19,339 research outputs found

    Emotional Intelligence and its Effect on Performance Outcomes in a Leadership Development School

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    Emotional Intelligence (EI) and its impact on performance is of paramount importance to both the corporate world and military in the realm of leadership development. The purpose of this study was to understand how specific EI skills and behaviors are exhibited by high performing graduates of an in-residence Professional Military Education school, which primarily focuses on leadership development and effectiveness. The sample consisted of 621 military officers taking part in an in-residence professional military education course. EI was measured using the Emotional Skills Assessment self-report instrument. Findings suggested that certain dimensions of EI (commitment ethic, empathy, leadership, and aggression) can predict performance outcomes, but that they only account for 8.6% of the total variance of the dependent variable (performance outcomes)

    Explaining Regional and Local Differences in Organic Farming in England and Wales: A Comparison of South West Wales and South East England

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    Explaining regional and local differences in organic farming in England and Wales: a comparison of South West Wales and South East England, Regional Studies, Few studies explain the concentration of organic farming in specific regions of England and Wales. This paper compares the development of organic farming in South West Wales and South East England. While the focus in the former is on the use of mainly national marketing channels and the movement of organic produce more than 60 min from the farm, in the latter greater use is made of local and direct marketing channels to distribute organic food within 30 min of the farm. The overriding importance of demand appears to provide a key explanation for regional differentiation in organic farming. 解释英格兰与威尔斯有机农业的区域及地方差异:西南威尔斯与东南英格兰的比较研究,区域研究。显少有研究解释有机农业在英格兰及威尔斯特定区域中的集中现象。本文比较有机农业在西南威尔斯与东南英格兰的发展。西南威尔斯的发展重点,主要在于利用全国行销通路,以及距离农场超过六十分钟的有机产品运送路程,东南英格兰则较着重运用在地且直接的行销通路,在距离农场三十分钟以内的运送路程中分派有机食品。需求的压倒性重要性,似乎提供了有机农业中的区域差异的关键解释。 Expliquer les disparités régionales dans l'agriculture biologique en Angleterre et au pays de Galles: une comparaison du sud-ouest du pays de Galles et du sud-est de l'Angleterre, Regional Studies. Rares sont les études qui expliquent la concentration de l'agriculture biologique dans des zones spécifiques de l'Angleterre et du pays de Galles. Cet article cherche à comparer le développement de l'agriculture biologique du sud-ouest du pays de Galles à celle du sud-est de l'Angleterre. Tandis que celle-là met l'accent sur l'emploi des circuits commerciaux principalement nationaux et sur la distribution de la production agricole biologique à plus de 60 minutes de la ferme, celle-ci exploite davantage les circuits commerciaux locaux et directs pour distribuer les denrées alimentaires organiques dans un rayon de 30 minutes de la ferme. Il semble que l'importance primordiale de la demande constitue un facteur déterminant de la différenciation régionale de l'agriculture biologique. Erklärung der regionalen und lokalen Unterschiede bei der ökologischen Landwirtschaft in England und Wales: ein Vergleich zwischen Südwestwales und Südostengland, Regional Studies. Die Konzentration der ökologischen Landwirtschaft in bestimmten Regionen von England und Wales wird nur in wenigen Studien erklärt. In diesem Beitrag vergleichen wir die Entwicklung der ökologischen Landwirtschaft in Südwestwales mit der von Südostengland. Während in Südwestwales der Schwerpunkt auf den größtenteils landesweiten Absatzkanälen und dem Transport von ökologischen Lebensmitteln an mehr als 60 Minuten vom landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb entfernte Orte liegt, werden in Südostengland öfter lokale und direkte Absatzkanäle genutzt und die ökologischen Lebensmittel an bis zu 30 Minuten vom landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb entfernte Orte transportiert. Die wichtigste Erklärung für die regionalen Unterschiede bei der ökologischen Landwirtschaft scheinen in der vorrangigen Bedeutung der Nachfrage zu liegen. Explicación de las diferencias regionales y locales en la agricultura biológica de Inglaterra y Gales: comparación entre el suroeste de Gales y el sureste de Inglaterra, Regional Studies. En pocos estudios se explica la concentración de la agricultura biológica en regiones específicas de Inglaterra y Gales. En este artículo comparamos el desarrollo de la agricultura biológica en el suroeste de Gales y el sureste de Inglaterra. Mientras que en el suroeste de Gales se hace hincapié en el uso de canales mercantiles principalmente nacionales y el movimiento de productos biológicos a una distancia de más de 60 minutos de la explotación agrícola, en el sureste de Inglaterra se utilizan más los canales mercantiles locales y directos para distribuir alimentos biológicos a no más de 30 minutos de la explotación agrícola. Parece ser que la demanda es el motivo más importante para explicar las diferencias regionales en la agricultura biológica

