565 research outputs found

    Effect of a glyphosate-containing herbicide on Escherichia coli and Salmonella Ser. Typhimurium in an in vitro rumen simulation system

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    Glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) is the most-used herbicide worldwide. Many studies in the past have shown that residues of the herbicide can be found in many cultivated plants, including those used as livestock feed. Sensitivity to glyphosate varies with bacteria, particularly those residing in the intestine, where microbiota is exposed to glyphosate residues. Therefore, less susceptible pathogenic isolates could have a distinct advantage compared to more sensitive commensal isolates, probably leading to dysbiosis. To determine whether the ruminal growth and survival of pathogenic Escherichia coli or Salmonella serovar Typhimurium are higher when glyphosate residues are present in the feed, an in vitro fermentation trial with a “Rumen Simulation System” (RUSITEC) and a glyphosate-containing commercial formulation was performed. Colony forming units of E. coli and Salmonella ser. Typhimurium decreased steadily in all fermenters, regardless of the herbicide application. Minimum inhibitory concentrations of the studied Salmonella and E. coli strains did not change, and antibiotic susceptibility varied only slightly but independent of the glyphosate application. Overall, application of the glyphosate-containing formulation in a worst-case concentration of 10 mg/L neither increased the abundance for the tested E. coli and Salmonella strain in the in vitro fermentation system, nor promoted resistance to glyphosate or antibiotics

    O ecoturismo no estado do Amazonas : propostas para o seu desenvolvimento: propostas para o seu desenvolvimento

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Com o tema Perspectivas para o Ecoturismo no Estado do Amazonas a presente dissertação tem por objetivo propor ações a serem implementadas no Estado do Amazonas, tendo por finalidade o fomento do Ecoturismo, para cujo atendimento adotou-se os recursos da abordagem qualitativa, mediante pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, junto à autoridades, agentes e operadores, através da técnica da entrevista. Enquanto o mundo ocidental almeja uma variedade cada vez maior de produtos de baixo custo, produtividade e prestação de serviços, colhem-se padrões de desemprego em larga escala, refletidos em tendências globais à degradação ambiental sob a forma de poluição atmosférica, declínio da biodiversidade, degradação do solo e aquecimento do planeta - que está começando a ter impactos profundos sobre os padrões globais do clima. É neste contexto, que o ecoturismo se apresenta como opção ao desenvolvimento sustentável. Trata-se de uma proposta de desenvolvimento sustentável e limpo poluição e degradação zero. Destarte, o ecoturismo é uma via dual para a alavancagem econômica e social de uma região ou País: É tanto educação ambiental e promoção de atitudes e comportamentos que conduzem à manutenção dos ambientes naturais e do fortalecimento de comunidades receptoras, quanto a promoção de uma indústria sustentável. Ou seja, o ecoturismo está preocupado com o relacionamento entre o homem e a natureza, pretendendo tornar esse relacionamento mais eqüitativo. Dual também é a motivação para o Estado do Amazonas adotar o ecoturismo como estratégia de alavancagem econômica: Se por um lado o Estado convive com a extinção do modelo Zona Franca, com data marcada para um fim melancólico, por outro parece ter despertado para a necessidade de criar alternativas econômicas para não continuar refém dessa mesma Zona Franca, como outrora o foi da borracha natural - os erros do passado não podem ser repetidos, urge a busca da diversificação econômica embasada em alternativas próprias, ou seja, a solução encontra-se no próprio e imensurável patrimônio natural, na estupenda biodiversidade do Estado. Uma destas alternativas é sem dúvida o ecoturismo. With the theme Perspectives for ecological tourism in the State of Amazon to present dissertation has for objective to propose actions to be implemented in the State of Amazon, tends for purpose the fomentation of the ecological tourism, for whose service was adopted the resources of the qualitative method, through bibliographical research and of field, applied to authorities, agents and operators, being used the technique of the interview. While the western world longs for a variety every time larger of low cost products, productivity and services rendered, they are picked unemployment patterns in wide climbs, contemplated in global tendencies to the environmental degradation under the form of atmospheric pollution, decline of the biodiversity, degradation of the soil and heating of the planet - that is beginning to have deep impacts on the global patterns of the climate. It is in this context, that the ecological tourism comes as option to the maintainable development. It is a proposal of maintainable and clean development - pollution and degradation zero. Like this, the ecological tourism is a dual road for the economical and social invigoration of an area or Country: It is so much environmental education and promotion of attitudes and behaviors that lead to the maintenance of the natural atmospheres and of the receiving communities invigoration, as the promotion of a maintainable industry. In other words, the ecological tourism is concerned with the relationship between the man and the nature, intending to turn that more equal relationship. Dual it is also the motivation for the State of Amazon to adopt the ecological tourism as strategy of economical invigoration: If on one side the State lives together with the extinction of the model Free-trade zone, with date marked for a melancholic end, for another it seems to have wakened up for the need of creating economical alternatives for not continuing hostage of that same Free-trade zone, as formerly it was it of the natural rubber - the mistakes of the past cannot be repeated, it urges the search of the economical diversification based in own alternatives, in other words, the solution is in the own and immeasurable natural patrimony, in the amazing biodiversity of the State. One of these alternatives is without a doubt the ecological tourism

