1,052 research outputs found

    Case study : The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow

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    Describes the Millennium Student Initiative which equipped students in the business school with laptops. Curricular redesign made these an essential part of the pedagogic proces

    The relationship between church health and church growth in United Methodist churches in the West Ohio Annual Conference

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    Metabolic perturbations associated with the consumption of a ketogenic medium-chain TAG diet in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy

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    Consumption of diets containing medium-chain TAG (MCT) has been shown to confer neuroprotective effects. We aim to identify the global metabolic perturbations associated with consumption of a ketogenic diet (medium-chain TAG diet (MCTD)) in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy. We used ultra-performance liquid chromatography-MS (UPLC-MS) to generate metabolic and lipidomic profiles of fasted canine serum and made comparisons between the MCTD and standardised placebo diet phases. We identified metabolites that differed significantly between diet phases using metabolite fragmentation profiles generated by tandem MS (UPLC–MS/MS). Consumption of the MCTD resulted in significant differences in serum metabolic profiles when compared with the placebo diet, where sixteen altered lipid metabolites were identified. Consumption of the MCTD resulted in reduced abundances of palmitoylcarnitine, octadecenoylcarnitine, stearoylcarnitine and significant changes, both reduced and increased abundances, of phosphatidylcholine (PC) metabolites. There was a significant increase in abundance of the saturated C17 : 0 fatty acyl moieties during the MCTD phase. Lysophosphatidylcholine (17 : 0) (P=0·01) and PC (17:0/20:4) (P=0·03) were both significantly higher in abundance during the MCTD. The data presented in this study highlight global changes in lipid metabolism, and, of particular interest, in the C17 : 0 moieties, as a result of MCT consumption. Elucidating the global metabolic response of MCT consumption will not only improve the administration of current ketogenic diets for neurological disease models but also provides new avenues for research to develop better diet therapies with improved neuroprotective efficacies. Future studies should clarify the involvement and importance of C17 : 0 moieties in endogenous MCT metabolic pathways

    Visualization and Analysis of Solar System Small Bodies with NASA's Solar System Treks Project

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    In its investigations of Vesta and Ceres, NASAs Dawn mission has returned spectacular data detailing the surfaces of these two prominent small bodies in our Solar Systems asteroid belt. In order to greatly facilitate dissemination, visualization, and analysis of this data, and public understanding of the mission, the Dawn mission has partnered with NASAs Solar System Treks Project (SSTP). SSTP has recently released an update to the Vesta Trek online portal (https://trek.nasa.gov/vesta/) and has released a new Ceres Trek portal (https://trek.nasa.gov/ceres/). This presentation will showcase the use of the Ceres Trek and Vesta Trek portals and demonstrate how they can be used to visualize and analyze particularly interesting landforms such as the pitted terrain on Vesta and relic cryovolcanoes on Ceres. We will also demonstrate the new VR capability that has been added to the portals, allowing users to generate their own virtual reality flyovers for any user-defined paths along the bodies surfaces. In addition to highlighting the portals for Ceres and Vesta, the presentation will preview additional portals being planned/developed for other small bodies. NASA and JAXA have requested the development of a portal for the asteroid Ryugu to facilitate dissemination, visualization, and analysis of data from Japans Hayabusa2 mission, and a portal for Mars moon Phobos in support of mission planning for Japans MMX mission. We are also planning a portal for the asteroid Bennu with data from the OSIRIS-Rex mission. All of these products are efforts in the NASA Solar System Treks Project (SSTP), available at https://trek.nasa.gov. NASA's Solar System Trek online portals provide web-based suites of interactive data visualization and analysis tools to enable mission planners, planetary scientists, students, and the general public to access mapped data products from past and current missions for a growing number of planetary bodies including the Moon, Mars, Vesta, etc. These portals are being used for site selection and analysis by NASA and a number of its international partners, supporting upcoming missions. In addition to demonstrating the capabilities of selected portals in this presentation, we will solicit input from the community for ideas for future enhancements to the portals

    Sagittal Subtalar and Talocrural Joint Assessment With Weight-Bearing Fluoroscopy During Barefoot Ambulation