    The Insignificance of Global Reheating in the Abell 1068 Cluster: X-Ray Analysis

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    We report on a Chandra observation of the massive, medium redshift (z=0.1386) cooling flow cluster Abell 1068. We detect a clear temperature gradient in the X-ray emitting gas from kT ~ 5 keV in the outer part of the cluster down to roughly 2 keV in the core, and a striking increase in the metallicity of the gas toward the cluster center. The total spectrum from the cluster can be fit by a cooling flow model with a total mass deposition rate of 150 solar masses/yr. Within the core (r < 30 kpc), the mass depositon rate of 40 solar masses/yr is comparable to estimates for the star formation rate from optical data. We find an apparent correlation between the cD galaxy's optical isophotes and enhanced metallicity isocontours in the central ~100 kpc of the cluster. We show that the approximate doubling of the metallicity associated with the cD can be plausibly explained by supernova explosions associated with the cD's ambient stellar population and the recent starburst. Finally, we calculate the amount of heating due to thermal conduction and show that this process is unlikely to offset cooling in Abell 1068.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 26 pages, 12 b+w figures, 3 color figure

    The Influence of pH Variation on CooA Activity

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    CooA, a CO-sensing heme protein, acts as a transcriptional activator of CO-metabolizing proteins in bacteria such as Rhodospirillum rubrum and Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans through sequence-specific DNA binding. Previous research indicated a reduced iron center and CO gas were necessary for CooA to achieve its active conformation and bind DNA. To determine if other reaction conditions facilitate CooA activation, the role of pH on CooA function was tested. Specifically, a fluorescence anisotropy assay was employed to measure possible Fe(III) CooA DNA binding from pH 3 - 12. Interestingly, CooA was observed to bind DNA without CO at acidic conditions, with optimal binding observed at pH ~3. These results are discussed in light of the normal CO-dependent activation mechanism of CooA proteins

    Mapping and Characterizing Subtidal Oyster Reefs Using Acoustic Techniques, Underwater Videography and Quadrat Counts

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    Populations of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica have been in long-term decline in most areas. A major hindrance to effective oyster management has been lack of a methodology for accurately and economically obtaining data on their distribution and abundance patterns. Here, we describe early results from studies aimed at development of a mapping and monitoring protocol involving acoustic techniques, underwater videography, and destructive sampling (excavated quadrats). Two subtidal reefs in Great Bay, New Hampshire, were mapped with side-scan sonar and with videography by systematically imaging multiple sampling cells in a grid covering the same areas. A single deployment was made in each cell, and a 5-10-s recording was made of a 0.25-m2 area; the location of each image was determined using a differential global position system. A still image was produced for each of the cells and all (n = 40 or 44) were combined into a single photomontage overlaid onto a geo-referenced base map for each reef using Arc View geographic information system. Quadrat (0.25 m2 ) samples were excavated from 9 or 10 of the imaged areas on each reef, and all live oysters were counted and measured. Intercomparisons of the acoustic, video, and quadrat data suggest: (1) acoustic techniques and systematic videography can readily delimit the boundaries of oyster reefs; (2) systematic videography can yield quantitative data on shell densities and information on reef structure; and (3) some combination of acoustics, systematic videography, and destructive sampling can provide spatially detailed information on oyster reef characteristics