290 research outputs found

    Awakenings: Developing a Regional Identity through Women\u27s Writings

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    Before you can write about a Civil War mother\u27s letters to her son or edit the courtship letters of a young Tarboro woman, you have first to find the letters. For some researchers, this means finding peopleā€”informantsā€”and then, hopefully, the family manuscripts in the attic or barn or cupboard. For my class, I took a differentā€”some might say easierā€”route: I identified manuscripts of interest in the university\u27s manuscript collection. Actually, that is not as easy as it sounds. Most manuscripts come from prominent men of the region. Thus the emphasis of cataloguing falls on male activitiesā€”and male names. What you do is search very, very carefully for the note stuck at the end of the last paragraph which reads, Also, letters of wife. Or daughter. Or Some household and domestic journals. As the students and I discovered, beginning with the manu scripts is just that: a beginning. Students tend to look blankly at the assorted letters or diaries or journals and say, Now what? It\u27s a panic point, and the best way to get beyond it is to provide parallel readings. These readings should help the students learn to do two things: (1) to read the archival materials in a new way and (2) to observe the methods of researchers who have worked with similar materials. To start with the latter: possibly the best models are furnished by Anne Scott\u27s book The Southern Lady: From Pedestal to Politics and by Carroll Smith-Rosenberg\u27s article The Female World of Love and Ritual. I stress that Scott and Smith-Rosenberg (as well as Barbara Welter) provide not only content information but also highly impressive answers to the questions of citation and use of archival materials

    Do Students Benefit From Supplemental Instruction? Evidence From a First-Year Statistics Subject in Economics and Business

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    Peer assisted study sessions (PASS) are a type of supplemental instruction (SI) that provide students with out-of-class study review sessions with a group of peers. A student, who has successfully completed the subject and acts as a mentor, facilitates the voluntary sessions. Results of the PASS program at the University of Wollongong have been quite positive in that students, on average, who attend more PASS, achieve higher marks. However, a simple comparison does not control for self-selection bias. We control for self-selection in two ways. Firstly, we use Heckmanā€™s two-stage correction technique to analyze the 2002 cohort. Secondly, students in the 2003 cohort were randomly allocated into three groups of equal size: 1. A control group that was allocated to normal tutorials with standard class sizes and ineligible to attend PASS; 2. A group that was eligible to attend PASS and had normal tutorials of standard sizes; 3. A group that was ineligible to attend PASS but allocated to normal tutorials with smaller class sizes. The results of both methods are consistent and indicate the PASS program has a positive impact on the academic performance of students after correcting for selection bias.Economics Education; Teaching of Economics; Design of Experiments

    The best chance for all: a policy roadmap for post-pandemic panic

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    The Best Chance for All was developed in 2018 as a long-term policy vision for student equity in Australian tertiary education. We argue in this article that COVID-19 has exacerbated the issues that the policy vision sought to address and has increased demands on and of post-secondary education. Specifically, we argue that the magnitude of the social and economic challenges presented by COVID-19 warrants holistic policy responses that enable the transition to a connected tertiary education system; one designed to deliver choice and flexibility for lifelong learners. A roadmap for this transition exists in the form of The Best Chance For All. The vision can be actuated through demand driven funding arrangements across tertiary education that are coherently aligned to optimise the performance of both the higher and vocational education sectors and are underpinned by sustained investment in equity outreach and support

    Long-Run Earnings Mobility among Low-Income Individuals

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    We construct earnings mobility matrices for low-income individuals over 6-year and 13-year periods. Our sample of low-income individuals is drawn from the population of SNAP recipients in Georgia. Using Georgia administrative records, we identify SNAP participants in 2000 and their earnings for each year through 2013 using matched employment security records. We find that a substantial percentage of these individuals have zero earnings in both the initial and ending years. We find that there is a heavier concentration of males, whites, and disabled individuals with zero earnings in the initial and ending years than in the overall SNAP sample. This contradicts some of the characterizations of SNAP recipients in the popular press which often characterizes those stuck in poverty as single black mothers. In fact, the disabled represent the vast majority of those stuck in the no earnings category. Another interesting finding is that single mothers with zero earnings in 2000 have a greater probability, in some cases a much greater probability, of escaping the zero earnings category than the general population of SNAP recipients. We also find that individuals with positive earnings in the initial year experience substantial earnings mobility

