1,507 research outputs found

    Field Evaluation of Herbicides on Vegetables and Small Fruits 2004

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    Herbicide evaluation studies on vegetables and small fruits were conducted in 2004 at the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station at Fayetteville, AR, in an effort to evaluate new herbicides, herbicide mixtures, and their application timings for weed control efficacy and crop tolerance. Results of these studies, in part, provide useful information to producers, fellow researchers, the Crop Protection Industry, and the IR-4 Minor Crop Pest Management Program in the development of potential new herbicide uses in vegetable, and fruit

    Field Evaluation of Herbicides on Rice 2004

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    Herbicide evaluation studies on rice were conducted in 2004 at the Rice Research and Extension Center near Stuttgart, AR, in an effort to evaluate new herbicides, herbicide mixtures, and their application timings for weed control and crop tolerance. Results of these studies, in part, provide useful information to producers, fellow researchers, and the Crop Protection Industry for the potential use of new herbicide programs for successful rice production in Arkansas

    Field Evaluation of Herbicides on Rice 2003

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    Herbicide evaluation studies on rice were conducted in 2003 at the Rice Research and Extension Center near Stuttgart, Ark., in an effort to evaluate new herbicides, herbicide mixtures, and their application timings for weed control efficacy and crop tolerance. Results of these studies, in part, provide useful information to producers, fellow researchers, and the crop protection industry for the potential use of new herbicide programs for successful rice production in Arkansas

    Field Evaluation of Herbicides on Vegetables, Small Fruit, and Ornamental Crops 2003

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    Herbicide evaluation studies on vegetables, small fruit, and ornamental crops were conducted in 2003 at the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station in Fayetteville, Ark., and the Vegetable Substation near Kibler, Ark., in an effort to evaluate new herbicides, herbicide mixtures, and their application timings for weed control efficacy and crop tolerance. Results of these studies, in part, provide useful information to producers, fellow researchers, the Crop Protection Industry, and the IR-4 Minor Crop Pest Management Program in the development of potential new herbicide uses in vegetable, fruit, and ornamental production

    Spectral Models for Early Time SN 2011fe Observations

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    We use observed UV through near IR spectra to examine whether SN 2011fe can be understood in the framework of Branch-normal SNe Ia and to examine its individual peculiarities. As a benchmark, we use a delayed-detonation model with a progenitor metallicity of Z_solar/20. We study the sensitivity of features to variations in progenitor metallicity, the outer density profile, and the distribution of radioactive nickel. The effect of metallicity variations in the progenitor have a relatively small effect on the synthetic spectra. We also find that the abundance stratification of SN 2011fe resembles closely that of a delayed detonation model with a transition density that has been fit to other Branch-normal Type Ia supernovae. At early times, the model photosphere is formed in material with velocities that are too high, indicating that the photosphere recedes too slowly or that SN 2011fe has a lower specific energy in the outer ~0.1 M_sun than does the model. We discuss several explanations for the discrepancies. Finally, we examine variations in both the spectral energy distribution and in the colors due to variations in the progenitor metallicity, which suggests that colors are only weak indicators for the progenitor metallicity, in the particular explosion model that we have studied. We do find that the flux in the U band is significantly higher at maximum light in the solar metallicity model than in the lower metallicity model and the lower metallicity model much better matches the observed spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures, MNRAS, in press, fixed typ

    Model/data comparisons of ozone in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere

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    We compare ground-based microwave observations of ozone in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere with daytime observations made from the SME (Solar Mesosphere Explorer) satellite, with nighttime data from the LIMS instrument, and with a diurnal photochemical model. The results suggest that the data are all in reasonable agreement and that the model-data discrepancy is much less than previously thought, particularly in the mesosphere. This appears to be due to the fact that the latest data are lower than earlier reports and the updated model predicts more ozone than older versions. The model and the data agree to within a factor of 1.5 at all altitudes and typically are within 20 percent

    Quantitative Measurement of Cyber Resilience: Modeling and Experimentation

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    Cyber resilience is the ability of a system to resist and recover from a cyber attack, thereby restoring the system's functionality. Effective design and development of a cyber resilient system requires experimental methods and tools for quantitative measuring of cyber resilience. This paper describes an experimental method and test bed for obtaining resilience-relevant data as a system (in our case -- a truck) traverses its route, in repeatable, systematic experiments. We model a truck equipped with an autonomous cyber-defense system and which also includes inherent physical resilience features. When attacked by malware, this ensemble of cyber-physical features (i.e., "bonware") strives to resist and recover from the performance degradation caused by the malware's attack. We propose parsimonious mathematical models to aid in quantifying systems' resilience to cyber attacks. Using the models, we identify quantitative characteristics obtainable from experimental data, and show that these characteristics can serve as useful quantitative measures of cyber resilience.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2302.04413, arXiv:2302.0794

    An Experimentation Infrastructure for Quantitative Measurements of Cyber Resilience

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    The vulnerability of cyber-physical systems to cyber attack is well known, and the requirement to build cyber resilience into these systems has been firmly established. The key challenge this paper addresses is that maturing this discipline requires the development of techniques, tools, and processes for objectively, rigorously, and quantitatively measuring the attributes of cyber resilience. Researchers and program managers need to be able to determine if the implementation of a resilience solution actually increases the resilience of the system. In previous work, a table top exercise was conducted using a notional heavy vehicle on a fictitious military mission while under a cyber attack. While this exercise provided some useful data, more and higher fidelity data is required to refine the measurement methodology. This paper details the efforts made to construct a cost-effective experimentation infrastructure to provide such data. It also presents a case study using some of the data generated by the infrastructure.Comment: 6 pages, 2022 IEEE Military Communications Conference, pp. 855-86

    Shared morphological consequences of global warming in North American migratory birds

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    Increasing temperatures associated with climate change are predicted to cause reductions in body size, a key determinant of animal physiology and ecology. Using a four‐decade specimen series of 70 716 individuals of 52 North American migratory bird species, we demonstrate that increasing annual summer temperature over the 40‐year period predicts consistent reductions in body size across these diverse taxa. Concurrently, wing length – an index of body shape that impacts numerous aspects of avian ecology and behaviour – has consistently increased across species. Our findings suggest that warming‐induced body size reduction is a general response to climate change, and reveal a similarly consistent and unexpected shift in body shape. We hypothesise that increasing wing length represents a compensatory adaptation to maintain migration as reductions in body size have increased the metabolic cost of flight. An improved understanding of warming‐induced morphological changes is important for predicting biotic responses to global change.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153188/1/ele13434-sup-0001-Supinfo.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153188/2/ele13434.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153188/3/ele13434_am.pd