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    Background: Identifying talar position during ambulation has proved difficult as the talus lacks palpable landmarks for skin marker placement and more invasive methodologies such as bone pins are not practical for most clinical subjects. A fluoroscopic motion system was used to track the talus and calcaneus, allowing kinematic analysis of the talocrural and subtalar joints. Methods: Thirteen male subjects (mean age 22.9 ± 3.0 years) previously screened for normal gait were tested. A fluoroscopy unit was used to collect images at 120 fps during stance. Sagittal motion of the talocrural and subtalar joints were analyzed. Results: The intersubject mean and standard deviation values for all 58 trials of 13 subjects are reported. Maximum talocrural joint plantarflexion of 11.2 degrees (4.3 degrees of standard deviation) occurred at 11% stance and maximum dorsiflexion of −6.9 degrees (5.6 degrees of standard deviation) occurred at 85%. Maximum subtalar joint plantarflexion of 4.8 degrees (1.0 degrees of standard deviation) occurred at 96% stance and maximum dorsiflexion of −3.6 degrees (2.3 degrees of standard deviation) occurred at 30%. Talocrural and subtalar range of motion values during stance were 18.1 and 8.4 degrees, respectively. Conclusion: Existing fluoroscopic technology was capable of defining sagittal plane talocrural and subtalar motion during gait. These kinematic results compare favorably with more invasive techniques. This type of assessment could support more routine analysis of in vivo bony motion during gait. Clinical Relevance: Fluoroscopic technology offers improved sagittal plane motion evaluation during weight-bearing with potential application in patients with end-stage ankle arthritis, postoperative ankle replacements and fusions, and orthotics and braces

    Pre-operational baseline studies of selected nearshore marine biota at the Diablo Canyon power plant site: 1979-1982

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    This is the final report of the California Department of Fish and Games intertidal and subtidal surveys of plants and animals in the vicinity of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. These studies cover the period from 1979 through 1982. Our previous report (Gotshall, et al. 1984) covered the period from 1973 through 1978. The report includes abundances and statistical analyses of comparisons of abundances between years and study areas for selected intertidal and subtidal plants and animals. A total of 556 random subtidal stations, 540 intertidal stations and 67 permanent abalone transects were completed during this report period. Trends in abundances of most species observed during our 1973 through 1978 studies continued, i.e. the population of giant red sea urchins remained at a very low level, bull kelp Nereocystis leutkeana densities continued to decline in Diablo Cove and North Control. These two trends are probably due to the effects of continued sea otter foraging in the study area. Our observations of the presence or absence of fishes at subtidal 30m stations indicate a continued decline in the abundances of lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus and a decline in the abundance of blue rockfish since the 1973 through 1978 study period. A new study was begun during this study period, the use of baited stations to obtain relative abundance indices for those species of fishes attracted to the bait. Black-and-yellow rockfish were the most frequently observed fishes at Diablo Cove stations, while blue rockfish were the most frequently observed fish at North control baited stations. (Document has 393 pages

    Lunar Science for Landed Missions - High-Priority Landing Sites Visualized with NASA's Moon Trek

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    The Lunar Science for Landed Missions workshop was held on 1012 January, 2018 at NASA Ames Research Center and was attended by lunar scientists, representatives from commercial companies, and representative of various international space agencies including the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and the European Space Agency. The workshop was cosponsored by the Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) and the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG). The primary goal of the workshop was to produce a set of highpriority landing site targets, generated by the lunar science community, for nearterm lunar missions. The scope of such missions was aimed primarily, but not exclusively, at commercial exploration companies with interests in pursuing ventures on the surface of the Moon. The results of this workshop were published in a report that summarized the findings of the workshop and provided an analysis of priority landing sites and how missions to these sites would meet key science and exploration goals determined by NASA and the scientific community (Jawin, et al, 2019). This presentation for JpGU will review the landing sites advocated by the workshop, highlight characteristics that make them high-priority sites, and showcase the sites using visualizations generated using NASAs Moon Trek data visualization and analysis portal (Day and Law, 2017)

