11 research outputs found

    Utjecaj obrade tla i malča na strukturu tla, zbijenost i prinos soje na fluvisolu

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    Soil tillage management can have positive and negative short-term effect on agroecosystem. Therefore, searching for optimal tillage management is crucial for the maintenance and improvement of soil functions. The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and reduced tillage (RT) on Fluvisols in humid environments (Croatia). Under each treatment, subplots with and without straw were applied. The impact was assessed on physical soil properties and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) yield. Soil bulk density was significantly lower in RT with straw when compared to the other treatments. Straw significantly effected bulk density at 10-20 cm depth. Penetration resistance did not exceed the value of 2.5 MPa on any treatment, it was also significantly reduced on covered plots in Autumn. Soil water content showed higher values in straw treatments at MT and RT. Water stable aggregates percentage were high at straw plots and at MT and RT in addition to CT. Moreover, soybean grain yield was higher in straw plots at RT and MT. It can be recognized in the aspect of short-term results that the MT and RT is an advisable alternative for CT due to its positive impact on soil physical condition and grain yield.Primjena novog sustava obrade tla može imati pozitivan i negativan kratkoročni učinak na agroekosustav. Stoga, otkrivanje optimalne obrade je ključna za održavanje i pospjeÅ”ivanje funkcija tla. Svrha ovog istraživanja je analiza utjecaja konvencionalne (CT), minimalne (MT) i reducirane obrade tla (RT) na Fluvisole u humidnom podneblju (Hrvatska). Svaki sustav obrade podijeljen je na parcele sa i bez slame. Utjecaj je fokusiran na fizikalna svojstva tla i prinos soje (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Volumna gustoća tla bila je značajno niža kod RT sa slamom u usporedbi s ostalim tretmanima. Utjecaj slame na volumnu gutoću zabilježen je i na 10-20 cm dubine. Mehanički otpor tla nije premaÅ”io vrijednost od 2.5 MPa na bilo kojem tretmanu, te je značajno smanjen na parcelama pod slamom u jesen. Sadržaj vode u tlu pokazao je veće vrijednosti na parcelama pod slamom na RT i MT. Postotak stabilnih agregata velika je na parcelama s slamom na RT I MT. Prinos zrna soje bio je veći na parcelama pod slamom na RT i MT. Iz aspekta kratkoročnih rezultata može se zaključiti da je MT i RT preporučljiva alternativa za CT zbog pozitivnog utjecaja na fizikalno stanje tla i prinos zrna


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    The application of mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) to the agriculture sector has been greatly increased in the last decade. The ICT technologies have become an essential part of any business. Using Internet on mobile devices can prove to be essential in agriculture production. A new generation of mobile devices are lower in price and more user-friendly. This paper provides an overview of software applications that are created in Croatia and are mostly in the Croatian language. They are divided into groups of agriculture related applications; agriculture management information apps; agriculture information resource apps; agriculture calculator apps; agriculture news apps, weather apps. The research shows the agri-apps are still in its infancy and we can say that it reflects the state of agriculture in Croatia. Apps are a promising solution for farmers enabling them quick and trustworthy access to information. At the moment, further analyses are needed for scientific proof and improvement of a product.Primjena mobilnih uređaja (smartphona, tableta, itd.) u sektoru poljoprivrede se uvelike povećala u posljednjih deset godina. Informacijskokomunikacijske tehnologije (ICT) su postale važan dio u svakom poslu.KoriÅ”tenje Interneta na mobilnim uređajima može se pokazati kao ključno u donoÅ”enju odluka u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Nova generacija mobilnih uređaja postiže niže cijene i viÅ”e je "user-friendly". U radu se daje pregled softverskih aplikacija na hrvatskom jeziku načinjenih u Hrvatskoj. One su podijeljene u skupine poljoprivrednih aplikacija; aplikacije za upravljanje poljoprivrednom proizvodnjom; aplikacije za dokumentiranje u poljoprivredi; aplikacije za poljoprivredne kalkulacije; vijesti iz poljoprivrede; vremenske prognoze; informacije iz državnih poljoprivrednih institucija. Istraživanje pokazuje da su poljoprivredne aplikacije joÅ” uvijek u povojima i možemo reći da one odražavaju stanje poljoprivrede u Hrvatskoj. Aplikacije su obećavajuće rjeÅ”enje za poljoprivrednike omogućujući im brz i pouzdan pristup informacijama. U ovom trenutku, potrebne su daljnje analize kako bi se znanstveno dokazala pouzdanost dostupnih aplikacij


