1,347 research outputs found

    Breakdown of hydrodynamics in the inelastic Maxwell model of granular gases

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    Both the right and left eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the linearized homogeneous Boltzmann equation for inelastic Maxwell molecules corresponding to the hydrodynamic modes are calculated. Also, some non-hydrodynamic modes are identified. It is shown that below a critical value of the parameter characterizing the inelasticity, one of the kinetic modes decays slower than one of the hydrodynamic ones. As a consequence, a closed hydrodynamic description does not exist in that regime. Some implications of this behavior on the formally computed Navier-Stokes transport coefficients are discussed.Comment: Submitted to PRL (13/04/10

    FM/CW radar system

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    An FM/CW radar system is presented with improved noise discrimination in which the received signal is multiplied by a sample of the transmitted signal, and the product signal is employed to deflect a laser beam as a function of frequency. The position of the beam is thus indicative of a discrete frequency, and it is detected by the frequency encoded positions of an array of photodiodes. The outputs of the photodiodes are scanned, then threshold detected, and used to obtain the range and velocity of a target

    Scaling and universality of critical fluctuations in granular gases

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    The global energy fluctuations of a low density gas granular gas in the homogeneous cooling state near its clustering instability are studied by means of molecular dynamics simulations. The relative dispersion of the fluctuations is shown to exhibit a power-law divergent behavior. Moreover, the probability distribution of the fluctuations presents data collapse as the system approaches the instability, for different values of the inelasticity. The function describing the collapse turns out to be the same as the one found in several molecular equilibrium and non-equilibrium systems, except for the change in the sign of the fluctuations

    Critical Behavior of a Heavy Particle in a Granular Fluid

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    Behavior analogous to a second order phase transition is observed for the homogeneous cooling state of a heavy impurity particle in a granular fluid. The order parameter ϕ\phi is the ratio of impurity mean square velocity to that of the fluid, with a conjugate field hh proportional to the mass ratio. A parameter β\beta , measuring the fluid cooling rate relative to the impurity--fluid collision rate, is the analogue of the inverse temperature. For β<1\beta <1 the fluid is ``normal'' with ϕ=0\phi =0 at h=0h=0, as in the case of a system with elastic collisions. For β>1\beta >1 an ``ordered'' state with ϕ0\phi \neq 0 occurs at h=0h=0, representing an extreme breakdown of equipartition. Critical slowing and qualitative changes in the velocity distribution function for the impurity particle near the transition are notedComment: 4 pages (4 figures included

    Transversal inhomogeneities in dilute vibrofluidized granular fluids

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    The spontaneous symmetry breaking taking place in the direction perpendicular to the energy flux in a dilute vibrofluidized granular system is investigated, using both a hydrodynamic description and simulation methods. The latter include molecular dynamics and direct Monte Carlo simulation of the Boltzmann equation. A marginal stability analysis of the hydrodynamic equations, carried out in the WKB approximation, is shown to be in good agreement with the simulation results. The shape of the hydrodynamic profiles beyond the bifurcation is discussed

    Solitonic Phase in Manganites

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    Whenever a symmetry in the ground state of a system is broken, topological defects will exist. These defects are essential for understanding phase transitions in low dimensional systems[1]. Excitingly in some unique condensed matter systems the defects are also the low energy electric charge excitations. This is the case of skyrmions in quantum Hall ferromagnets[2] and solitons in polymers[3]. Orbital order present in several transitions metal compounds[4-6] could give rise to topological defects. Here we argue that the topological defects in orbital ordered half doped manganites are orbital solitons. Surprisingly, these solitons carry a fractional charge of ±\pme/2, and whenever extra charge is added to the system an array of solitons is formed and an incommensurate solitonic phase occurs. The striking experimental asymmetry in the phase diagram as electrons or holes are added to half doped manganites[7-12], is explained by the energy difference between positive and negative charged solitons. Contrary to existent models that explain coexistence between phases in manganites as an extrinsic effect[13-14], the presence of inhomogeneities is naturally explained by the existence of solitonic phases. The occurrence and relevance of orbital solitons might be a general phenomena in strongly correlated systems.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures include

    Velocity distribution of fluidized granular gases in presence of gravity

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    The velocity distribution of a fluidized dilute granular gas in the direction perpendicular to the gravitational field is investigated by means of Molecular Dynamics simulations. The results indicate that the velocity distribution can be exactly described neither by a Gaussian nor by a stretched exponential law. Moreover, it does not exhibit any kind of scaling. In fact, the actual shape of the distribution depends on the number of monolayers at rest, on the restitution coefficient and on the height at what it is measured. The role played by the number of particle-particle collisions as compared with the number of particle-wall collisions is discussed

    Temperature Induced Spin Density Wave in Magnetic Doped Topological Insulators

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    We study the magnetic properties of topological insulators doped with isoelectronic magnetic impurities. We obtain that at zero temperature the impurities order ferromagnetically, but when raising the temperature the topological insulator undergoes a first order phase transition to a spin density wave phase before the system reaches the paramagnetic phase. The origin of this phase is the non-trivial dependence of the topological insulator spin susceptibility on the momentum. We analyze the coupling of the non-uniform magnetic phase with the Dirac electronic system that occurs at the surfaces of the topological insulators.Comment: 7 pages. Major changes. the message has been revised and expande