448 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Flavor-Changing Sum Rules as a Tool for b -> s gamma

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    The search for supersymmetry (SUSY) and other classes of new physics will be tackled on two fronts, with high energy, direct detection machines, and in high precision experiments searching for indirect signatures. While each of these methods has its own strengths, even more can be gained by finding ways to combine their results. In this paper, we examine one way of bridging these two types of experiments by calculating sum rules which link physical squark masses to the flavor-violating squark mixings. These sum rules are calculated for minimally flavor-violating SUSY theories at both high and low tan(beta). We also explore how the sum rules could help to disentangle the relative strengths of different SUSY contributions to b -> s gamma, a favored channel for indirect searches of new physics. Along the way, we show that the gluino contributions to b -> s gamma can be very sizable at large tan(beta).Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Corrosion fatigue of engineering alloys in aqueous environments

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    A comparative study of the fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) behaviour of five alloys in air and in aqueous environments has been performed. The alloys tested include: mild steel as a reference material, a corrosion resistant dual phase steel, 3CR12, a proprietary martensitic stainless steel, AISI 431, a newly developed 8% Cr martensitic steel, Alloy 825, and a newly developed corrosion-abrasion resistant metastable austenitic alloy, 1210. Tests were conducted in laboratory air, distilled water at rest potential, 500 ppm chloride solution at rest potential, 1000 ppm chloride solution at rest potential, and 1000 ppm chloride solution at -1200 m V see; solution temperatures were maintained at 25⁰ C. Crack growth rate tests were performed using sinusoidal loading at a load ratio R = 0.1, a frequency of 3Hz in the laboratory air, and a frequency of 1 Hz in the aqueous environments. At the completion of testing, fracture surfaces were studied using a scanning electron microscope. In air, the mild steel and 3CR12 display comparable rates of cracking and exhibit a greater resistance to fatigue crack propagation than the martensitic AISI 431 and Alloy 825; Alloy 825 shows the least resistance to fatigue crack propagation. The deformation induced transformation in 1210 gives this alloy the greatest resistance to fatigue crack propagation in air. Fatigue crack growth rates were all enhanced in the aqueous environments. The greatest overall rate of environmentally assisted cracking was shown by alloy 825 while the lowest was shown by the mild steel. Although the rate of cracking of 1210 in the aqueous environments was less than that of Alloy 825, 1210 was influenced the most by the aqueous environments. An environmentally assisted cracking index shows that the rate of fatigue crack propagation in 1210 is increased by 32 times in the 500 ppm chloride solution at low stress intensities. The fatigue crack growth rates of mild steel and AISI 431 were significantly influenced by the cathodically polarised conditions in the 1000 ppm chloride solution, compared to the rest potential conditions. In these cases hydrogen was seen to be evolved from the specimen surfaces. Changes in the fatigue crack growth rate behaviour were accompanied by changes in the fracture surface morphologies. The observed changes varied for each alloy and for each environment, and were manifest by the degree of intergranular cracking, cleavage, quasi cleavage, and increased coarseness of the transgranular cracking. The fracture surface morphologies are reported and discussed in detail. In general, the fracture surface morphologies could be directly related to the relative degrees of environmental influence on the rate of cracking; results are explained in terms of existing hypotheses. It is suggested that the environmentally assisted cracking of mild steel and AISI 431 at cathodic potentials in the 1000 ppm chloride solution could only be attributed to hydrogen assisted cracking. Similarly, it is suggested that the large crack growth rate acceleration of 1210 in the aqueous environments could also be attributed to hydrogen. The similar fracture surface morphologies observed on the other specimens after tests in the aqueous environments suggests-that hydrogen could be responsible for the environmentally assisted cracking of all the steels in aqueous environments

    The Influence of Insulin-like Growth Factor Pathway Gene Polymorphisms on the Strength Training Response of Muscle Phenotypes in Older Adults