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    Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish osnovao je 1977. godine SEKEM koji se razvio iz biodinamičke farme u tvrtku za proizvodnju i distribuciju održive hrane, tekstila i farmaceutskih proizvoda, uvijek imajući u svojoj srži načelo održivog razvoja i dobrobit zajednice. Uz prihode od 292 milijuna egipatskih funti (15 mil. eura), SEKEM je među top proizvođačima organskih proizvoda u svijetu i vodeći proizvođač na Bliskom istoku. Danas SEKEM zapoÅ”ljava 1.220 ljudi u svojim tvrtkama i Zakladama, te obrađuje 16281 Feddan-a (638,76 ha) s partnerima. Ova vrsta integrirane zajednice koja istovremeno nastoji kombinirati ekonomske, kulturne, socijalne, ekoloÅ”ke i političke aspekte poznata je kao socijalno poduzetniÅ”tvo. Najvažnije od svega, SEKEM je pokazao održivost temeljenu na holističkom pristupu razvoju. SEKEM inicijativa u svojoj odlučnosti i upornosti dokazuje učinkovitost bioloÅ”ko dinamičke metode u poljoprivredi, 1993. godine, kada uz podrÅ”ku vlade uvodi zabranu primjene pesticida na pamuk. Podaci navedeni u ovom istraživanju potrebni su da bi u potpunosti razumjeli i primijenili SEKEM standarde u području kvalitete i sigurnosti hrane, ekoloÅ”kog djelovanja i učinaka bioloÅ”ko dinamičkog uzgoja.Founded in 1977 by Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish, SEKEM has evolved from a biodynamic farm to a holding of companies producing and distributing sustainable food, textile and pharmaceutical products, always keeping to the sustainable development principle and community wellbeing values. With net revenues of 292 million Egyptian pounds (15 mil. Euro), SEKEM is among the top producers of organic products worldwide, and the leading producer in the Middle East. Nowadays, SEKEM employs 1,220 people in its companies and foundations and cultivates 16281 Feddans (638,76 ha) with partners. This kind of integrated community which simultaneously tries to combine economic, cultural, social, ecological and political aspects is known as social entrepreneurship. More important, SEKEM has demonstrated the viability in Egypt of new, holistic approaches to development. SEKEMā€™s initiative in demonstrating the effectiveness of biodynamics methods in agriculture led, in 1993, to the governmentā€™s banning of pesticide spraying of cotton crops. Information given in this research is needed to fully understand and apply SEKEM standards in the field of food quality, food safety, environmental performance and the effects of biodynamic farming practices

    Impact of Conservation Tillage on Grain Yield and Yield Components of Maize in North-West Croatia

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    Finding optimal tillage system in ever-changing agroecosystem with quality and stable grain yield is challenging but essential to the farmer. At the Experiment Station ŠaŔinovec (NW Croatia), the trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of different tillage systems and straw on yield and its components of maize (Zea mays L.) on silty clay loam soil (Fluvisol). The tillage systems compared were conventional tillage, minimal tillage and reduced tillage. Under each treatment, there were subplots with and without straw. Tillage systems had significant (P < 0.05) effects on 1000-seed weight, protein, harvest index and yield. The use of cover was significant only on yield, while the interaction of factors (tillage x cover) significantly affected all yield components. In our short-term experiment, deeper soil tillage provided significantly higher values on some yield components (harvest index and protein content) than conventional tillage, thus showing our farmers possible sustainable solutions for their production under agroecological conditions of the north-west of Croatia