    Ernährungsphysiologische Bewertung von Öko-Futtermitteln für Schweine

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    An wachsenden Schwäbisch Hällischen und modernen Gebrauchskreuzungsschweinen (34-45 kg LM) wurden die Wirkungen einer Erbsenschalen-Zulage mit hohen Anteilen unlöslicher Nicht-Stärke-Polysaccharide (NSP) auf Nährstoffverdaulichkeiten, N-Bilanzen, morphophysiologische, histomorphometrische und mucosale transportphysiologische Parameter des Gastrointestinaltraktes sowie auf molekularbiologisch charakterisierbare intestinale Mikroorganismen-Gemeinschaften untersucht. Mit der Grundration erhielten die Schweine 80% des Energie- und 100% des Aminosäurenbedarfs für tägliche Zunahmen von 700g. Das Energiedefizit sollte so weit wie möglich durch die Erbsenschalenzulage gedeckt werden. Die Zulage führte unabhängig von der genetischen Schweineherkunft zu vergrößerten und stärker gefüllten Dickdarmabschnitten, zu beschleunigter Digestapassage, vermehrter Kot-N-Ausscheidung bei gleichzeitig verminderten Anteilen an Bakterien-N sowie zu geringeren Harn-N-Ausscheidungen der Schweine. Die Histomorphologie und mucosale Transportphysiologie des Jejunums und Ileums sowie die Zusammensetzung der intestinalen Mikroorganismen-Gemeinschaften des Gastrointestinaltraktes wurden weder von der Zulage noch von der Schweineherkunft eindeutig beeinflusst. Zwischen den beiden Schweineherkünften ergaben sich keine Unterschiede im Verwertungsvermögen für unlösliche NSP, die Kreuzungsschweine retinierten jedoch mehr Stickstoff als die Schwäbisch Hällischen Schweine. Aus ökologischer und wirtschaftlicher Sicht eignen sich daher die Kreuzungsschweine besser als Schwäbisch Hällische Schweine für den Ökologischen Landbau