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    Strength training (ST) is considered an intervention of choice for the prevention and treatment of the adverse consequences of sarcopenia. Our group previously reported that the CA dinucleotide repeat polymorphism in the promoter region of the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) gene influenced the muscle strength response to ST in Caucasians. Other studies have shown that the insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) is a modulator of IGF-1 in circulation and is present in skeletal muscle. The -202 polymorphism in the promoter region of the IGFBP3 gene has been shown to influence IGFBP-3 levels. In addition, there have been reports that IGF-1 and calcineurin are linked in a common pathway to induce skeletal muscle cell hypertrophy. A previous study has shown that an insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism in the gene encoding the regulatory subunit of calcineurin, calcineurin B, influences cardiac hypertrophy. To examine the influence of these IGF pathway gene polymorphisms on muscle mass and strength responses to ST, we studied 128 Caucasian and African American men and women before and after a 10-wk single-leg knee extension ST program. One repetition maximum strength (1 RM), muscle volume (MV), and muscle quality (MQ) were assessed at baseline and after 10 wk of ST. There was a significant combined gene effect, including both IGF1 main effect and IGF1 by calcineurin B (PPP3R1) gene by gene interaction effect, for change in strength with ST (P < 0.01). There was also a significant combined gene effect for IGF1 on change in MQ (P < 0.05). The gene by gene interaction of IGF1 and PPP3R1 by itself, approached significance for change in strength with ST (P = 0.07) and was right on the border of significance for change in MQ (P = 0.05). Moreover, PPP3R1 II homozygotes approached significance for a greater increase in MV with ST than PPP3R1 D-allele carriers (P = 0.06). There were no significant combined gene effect for PPP3R1 (i.e., PPP3R1 main effect combined with PPP3R1 by IGF1 interaction effect) for change in strength or MQ with ST. Also, there were no significant influences of the IGFBP3 polymorphism on muscle phenotypic responses to ST. These data extend our previous findings for IGF1 by indicating that IGF pathway gene polymorphisms may influence muscle phenotypic responses to ST in Caucasian and African American older men and women

    An Analysis of the Effectiveness of E-Commerce at United Parcel Service

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    This paper is an analysis of e-commerce at United Parcel Service (NYSE: UPS). The paper begins with a general overview of the company’s IT environment to establish awareness of the size and complexity of this corporation. The analysis includes a macro level breakdown of the technology infrastructure of UPS ranging from the amount of data centers the company has, to the amount of PCs currently in operation. The study also more closely analyzes the software and database structure of UPS. Furthermore, an analysis of the company’s E-commerce activities was conducted and includes an interview with Tom Creech, the North Florida District E-commerce manager at UPS. Finally, research was conducted to evaluate the emerging technologies that UPS will soon be implementing and should be employing in the future to support the business strategy and maintain its competitive edge

    United Parcel Services IT Infrastructure: A Case Analysis

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    This analysis of the information technology infrastructure at United Parcel Service (UPS) begins with a general overview of the companys information technology (IT) environment to establish awareness of the size and complexity of this corporation. It includes a macro-level breakdown of the technology infrastructure of UPS ranging from the data centers to the PCs currently in operation. The study also more closely analyzes the software and database structure of UPS along with an analysis of the companys E-commerce activities. It includes an interview with Tom Creech, the North Florida District E-commerce manager at UPS. Finally, research was conducted to evaluate the emerging technologies that UPS is implementing and employing to support the business strategy and maintain its competitive edge

    Help-seeking experiences of bereaved adolescents: A qualitative study

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    Despite the potentially devastating effects of a death on the lives of adolescents, little is known about their help-seeking experiences. We interviewed by telephone 39 bereaved adolescents on their help-seeking experiences. Thematic analysis resulted in three themes: Formal support, Informal support and School-related support. Participants provided a critical appraisal of positive and negative experiences, and noted barriers and facilitators for help-seeking. As adolescents bereaved through suicide may receive less social support, professional help is a much needed auxiliary. Parental encouragement is important in accessing adequate professional help