    Uvod u gradsku poljoprivredu

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    An increasing number of population in the cities has problems with food security, transportation and environmental protection. To misticate these problems, a new type of agriculture has been established: Urban Agriculture (UA). In this paper, we are introducing the concept of UA and provide basic information on the definition and forms of UA. The article aims to provide insight into the general concept of UA for sustainable city development. UA has a positive influence on social, environmental and economic life in the cities, which should encourage members of the government and private sector to utilize UA as an important part in city planning. However, there are reservations which should be taken into account, but by raising awareness we add to a better understanding of mechanisms in UA.Sve veći broj stanovniÅ”tva u gradovima dovodi do problema s opskrbom hrane, prijevozom roba i usluga i zaÅ”titom okoliÅ”a. Kako bi se ublažile posljedice i ponudila rjeÅ”enja, uspostavljena je nova vrsta poljoprivrede: Gradska poljoprivreda (GP). U ovom radu uvodimo koncept GP i dajemo osnovne informacije o definiciji i oblicima GP. Cilj je članka dati uvid u opći koncept GP kao podlogu za održivi razvoj grada. GP ima pozitivan utjecaj na druÅ”tveni, okoliÅ”ni i ekonomski život u gradovima, Å”to bi trebalo potaknuti predstavnike grada i privatnog sektora da GP koriste kao važan dio u planiranju razvoja grada. Međutim, postoje ograničenja koja bi trebalo uzeti u obzir, ali povećanjem svijesti i objavom publikacija doprinosimo boljem razumijevanju GP

    Impact of reduced and conventional tillage with mulch management on yield and agronomic traits of spring wheat

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    Istraživan je utjecaj različitih sustava obrade tla i koriÅ”tenja slame kao malča te njihove interakcije na prinos i agronomska svojstva jare pÅ”enice. Pokus je postavljen u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj na fluvioslu u humidnim uvjetima 2021. godine s tri sustava obrade tla (glavni faktor): konvencionalna obrada s oranjem do 20 cm u jesen i tanjuranjem u proljeće (CT), primjena kombiniranog oruđa do 15 cm u proljeće (MT), podrivanje na dubinu 35-40 cm u jesen te rahljenje kombiniranim oruđem do 15 cm u proljeće (RT). Svaki sustav obrade podijeljen je na parcele sa i bez slame kao podfaktorom pokusa. Obrada tla imala je značajan učinak (p<0,05) samo za hektolitarsku masu, dok je značajan učinak koriÅ”tenja malča zabilježen za masu 1000 zrna i sedimentacijsku vrijednost. Interakcija obrade i slame pokazala je značajan učinak na sva istraživana svojstva (prinos, masa 1000 zrna, hektolitarska masa, sadržaj proteina, sadržaj vlažnog lijepka, sedimentacijska vrijednost). Prema dobivenim rezultatima može se zaključiti da se plitkom obradom (MT) ostvaruje zadovoljavajući prinos u odnosu na konvencionalnu obradu, ali je za optimizaciju kemijskih karakteristika prinosa jare pÅ”enice potrebno testirati i druge agrotehničke mjere.This paper presents the influence of different tillage systems and the use of straw as mulch and their interaction on yield and yield components (physical and chemical) of spring wheat. The experiment was established in northwestern Croatia on alluvial soils under humid conditions with three tillage systems (main factor): conventional tillage with plowing up to 20 cm in autumn and disc harrowing in spring (CT), use of multitiller up to 15 cm in spring (MT); subsoiling to a depth of 35-40 cm in autumn and loosening with multitiller up to 15 cm in spring (RT). Each tillage system has subplots with and without straw. The tillage factor had a significant effect (p < 0.05) only on hectolitre mass, while a significant effect of mulch use was observed on 1000-kernel weight and sedimentation value. The interaction of these factors had a significant effect on all the components studied (yield, 1000-kernel weight, hectolitre mass, protein content, wet gluten content, sedimentation value). From the short-term results obtained, it can be concluded that shallow tillage (MT) gives satisfactory yield compared to conventional tillage, but further optimization of the agrotechnical system is required to improve the chemical properties

