1,110 research outputs found

    The Enigmatic Role of Sir2 in Aging

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    In this issue of Cell, Longo and colleagues (Fabrizio et al., 2005) examine the role of Sir2, a histone deacetylase, in chronological aging in yeast by measuring the long-term survival of nondividing cells. In contrast to measurements of aging for mitotic cells, cell survival in the nonmitotic state is decreased by Sir2 activity under conditions that mimic calorie restriction

    The sensitivity of saccharomyces mutants to palmitoleic acid may provide a means to study the controls of membrane fluidity in eukaryotes

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    The mechanisms which control the fluidity of eukaryotic membranes are unknown. We have identified S. cerevisiae deletion strains whose growth is impaired by palmitoleic (PO; C16:1) but not oleic (C18:1) acid. PO-sensitivity is suppressed by oleate thus perhaps identifying a signaling pathway that controls the ratio of these fatty acids in membrane phospholipid. Growth of these mutants is also inhibited by a known fluidizer, benzyl alcohol, thus indicating that PO has a fluidizing effect. Removal of Pkc1, known to play a key role in cell wall integrity control, leads to acute PO-sensitivity. Removal of Bck1, Mkk1, Mkk2, Slt2, or Swi6 downstream components of the cell wall integrity pathway, cause modest POsensitivity. Suppression by 1M sorbitol of the PO-sensitivity of these four mutants implies that PO/oleate ratio influences the cell wall. Acute PO-sensitivity of the pkc1Δ strain, even in the presence of 1M sorbitol, suggests the cell wall to be more severely compromised by PO addition to this strain. Alternatively, the failure to control the PO/oleate ratio could have an additional effect on the pkc1 strain, perhaps by disabling a 2nd pathway downstream of Pkc1 thus allowing PO addition to cause excess membrane fluidity. We are attempting to distinguish these two models by a variety of genetic, biochemical, and physical methods. Most notably, the effect of PO on the fluidity of the plasma membrane is being examined by measuring the depolarization of laurdan fluorescence

    Dialing Down SUN1 for Laminopathies

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    Laminopathies, caused by mutations in A-type nuclear lamins, encompass a range of diseases, including forms of progeria and muscular dystrophy. In this issue, Chen et al. provide evidence that elevated expression of the nuclear inner membrane protein SUN1 drives pathology in multiple laminopathies

    Measuring Replicative Life Span in the Budding Yeast

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    Aging is a degenerative process characterized by a progressive deterioration of cellular components and organelles resulting in mortality. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been used extensively to study the biology of aging, and several determinants of yeast longevity have been shown to be conserved in multicellular eukaryotes, including worms, flies, and mice 1. Due to the lack of easily quantified age-associated phenotypes, aging in yeast has been assayed almost exclusively by measuring the life span of cells in different contexts, with two different life span paradigms in common usage 2. Chronological life span refers to the length of time that a mother cell can survive in a non-dividing, quiescence-like state, and is proposed to serve as a model for aging of post-mitotic cells in multicellular eukaryotes. Replicative life span, in contrast, refers the number of daughter cells produced by a mother cell prior to senescence, and is thought to provide a model of aging in mitotically active cells. Here we present a generalized protocol for measuring the replicative life span of budding yeast mother cells. The goal of the replicative life span assay is to determine how many times each mother cell buds. The mother and daughter cells can be easily differentiated by an experienced researcher using a standard light microscope (total magnification 160X), such as the Zeiss Axioscope 40 or another comparable model. Physical separation of daughter cells from mother cells is achieved using a manual micromanipulator equipped with a fiber-optic needle. Typical laboratory yeast strains produce 20-30 daughter cells per mother and one life span experiment requires 2-3 weeks

    Mutation in the silencing gene S/R4 can delay aging in S. cerevisiae

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    AbstractAging in S. cerevisiae is exemplified by the fixed number of cell divisions that mother cells undergo (termed their life span). We have exploited a correlation between life span and stress resistance to identify mutations in four genes that extend life span. One of these, SIR4, encodes a component of the silencing apparatus at HM loci and telomeres. The sir4-42 mutation extends life span by more than 30% and is semidominant. Our findings suggest that sir4-42 extends life span by preventing recruitment of the SIR proteins to HM loci and telomeres, thereby increasing their concentration at other chromosomal regions. Maintaining silencing at these other regions maybe critical in preventing aging. Consistent with this view, expression of only the carboxyl terminus of SIR4 interferes with silencing at HM loci and telomeres, which also extends life span. Possible links among silencing, telomere maintenance, and aging in other organisms are discussed

    The replicative lifespan-extending deletion of SGF73 results in altered ribosomal gene expression in yeast.

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    Sgf73, a core component of SAGA, is the yeast orthologue of ataxin-7, which undergoes CAG-polyglutamine repeat expansion leading to the human neurodegenerative disease spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7). Deletion of SGF73 dramatically extends replicative lifespan (RLS) in yeast. To further define the basis for Sgf73-mediated RLS extension, we performed ChIP-Seq, identified 388 unique genomic regions occupied by Sgf73, and noted enrichment in promoters of ribosomal protein (RP)-encoding genes. Of 388 Sgf73 binding sites, 33 correspond to 5' regions of genes implicated in RLS extension, including 20 genes encoding RPs. Furthermore, half of Sgf73-occupied, RLS-linked RP genes displayed significantly reduced expression in sgf73Δ mutants, and double null strains lacking SGF73 and a Sgf73-regulated, RLS-linked RP gene exhibited no further increase in replicative lifespan. We also found that sgf73Δ mutants display altered acetylation of Ifh1, an important regulator of RP gene transcription. These findings implicate altered ribosomal protein expression in sgf73Δ yeast RLS and highlight altered acetylation as a pathway of relevance for SCA7 neurodegeneration

    Recent Developments in Yeast Aging

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    In the last decade, research into the molecular determinants of aging has progressed rapidly and much of this progress can be attributed to studies in invertebrate eukaryotic model organisms. Of these, single-celled yeast is the least complicated and most amenable to genetic and molecular manipulations. Supporting the use of this organism for aging research, increasing evidence has accumulated that a subset of pathways influencing longevity in yeast are conserved in other eukaryotes, including mammals. Here we briefly outline aging in yeast and describe recent findings that continue to keep this “simple” eukaryote at the forefront of aging research

    Cell-Extrinsic Defective Lymphocyte Development in Lmna-/- Mice

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    Background: Mutations in the LMNA gene, which encodes all A-type lamins, result in a variety of human diseases termed laminopathies. Lmna-/- mice appear normal at birth but become runted as early as 2 weeks of age and develop multiple tissue defects that mimic some aspects of human laminopathies. Lmna-/- mice also display smaller spleens and thymuses. In this study, we investigated whether altered lymphoid organ sizes are correlated with specific defects in lymphocyte development. Principal Findings: Lmna-/- mice displayed severe age-dependent defects in T and B cell development which coincided with runting. Lmna-/- bone marrow reconstituted normal T and B cell development in irradiated wild-type recipients, driving generation of functional and self-MHC restricted CD4 + and CD8 + T cells. Transplantation of Lmna-/- neonatal thymus lobes into syngeneic wild-type recipients resulted in good engraftment of thymic tissue and normal thymocyte development. Conclusions: Collectively, these data demonstrate that the severe defects in lymphocyte development that characterize Lmna-/- mice do not result directly from the loss of A-type lamin function in lymphocytes or thymic stroma. Instead, the immune defects in Lmna-/- mice likely reflect indirect damage, perhaps resulting from prolonged stress due to the striate