    Building a Disciplinary, World-Wide Data Infrastructure

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    Sharing scientific data, with the objective of making it fully discoverable, accessible, assessable, intelligible, usable, and interoperable, requires work at the disciplinary level to define in particular how the data should be formatted and described. Each discipline has its own organization and history as a starting point, and this paper explores the way a range of disciplines, namely materials science, crystallography, astronomy, earth sciences, humanities and linguistics get organized at the international level to tackle this question. In each case, the disciplinary culture with respect to data sharing, science drivers, organization and lessons learnt are briefly described, as well as the elements of the specific data infrastructure which are or could be shared with others. Commonalities and differences are assessed. Common key elements for success are identified: data sharing should be science driven; defining the disciplinary part of the interdisciplinary standards is mandatory but challenging; sharing of applications should accompany data sharing. Incentives such as journal and funding agency requirements are also similar. For all, it also appears that social aspects are more challenging than technological ones. Governance is more diverse, and linked to the discipline organization. CODATA, the RDA and the WDS can facilitate the establishment of disciplinary interoperability frameworks. Being problem-driven is also a key factor of success for building bridges to enable interdisciplinary research.Comment: Proceedings of the session "Building a disciplinary, world-wide data infrastructure" of SciDataCon 2016, held in Denver, CO, USA, 12-14 September 2016, to be published in ICSU CODATA Data Science Journal in 201

    Sagittal Subtalar and Talocrural Joint Assessment During Ambulation With Controlled Ankle Movement (CAM) Boots

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    Background: The purpose of the current study was to determine sagittal plane talocrural and subtalar kinematic differences between barefoot and controlled ankle movement (CAM) boot walking. This study used fluoroscopic images to determine talar motion relative to tibia and calcaneal motion relative to talus. Methods: Fourteen male subjects (mean age 24.1 ± 3.5 years) screened for normal gait were tested. A fluoroscopy unit was used to collect images at 200 Hz during stance. Sagittal motion of the talocrural and subtalar joints were analyzed barefoot and within short and tall CAM boots. Results: Barefoot talocrural mean maximum plantar and dorsiflexion were 9.2 ± 5.4 degrees and −7.5 ± 7.4 degrees, respectively; short CAM boot mean maximum plantar and dorsiflexion were 3.2 ± 4.0 degrees and −4.8 ± 10.2 degrees, respectively; and tall CAM boot mean maximum plantar and dorsiflexion were −0.2 ± 3.5 degrees and −2.4 ± 5.1 degrees, respectively. Talocrural mean range of motion (ROM) decreased from barefoot (16.7 ± 5.1 degrees) to short CAM boot (8.0 ± 4.9 degrees) to tall CAM boot (2.2 ± 2.5 degrees). Subtalar mean maximum plantarflexion angles were 5.3 ± 5.6 degrees for barefoot walking, 4.1 ± 5.9 degrees for short CAM boot walking, and 3.0 ± 4.7 degrees for tall CAM boot walking. Mean minimum subtalar plantarflexion angles were 0.7 ± 3.2 degrees for barefoot walking, 0.7 ± 2.9 degrees for short CAM boot walking, and 0.1 ± 4.8 degrees for tall CAM boot walking. Subtalar mean ROM decreased from barefoot (4.6 ± 3.9 degrees) to short CAM boot (3.4 ± 3.8 degrees) to tall CAM boot (2.9 ± 2.6 degrees). Conclusion: Tall and short CAM boot intervention was shown to limit both talocrural and subtalar motion in the sagittal plane during ambulation. The greatest reductions were seen with the tall CAM boot, which limited talocrural motion by 86.8% and subtalar motion by 37.0% compared to barefoot. Short CAM boot intervention reduced talocrural motion by 52.1% and subtalar motion by 26.1% compared to barefoot. Clinical Relevance: Both short and tall CAM boots reduced talocrural and subtalar motion during gait. The short CAM boot was more convenient to use, whereas the tall CAM boot more effectively reduced motion. In treatments requiring greater immobilization of the talocrural and subtalar joints, the tall CAM boot should be considered
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