    Variants of Rab GTPase–Effector Binding Protein-2 Cause Variation in the Collateral Circulation and Severity of Stroke

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    The extent (number and diameter) of collateral vessels varies widely and is a major determinant, along with arteriogenesis (collateral remodeling), of variation in severity of tissue injury following large artery occlusion. Differences in genetic background underlie the majority of the variation in collateral extent in mice, through alterations in collaterogenesis (embryonic collateral formation). In brain and other tissues, ~80% of the variation in collateral extent among different mouse strains has been linked to a region on chromosome 7. We recently used congenic (CNG) fine-mapping of C57BL/6 (B6, high extent) and BALB/cBy (BC, low extent) mice to narrow the region to a 737 Kb locus, Dce1. Herein, we report the causal gene

    Interactive versus Passive Distraction and Parent Psychoeducation as pain management techniques during pediatric venepuncture: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objectives The aim of this research was twofold: to explore 1) the efficacy of active vs. passive distraction on self-reported pain and distress of children during a venepuncture; and 2) the impact ofparental psychoeducation on child and parent outcomes, parental knowledge of distraction procedures and parental engagement in effective pain management strategies.  Methods This cross-sectional study included 213 children scheduled for a venepuncture, and one of their parents, who were randomly allocated to one of four conditions; interactive distraction, passive distraction, interactive distraction with parent psychoeducation and passive distraction with parent psychoeducation. ANCOVA’s were used to investigate the impact of distraction type and the use of parent psychoeducation on child and parent pain related outcome variables.  Results Statistical analyses revealed no significant differences between groups for child-reported pain and distress. Parents who received parent psychoeducation had a significantly higher level of knowledge than parents who did not receive psychoeducation, but did not engage in more effective pain management behaviour.  Conclusions The results indicated that passive vs. active distraction does not have a significantly different influence on child pain-related outcome variables. In addition, while psychoeducation was demonstrated to be effective in increasing parental knowledge, it was not sufficient to change parental behaviour


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    Abstract: In the Adirondack region of northern New York, USA, Alnus incana ssp. rugosa and Myrica gale often dominate wetland shrub communities and fix nitrogen in symbiosis with actinomycetes of the genus Frankia. The objective of this study was to examine the contribution of these shrubs to the N economies of whole wetlands in the Adirondacks where N has been considered a potential pollutant and contributor to low acid-neutralizing capacity, and where N deposition may reduce rates of nitrogen fixation in actinorhizal plants. Nitrogen chemistry of plant foliage was examined, and density and foliar biomass of nitrogen fixing shrubs were estimated in plots or belt transects in six shrub wetlands near atmospheric deposition monitoring stations in order to estimate the fraction of N derived from fixation in A. incana ssp. rugosa and M. gale tissues. Lake-inlet-wetlands were dominated by alder that derives Ն85% foliar N from fixation, but M. gale was most abundant in lake outlet wetlands and seemed to rely less on fixed N, although results for Myrica were more uncertain. Substantial N is therefore added to lake inlet systems dominated by alder (7-18 kg ha Ϫ1 yr Ϫ1 ), while N fixed from M. gale does not appear to exceed 3 kg ha Ϫ1 yr Ϫ1 , except in localized patches at smaller spatial scales. Similarity in ␦ 15 N between non-fixing field shrubs and reference values for fixed N at some sites suggests that fixed N is being recycled in the plant community. Wet atmospheric N deposition is 3-6 kg ha Ϫ1 yr Ϫ1 and does not decrease N fixation substantially in alder. Overall, shrubs in wetlands dominated by these actinorhizal N 2 -fixing plants are not taking up substantial quantities of anthropogenic N, suggesting that nitrogen is processed microbially or transferred along with some fixed N to downstream ecosystems