decrease in color contrast between the disk and the cooler stellar photosphere. Since accretion, which requires a substantial stellar magnetic field and the presence of a circumstellar disk, is inferred for masses down to 0.05 Msol we surmise that brown dwarfs and low mass stars share a common mode of formation.Comment: 37 pages, 14 figures, accepted by A

    Spectroscopy of Brown Dwarf Candidates in the rho Ophiuchi Molecular Core

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    We present an analysis of low resolution infrared spectra for 20 brown dwarf candidates in the core of the ρ\rho Ophiuchi molecular cloud. Fifteen of the sources display absorption-line spectra characteristic of late-type stars. By comparing the depths of water vapor absorption bands in our candidate objects with a grid of M dwarf standards, we derive spectral types which are independent of reddening. Optical spectroscopy of one brown dwarf candidate confirms the spectral type derived from the water bands. Combining their spectral types with published near-infrared photometry, effective temperatures and bolometric stellar luminosities are derived enabling us to place our sample on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. We compare the positions of the brown dwarf candidates in this diagram with two sets of theoretical models in order to estimate their masses and ages. Considering uncertainties in placing the candidates in the H-R diagram, six objects consistently lie in the brown dwarf regime and another five objects lie in the transition region between stellar and substellar objects. The ages inferred for the sample are consistent with those derived for higher mass association members. Three of the newly identified brown dwarfs display infrared excesses at λ\lambda=2.2 μ\mum suggesting that young brown dwarfs can have active accretion disks. Comparing our mass estimates of the brown dwarf candidates with those derived from photometric data alone suggests that spectroscopy is an essential component of investigations of the mass functions of young clusters.Comment: Astronomical Journal, in press: 25 pages, latex, 5 tables and 6 figures (separate

    Spitzer Space Telescope study of disks in the young σ\sigma Orionis cluster

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    We report new Spitzer Space Telescope observations from the IRAC and MIPS instruments of the young (~ 3 Myr) sigma Orionis cluster. We identify 336 stars as members of the cluster using optical and near-infrared color magnitude diagrams. Using the spectral energy distribution (SED) slopes in the IRAC spectral range, we place objects in several classes: non-excess stars, stars with optically thick disks(like classical T Tauri stars), class I (protostellar) candidates, and stars with ``evolved disks''; the last exhibit smaller IRAC excesses than optically thick disk systems. In general, this classification agrees with the location expected in IRAC-MIPS color-color diagrams for these objects. We find that the evolved disk systems are mostly a combination of objects with optically thick but non-flared disks, suggesting grain growth and/or settling, and transition disks, systems in which the inner disk is partially or fully cleared of small dust. In all, we identify 7 transition disk candidates and 3 possible debris disk systems. As in other young stellar populations, the fraction of disks depends on the stellar mass, ranging from ~10% for stars in the Herbig Ae/Be mass range (>2 msun) to ~35% in the T Tauri mass range (1-0.1 msun). We find that the disk fraction does not decrease significantly toward the brown dwarf candidates (<0.1 msun). The IRAC infrared excesses found in stellar clusters and associations with and without central high mass stars are similar, suggesting that external photoevaporation is not very important in many clusters. Finally, we find no correlation between the X-ray luminosity and the disk infrared excess, suggesting that the X-rays are not strongly affected by disk accretion.Comment: 44pages, 17 figures. Sent to Ap