    Ernährungsphysiologische Bewertung von Öko-Futtermitteln für Schweine

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    Es wurden Nährstoffanalysen an ökologisch und konventionell angebauten Weizen-, Gerste- und Ackerbohnensorten durchgeführt. Im Vergleich zum konventionellen Anbau führte der ökologische Anbau bei Weizen und Gerste zu niedrigeren Rohprotein- sowie höheren Stärke- und Fasergehalten. Bei Ackerbohnen ergaben sich tendenziell ähnliche Veränderungen, die Stärkegehalte wurden jedoch bei ökologischer Anbauweise gesenkt. In Stoffwechselversuchen wurden „Schwäbisch Hällische“ (SH), „Bunte Bentheimer“ (BB) und moderne Gebrauchskreuzungsschweine (CB) mit jeweils einer Grundration und einer Zulageration (+Zuckerrübentrockenschnitzel) versorgt. Mit der Grundration erhielten die Schweine 80% des Energie- und 100% des Aminosäurenbedarfs für tägliche Zunahmen von 700g. Das Energiedefizit sollte durch die Schnitzelzulage gedeckt werden. Am Ende der Stoffwechselperioden wurden die Schweine geschlachtet, Fermentationsintensitäten im Caecum bestimmt und für transportphysiologische Messungen (Ussing-Kammer-Verfahren) Mucosaproben vom mittleren Jejunum und Colon entnommen. Die Nicht-Stärke-Polysaccharide der Faserzulage waren hoch verdaulich und bewirkten niedrigere Verdaulichkeiten aller übrigen Nährstoffe. Die N-Ausscheidungen über den Harn wurden gesenkt und die über den Kot gesteigert. CB retinierten höhere N-Mengen als SH und BB. Die Fermentationsintensität im Caecum stieg bei faserreich ernährten Schweine an. Die Schweineherkünfte unterschieden sich im Faserverwertungsvermögen. SH verdauten die geringsten Fasermengen. Die verdauungs- und transportphysiologischen Messungen deuten auf Unterschiede zwischen den Schweineherkünften im praecaecalen Verdauungstrakt hin. Aufgrund der erzielten Ergebnisse ist nicht – wie häufig unterstellt - davon auszugehen, dass Schweine alter Landrassen besser als moderne Gebrauchskreuzungsschweine für die Verwertung faserreicherer Futterrationen im Ökologischen Landbau geeignet sind

    Mikrobielle Proteinsynthese im Pansen bei der Verfütterung von artenreichen Grünlandaufwüchsen des Ökologischen Landbaus

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    Artenreiche und artenarme Grünlandaufwüchse der Jahre 2007 und 2008 wurden hinsichtlich Siliereignung und Futterwert für Wiederkäuer vergleichend untersucht. Die Sommeraufwüchse 2008 wurden siliert und in Stoffwechselversuchen an 4 pansenfistulierte Schafen allein und in Kombination mit Gerste gefüttert. Im Kot wurden die Weender Rohnährstoffe, neutrale (NDF) und saure Detergentienfaser (ADF) sowie N-Fraktionen, im Harn Gesamt-N, Harnstoff, Allantoin und Harnsäure bestimmt. Die mikrobielle Proteinsynthese wurde mittels Dauerinfusionstechnik und Verwendung von 15N als Marker gemessen. Die artenreichen Aufwüchse wiesen hohe Anteile an Leguminosen und Kräutern auf, die artenarmen Aufwüchse bestanden nahezu vollständig aus Gräsern. Der artenarme Frühjahrsaufwuchs 2007 enthielt mehr NDF und ADF als die entsprechende artenreiche Variante. Die Silagen waren reicher an Rohprotein (XP) und Nicht-Faser-Kohlenhydraten zugunsten der artenreichen und enthielten mehr NDF und ADF zugunsten der artenarmen Variante. Die artenreiche Silage wies im Vergleich zur artenarmen Silage höhere Anteile leicht löslicher Inhaltsstoffe und in situ höhere potentielle Trockensubstanz- und NDF-Abbaubarkeiten auf. Bei Fütterung der artenreichen Silage wurden die organische Substanz, XP und ADF höher verdaut, und die Tiere schieden mehr bakteriell gebundenen Kotstickstoff sowie mehr Harnstoff über den Harn als bei Fütterung artenarmer Silage aus. Die Allantoin- und Harnsäureausscheidungen blieben unbeeinflusst von der Silageart. Die artenreiche Silage führte unabhängig von der Fütterung in Kombination mit Gerste zur Steigerung der ruminalen mikrobiellen Proteinsynthese

    An immersed boundary level-set based approach for fluid-shell interaction with impact.

