17 research outputs found

    General linear mixed model results comparing wild and managed herds, and mean serum biochemistry values for wild, managed, and captive African buffalo (+/- standard error of the mean).

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    <p>The captive values are from Species360 and are listed in italics as the data was not collected during this project, but is listed for comparison as the only prior information on these values in African buffalo. Asterisks indicate level of significance (* ≤0.05, **≤0.01, ***≤0.001) and parameters with statistically significant differences between managed and wild are bolded.</p

    The location of African buffalo used in this study.

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    <p>The enclosure is located in the central portion of KNP near Satara and experiences only 500mm of rain per year, with the majority occurring during the summer months. Total size of the enclosure is 900 hectares, and is enclosed in a double fence to exclude large predators. The buffalo captured as part of the free-ranging herd were initially located in the south-eastern portion of the park centered around Lower Sabie, which experiences similar rainfall to the managed herd. The free-ranging herd was allowed to disperse as normal over the 4 years of the study which resulted in individuals being re-captured throughout the southern portion of the park, as far north as Olifants and spanning the geographic area the managed herd is maintained in [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0176830#pone.0176830.ref025" target="_blank">25</a>].</p

    Sample collection details.

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    <p>The number of samples collected from each age group across four seasons in a herd of managed buffalo contained in a 900 hectare enclosure within KNP.</p

    Managed African buffalo serum biochemistry parameters across seasons.

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    <p>Within each parameter, shared letters indicate no significant difference across seasons. The heat map shows the percent difference between seasonal average value and overall average for each parameter, with red being very high concentration and white being very low concentration. All parameters were centered and transformed so that color varies on the same scale for each parameter.</p

    Serum biochemistry parameters.

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    <p>Eleven biochemistry parameters commonly used in diagnostics were measured in this study and used to generate reference intervals.</p

    Effects of age on serum biochemistry parameters.

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    <p>Serum biochemistry parameters are only shown here if age or age squared are significant model parameters. The line represents the fitted line from the model while the points are each individual data point. CK is shown on a separate graph due to scale. Age has been rescaled (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0176830#sec002" target="_blank">Methods</a>).</p

    Schistosome CAA titers

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    This file contains CAA titers, schistosome status, season, age and capture information for buffalo involved in this publication. Additional information is published under Dryad submission http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.q2m38

    Desert bighorn sheep IgM binds to cell-surface proteins from the marine pathogen <i>V</i>. <i>coralliilyticus</i>.

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    <p><i>A</i>. Cell envelopes (CE) and bacterial whole cell lysates (WCL) were separated by SDS-PAGE and visualized by staining with commassie blue dye. Molecular weight ladders flank the cell lysates and the weight of the protein (kDa) is denoted. Several distinct bands which are enriched in the CE fraction are marked orange arrows while bands absent from the membrane but present in the WCL are marked with a blue arrow. <i>B</i>. Plasma from domestic sheep or four randomly selected desert bighorn sheep were resolved by SDS-PAGE and transferred onto nitrocellulose. Rabbit anti-sheep IgM polyclonal antibodies were added to the membrane and detected with an anti-rabbit polyclonal antibodies coupled to a fluorescent dye. <i>C</i>. <i>V</i>. <i>coralliilyticus</i> cell envelope proteins were resolved by SDS-PAGE and blotted into a nitrocellulose membrane. Desert bighorn sheep plasma was added to the membranes, followed by rabbit-anti sheep IgM and anti-rabbit polyclonal antibodies coupled to a fluorescent dye. The image marked with an asterisk is a negative control, where the nitrocellulose membrane was not exposed to plasma. The asterisk also denotes a background band which is detected by the secondary antibodies. Several bands present in all animals tested are marked with blue arrows, whereas orange arrows denote bands which are only detectable in a subset of animals.</p