    Trends of soybean production in Croatia

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    Soja se uzgaja na 121 milijuna hektara te predstavlja četvrtu najzastupljeniju ratarsku kulturu u svijetu, dok u Hrvatskoj po zastupljenosti povrÅ”ina zauzima treće mjesto. U promatranom razdoblju od 2009 do 2019 uzgajala se u prosjeku na 65.068 ha uz prosječni prinos zrna od 2.6 t ha-1. Najveći prinos ostvaren je 2018. godine (245 188 t), a iste godine postignut je i najveći prinos zrna (3.18 t ha-1). Proizvodnju soje u Hrvatskoj karakterizira pozitivan trend u porastu povrÅ”ina čemu su pridonijele stabilne i visoke cijene sirovina i otkupa te sustav poticaja i potpora, dok su na porast prosječnog prinosa zrna najviÅ”e utjecali primijenjena tehnologija i znanje proizvođača te izbor kvalitetnog sortimenta. Soja sa 80 milijuna HRK vrijednosti izvoza koliko je ostvareno u 2020. predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih izvoznih proizvoda RH. U 2020. soju je sijalo 9.864 korisnika u sustavu potpora i to na 84.302 ha Å”to je 8.5 ha soje po korisniku. Sjemenska proizvodnja također bilježi konstantan porast, a u uzgoju je najzastupljeniji rani do srednje rani domaći sortiment Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek te talijanski rani sortiment. Mogućnost postrne sjetve, sposobnost fiksacije duÅ”ika u plodoredu, te sigurnost otkupa NON ā€“ GM sortimenta idu u prilog mogućnosti intenzivnijeg povećanja povrÅ”ina i prinosa zrna soje u Hrvatskoj.Soybean is cultivated on 121 million hectares and represents the fourth most represented crop in the world, while in Croatia it ranks third in terms of area. In the observed period from 2009 to 2019, it was grown on average 65,068 ha with an average grain yield of 2.6 t ha-1. The highest yield was obtained in 2018 (245,188 t), and in the same year the highest grain yield was achieved (3.18 t ha-1). Soybean production in Croatia is characterized by a positive trend in the increase of cultivated areas, to which stable and high raw material and purchase prices, as well as the system of incentives and subsidies have contributed, while the increase in average grain yield was mainly influenced by the applied technology and knowledge of producers, as well as improved domestic genetic of varieties. Soybeans are one of the most important export products of the Republic of Croatia, with exports worth HRK 80 million in 2020. In 2020, 9.864 holdings with 84.302 ha were under the support system, which is 8.5 ha of cultivated area per producer. Seed production is also showing a steady increase with the most represented varieties from the Osijek Agricultural Institute and the Italian eraly maturity varieties. The possibility of stubble sowing, the ability to fix nitrogen in crop rotation and the security of purchasing the NON - GM assortment speak for the possibility of a more intensive expansion of cultivated areas and soybean grain yield in Croatia

    The Application of Phosphogypsum in Agriculture

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    Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of phosphoric acid production and according to the Waste Management Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for 2007 ā€“ 2015 (Official Gazette 85/07, 126/10, 31/11, 46/15) it is classified under the waste code 06 09 01. Phosphogypsum has a significant impact on the environment by its effects, admixtures (impurities) and amount. One of its possible applications is in agriculture. Many positive effects on soil and plants were noted, but there is also a growing concern regarding the effect of residues of heavy metals and natural radioactivity of radionuclides. In order to obtain a better understanding of this subject, this study provides a general overview of the available literature regarding the application of phosphogypsum in agriculture