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    Fluid-shell interaction modeling is a challenging problem with application to\ud several engineering elds. In this research we develop a partitioned algorithm for large\ud displacements \ud uid-shell coupling with impact. The structure is modeled in a total La-\ud grangian description, using a novel shell nite element formulation to deal with geometric\ud nonlinear dynamics of thin or thick shells. This formulation is based on the principle of\ud minimum potential energy considering positions and generalized unconstrained vectors as\ud nodal parameters, instead of displacements and rotations. As a consequence, the formu-\ud lation eliminates the need for large rotation approximations and presents constant mass\ud matrix, allowing the use of Newmark time integrator for the nonlinear problem. The\ud Newton-Raphson method is employed to solve the resulting nonlinear system and contact\ud between structures is modeled by enforcing non-penetration conditions based on a signed\ud distance function. The \ud ow is assumed to be compressible and the \ud uid dynamics solver is\ud explicit with time integration based on characteristics. The \ud uid governing equations are\ud written in the Eulerian description generating a xed mesh method. The coupled prob-\ud lem is solved by using an embedded boundary technique where the \ud uid-shell interface\ud is tracked inside the unstructured \ud uid mesh by level sets of a signed distance to bound-\ud ary function. The versatility and e ciency of the proposed approach is demonstrated by\ud selected three- dimensional examples.CNPqFundação Araucari

    Distribuição, abundância relativa e estrutura populacional de Isognomon bicolor (Adams, 1845) no litoral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    The exotic bivalve Jsognomon bicolor is found in large densities on the rocky shores of the Rio de Janeiro state and is apparently altering the native community. The aim of this study was to establish the geographic distribution of I. bicolor on the coast of Rio de Janeiro state, to compare population structure among three different areas and to verify the relationship of its relative abundance with the community structure in each area The temporal variation of relative abundance, vertical distribution and population structure of I. bicolor were also investigated. Samples were taken in winter (2002) and summer (2002-03) at Ilha do Brandão (Angra dos Reis), Ponta da Fortaleza (Arraial do Cabo) and Praia Vermelha (Rio de Janeiro). ln Praia Vermelha, samples were also taken in the following winter (2003). The individuals sampled at Praia Vermelha presented the highest maximum and medium sizes, whereas the individuals collected at Ilha do Brandão presented the lowest maximum and medium size. There was a lower number of recruits of L bicolor in these areas than in Ilha do Brandão, where a mode was found in the lower size classes. The most reasonable hypothesis to explain the highest number of recruits in Ilha do Brandão is that Petaloconchus sp. provides a substrate that enhances settlement of larvae and the attachment of individuals. Although Petaloconchus sp. acts as a trap. It enhances recruitment of more individuals but only a few can grow and develop within it.PETROBRÁSO bivalve invasor Isognomon bicolor vem ocupando uma ampla faixa em costões rochosos do litoral do estado do Rio de Janeiro e tem aparentemente causado alterações nas comunidades nativas. Este trabalho determina a distribuição geográfica de I. bicolor no litoral do estado do Rio de Janeiro, comparar a sua estrutura populacional entre três áreas e relacionar a sua abundância relativa à estrutura das comunidades em cada área. Também investiga a variação temporal da abundância relativa, da distribuição vertical e da estrutura populacional de I. bicolor. As coletas foram realizadas no inverno de 2002 e no verão de 2003 na Ilha do Brandão (Angra dos Reis), na Ponta da Fortaleza (Arraial do Cabo) e na Praia Vermelha (Rio de Janeiro). Nesta última, também foi realizada uma coleta no inverno de 2003. Os indivíduos coletados na Praia Vermelha são os que possuem o maior tamanho máximo e médio, sendo os indivíduos da Ilha do Brandão, os que possuem o menor tamanho máximo e médio. Nestas duas áreas, foram encontrados menos recrutas em comparação com a Ilha do Brandão, onde a moda ficou nas classes de tamanho menores. A hipótese mais provável para explicar o maior número de recrutas na Ilha do Brandão é que Petaloconchus sp fornece um substrato que favorece o assentamento de larvas e a fixação dos indivíduos impede que estes se desprendam. Entretanto, Petaloconchus sp. parece funcionar como uma armadilha, porque apesar de mais indivíduos de I. bicolor recrutarem, poucos conseguem crescer e se desenvolver