108 research outputs found
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Experimental Evolution of Extreme Resistance to Ionizing Radiation in Escherichia coli after 50 Cycles of Selection.
In previous work (D. R. Harris et al., J Bacteriol 191:5240-5252, 2009, https://doi.org/10.1128/JB.00502-09; B. T. Byrne et al., Elife 3:e01322, 2014, https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.01322), we demonstrated that Escherichia coli could acquire substantial levels of resistance to ionizing radiation (IR) via directed evolution. Major phenotypic contributions involved adaptation of organic systems for DNA repair. We have now undertaken an extended effort to generate E. coli populations that are as resistant to IR as Deinococcus radiodurans After an initial 50 cycles of selection using high-energy electron beam IR, four replicate populations exhibit major increases in IR resistance but have not yet reached IR resistance equivalent to D. radiodurans Regular deep sequencing reveals complex evolutionary patterns with abundant clonal interference. Prominent IR resistance mechanisms involve novel adaptations to DNA repair systems and alterations in RNA polymerase. Adaptation is highly specialized to resist IR exposure, since isolates from the evolved populations exhibit highly variable patterns of resistance to other forms of DNA damage. Sequenced isolates from the populations possess between 184 and 280 mutations. IR resistance in one isolate, IR9-50-1, is derived largely from four novel mutations affecting DNA and RNA metabolism: RecD A90E, RecN K429Q, and RpoB S72N/RpoC K1172I. Additional mechanisms of IR resistance are evident.IMPORTANCE Some bacterial species exhibit astonishing resistance to ionizing radiation, with Deinococcus radiodurans being the archetype. As natural IR sources rarely exceed mGy levels, the capacity of Deinococcus to survive 5,000âGy has been attributed to desiccation resistance. To understand the molecular basis of true extreme IR resistance, we are using experimental evolution to generate strains of Escherichia coli with IR resistance levels comparable to Deinococcus Experimental evolution has previously generated moderate radioresistance for multiple bacterial species. However, these efforts could not take advantage of modern genomic sequencing technologies. In this report, we examine four replicate bacterial populations after 50 selection cycles. Genomic sequencing allows us to follow the genesis of mutations in populations throughout selection. Novel mutations affecting genes encoding DNA repair proteins and RNA polymerase enhance radioresistance. However, more contributors are apparent
Testing for hereditary thrombophilia: a retrospective analysis of testing referred to a national laboratory
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Predisposition to venous thrombosis may be assessed through testing for defects and/or deficiencies of a number of hereditary factors. There is potential for confusion about which of these tests are appropriate in which settings. At least one set of recommendations has been published to guide such testing, but it is unclear how widely these have been disseminated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a retrospective analysis of laboratory orders and results at a national referral laboratory to gain insight into physicians' ordering practices, specifically comparing them against the ordering practices recommended by a 2002 College of American Pathologists (CAP) consensus conference on thrombophilia testing. Measurements included absolute and relative ordering volumes and positivity rates from approximately 200,000 thrombophilia tests performed from September 2005 through August 2006 at a national reference laboratory. Quality control data were used to estimate the proportion of samples that may have been affected by anticoagulant therapy. A sample of ordering laboratories was surveyed in order to assess potential measurement bias.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Total antigen assays for protein C, protein S and antithrombin were ordered almost as frequently as functional assays for these analytes. The DNA test for factor V Leiden was ordered much more often than the corresponding functional assay. In addition, relative positivity rates coupled with elevations in prothrombin time (PT) in many of these patients suggest that these tests are often ordered in the setting of oral anticoagulant therapy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this real-world setting, testing for inherited thrombophilia is frequently at odds with the recommendations of the CAP consensus conference. There is a need for wider dissemination of concise thrombophilia testing guidelines.</p
Biomaterial Scaffolds as Preâmetastatic Niche Mimics Systemically Alter the Primary Tumor and Tumor Microenvironment
Primary tumor (PT) immune cells and preâmetastatic niche (PMN) sites are critical to metastasis. Recently, synthetic biomaterial scaffolds used as PMN mimics are shown to capture both immune and metastatic tumor cells. Herein, studies are performed to investigate whether the scaffoldâmediated redirection of immune and tumor cells would alter the primary tumor microenvironment (TME). Transcriptomic analysis of PT cells from scaffoldâimplanted and mockâsurgery mice identifies differentially regulated pathways relevant to invasion and metastasis progression. Transcriptomic differences are hypothesized to result from scaffoldâmediated modulations of immune cell trafficking and phenotype in the TME. Culturing tumor cells with conditioned media generated from PT immune cells of scaffoldâimplanted mice decrease invasion in vitro more than twoâfold relative to mock surgery controls and reduce activity of invasionâpromoting transcription factors. Secretomic characterization of the conditioned media delineates interactions between immune cells in the TME and tumor cells, showing an increase in the panâmetastasis inhibitor decorin and a concomitant decrease in invasionâpromoting chemokine (CâC motif) ligand 2 (CCL2) in scaffoldâimplanted mice. Flow cytometric and transcriptomic profiling of PT immune cells identify phenotypically distinct tumorâassociated macrophages (TAMs) in scaffoldâimplanted mice, which may contribute to an invasionâsuppressive TME. Taken together, this study demonstrates biomaterial scaffolds systemically influence metastatic progression through manipulation of the TME.Biomaterial implants that mimic the preâmetastatic niche are shown to redirect immune and tumor cell populations in vivo. However, the systemic effects of preâmetastatic niche mimics on metastasis progression have yet to be characterized. In this work, synthetic biomaterial implants were shown to systemically alter the primary tumor and the tumor microenvironment to promote an invasionâsuppressive phenotype.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144244/1/adhm201700903-sup-0001-S1.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144244/2/adhm201700903_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144244/3/adhm201700903.pd
Resolving catastrophic error bursts from cosmic rays in large arrays of superconducting qubits
Scalable quantum computing can become a reality with error correction,
provided coherent qubits can be constructed in large arrays. The key premise is
that physical errors can remain both small and sufficiently uncorrelated as
devices scale, so that logical error rates can be exponentially suppressed.