    Impact of Conservation Tillage on Grain Yield and Yield Components of Maize in North-West Croatia

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    Finding optimal tillage system in ever-changing agroecosystem with quality and stable grain yield is challenging but essential to the farmer. At the Experiment Station ŠaŔinovec (NW Croatia), the trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of different tillage systems and straw on yield and its components of maize (Zea mays L.) on silty clay loam soil (Fluvisol). The tillage systems compared were conventional tillage, minimal tillage and reduced tillage. Under each treatment, there were subplots with and without straw. Tillage systems had significant (P < 0.05) effects on 1000-seed weight, protein, harvest index and yield. The use of cover was significant only on yield, while the interaction of factors (tillage x cover) significantly affected all yield components. In our short-term experiment, deeper soil tillage provided significantly higher values on some yield components (harvest index and protein content) than conventional tillage, thus showing our farmers possible sustainable solutions for their production under agroecological conditions of the north-west of Croatia

    DruŔtvena uloga gradske poljoprivrede sa primjerima iz Hrvatske

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    As the world\u27s population increases every day, so does their need for food. Most of the world\u27s population lives in urban centres away from food production sites. To reduce food dependence, the urban population turns to food production within the city, urban agriculture (UA). Attention to urban agriculture has increased rapidly during the last couple of decades. Enthusiasm for UA is growing on an international and domestic level, also with the scholar community. Still, there are policy makers that struggle to implement UA with city planning. Over time, various forms of agriculture production in the city have evolved, divided into three main categories: urban agriculture, peri-urban agriculture, and urban farms. In addition to its multiple impacts (economic and ecological), UA has a significant holistic approach. It appears differently depending on the context. Some of the social effects of urban agriculture can be: fostering activism, gender equality, social cohesion and social inclusion, education, and preservation of cultural heritage. There are many examples of urban agriculture in the world, often with an economic or environmental role as the primary one. However, in this paper, firstly, we analyse various social aspects, and secondly, we present examples from Croatia, where the primary purposes are social benefits.Kako se svjetsko stanovniÅ”tvo svakodnevno povećava, tako se povećava i njihova potreba za hranom. Većina svjetske populacije nalazi se u urbanim srediÅ”tima daleko od mjesta proizvodnje hrane. Kako bi se smanjila ovisnost o hrani, gradsko se stanovniÅ”tvo okreće proizvodnji hrane u gradu, odnosno gradskoj poljoprivredi (GP). Naklonost prema gradskoj poljoprivredi povećava se u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća. OduÅ”evljenje GP raste na međunarodnoj i domaćoj razini, ali i u znanstvenoj zajednici. Nažalost, političari na lokalnoj razini teÅ”ko se odlučuju za implementaciju GP u urbanističko planiranje. Razvojem poljoprivredne proizvodnje u gradu, pojavili su se različiti tipovi GP, podijeljeni u tri glavne kategorije: gradska poljoprivreda, prigradska poljoprivreda i gradski uzgoj. Osim viÅ”estrukih utjecaja (ekonomskih i ekoloÅ”kih), GP ima značajan holistički pristup. Pojavljuje se na različite načine, te je izrazito lokalnog karaktera. Neki od druÅ”tvenih učinaka GP mogu biti: poticanje civilnog aktivizma, ravnopravnosti spolova, druÅ”tvena kohezija i socijalna uključenost, obrazovanje i očuvanje kulturne baÅ”tine. U svijetu postoji mnogo primjera gradske poljoprivrede, često s ekonomskom ili ekoloÅ”kom ulogom kao primarnom. Međutim, u naÅ”em radu navodimo primjere iz Hrvatske s primarnom druÅ”tvenom ulogom, te zaključno iznosimo perspektivu razvoja navedene uloge gradske poljoprivrede