However, energetic impacts from cosmic rays and latent radioactivity violate
both of these assumptions. An impinging particle ionizes the substrate,
radiating high energy phonons that induce a burst of quasiparticles, destroying
qubit coherence throughout the device. High-energy radiation has been
identified as a source of error in pilot superconducting quantum devices, but
lacking a measurement technique able to resolve a single event in detail, the
effect on large scale algorithms and error correction in particular remains an
open question. Elucidating the physics involved requires operating large
numbers of qubits at the same rapid timescales as in error correction, exposing
the event's evolution in time and spread in space. Here, we directly observe
high-energy rays impacting a large-scale quantum processor. We introduce a
rapid space and time-multiplexed measurement method and identify large bursts
of quasiparticles that simultaneously and severely limit the energy coherence
of all qubits, causing chip-wide failure. We track the events from their
initial localised impact to high error rates across the chip. Our results
provide direct insights into the scale and dynamics of these damaging error
bursts in large-scale devices, and highlight the necessity of mitigation to
enable quantum computing to scale
Readout of a quantum processor with high dynamic range Josephson parametric amplifiers
We demonstrate a high dynamic range Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA) in
which the active nonlinear element is implemented using an array of rf-SQUIDs.
The device is matched to the 50 environment with a Klopfenstein-taper
impedance transformer and achieves a bandwidth of 250-300 MHz, with input
saturation powers up to -95 dBm at 20 dB gain. A 54-qubit Sycamore processor
was used to benchmark these devices, providing a calibration for readout power,
an estimate of amplifier added noise, and a platform for comparison against
standard impedance matched parametric amplifiers with a single dc-SQUID. We
find that the high power rf-SQUID array design has no adverse effect on system
noise, readout fidelity, or qubit dephasing, and we estimate an upper bound on
amplifier added noise at 1.6 times the quantum limit. Lastly, amplifiers with
this design show no degradation in readout fidelity due to gain compression,
which can occur in multi-tone multiplexed readout with traditional JPAs.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure
Measurement-Induced State Transitions in a Superconducting Qubit: Within the Rotating Wave Approximation
Superconducting qubits typically use a dispersive readout scheme, where a
resonator is coupled to a qubit such that its frequency is qubit-state
dependent. Measurement is performed by driving the resonator, where the
transmitted resonator field yields information about the resonator frequency
and thus the qubit state. Ideally, we could use arbitrarily strong resonator
drives to achieve a target signal-to-noise ratio in the shortest possible time.
However, experiments have shown that when the average resonator photon number
exceeds a certain threshold, the qubit is excited out of its computational
subspace, which we refer to as a measurement-induced state transition. These
transitions degrade readout fidelity, and constitute leakage which precludes
further operation of the qubit in, for example, error correction. Here we study
these transitions using a transmon qubit by experimentally measuring their
dependence on qubit frequency, average photon number, and qubit state, in the
regime where the resonator frequency is lower than the qubit frequency. We
observe signatures of resonant transitions between levels in the coupled
qubit-resonator system that exhibit noisy behavior when measured repeatedly in
time. We provide a semi-classical model of these transitions based on the
rotating wave approximation and use it to predict the onset of state
transitions in our experiments. Our results suggest the transmon is excited to
levels near the top of its cosine potential following a state transition, where
the charge dispersion of higher transmon levels explains the observed noisy
behavior of state transitions. Moreover, occupation in these higher energy
levels poses a major challenge for fast qubit reset
Overcoming leakage in scalable quantum error correction
Leakage of quantum information out of computational states into higher energy
states represents a major challenge in the pursuit of quantum error correction
(QEC). In a QEC circuit, leakage builds over time and spreads through
multi-qubit interactions. This leads to correlated errors that degrade the
exponential suppression of logical error with scale, challenging the
feasibility of QEC as a path towards fault-tolerant quantum computation. Here,
we demonstrate the execution of a distance-3 surface code and distance-21
bit-flip code on a Sycamore quantum processor where leakage is removed from all
qubits in each cycle. This shortens the lifetime of leakage and curtails its
ability to spread and induce correlated errors. We report a ten-fold reduction
in steady-state leakage population on the data qubits encoding the logical
state and an average leakage population of less than
throughout the entire device. The leakage removal process itself efficiently
returns leakage population back to the computational basis, and adding it to a
code circuit prevents leakage from inducing correlated error across cycles,
restoring a fundamental assumption of QEC. With this demonstration that leakage
can be contained, we resolve a key challenge for practical QEC at scale.Comment: Main text: 7 pages, 5 figure
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