    Milk whey protein concentration and mRNA associated with Ī²-lactoglobulin phenotype

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    Two common genetic variants of Ī²-lactoglobulin (Ī²-lg), A and B, exist as co- dominant alleles in dairy cattle (Aschaffenburg, 1968). Numerous studies have shown that cows homozygous for Ī²-lg A have more Ī²-lg and less Ī±-lactalbumin (Ī±-la) and casein in their milk than cows expressing only the B variant of Ī²-lg (Ng-Kwai-Hang et al. 1987; Graml et al. 1989; Hill, 1993; Hill et al. 1995, 1997). These differences have a significant impact on the processing characteristics of the milk. For instance, the moisture-adjusted yield of Cheddar cheese is up to 10% higher using milk from cows of the Ī²-lg BB phenotype compared with milk from cows expressing only the A variant (Hill et al. 1997). All these studies, however, describe compositional differences associated with Ī²-lg phenotype in established lactation only. No information is available on the first few weeks of lactation, when there are marked changes in the concentrations of Ī²-lg and Ī±-la (PĆ©rez et al. 1990)

    The Relationship Between In-Play Betting and Gambling Problems in an Australian Context of Prohibited Online In-Play Betting

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    Internationally, Internet gambling is increasingly permitted under regulated licensing conditions; however, the specific products that are legal varies between jurisdictions. Online sports and race wagering are now legal in many jurisdictions, but in-play betting (also referred to as live action or in-the-run betting) is often restricted. In-play betting enables bets to be placed on an event after it has commenced. Prohibitionist policies often cite the potential for this type of betting to increase risk of gambling problems. This study aimed to identify which online bettors are most likely to engage in in-play betting, and to investigate the relationship between in-play betting and gambling problems. Online survey responses were collected from 501 Australian past-month online sports bettors in the context of in-play betting only being available on offshore gambling sites or via telephone betting. Thirty-four percent of participants had placed a bet in-play in the past month. Participants placing in-play bets differed from those who had not in terms of education, employment status, ethnicity, age, and gambling involvement. Those who bet in-play had higher problem gambling severity scores than those who did not bet in-play. Problem gambling severity significantly predicting in-play betting, holding other variables constant. Findings are consistent with previous research indicating that the relationship between in-play gambling and problems holds across jurisdictions which have prohibited and legalized in-play betting. The findings suggest that in-play betting should warrant specific regulatory attention and interventions to minimize gambling harms among individuals that engage with this activity

    Global Analysis of Transcription Start Sites and Enhancers in Endometrial Stromal Cells and Differences Associated with Endometriosis.

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    Identifying tissue-specific molecular signatures of active regulatory elements is critical to understanding gene regulatory mechanisms. In this study, transcription start sites (TSS) and enhancers were identified using Cap analysis of gene expression (CAGE) across endometrial stromal cell (ESC) samples obtained from women with (n = 4) and without endometriosis (n = 4). ESC TSSs and enhancers were compared to those reported in other tissue and cell types in FANTOM5 and were integrated with RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data from the same samples for regulatory activity and network analyses. CAGE tag count differences between women with and without endometriosis were statistically tested and tags within close proximity to genetic variants associated with endometriosis risk were identified. Over 90% of tag clusters mapping to promoters were observed in cells and tissues in FANTOM5. However, some potential cell-type-specific promoters and enhancers were also observed. Regions of open chromatin identified using ATAC-seq provided further evidence of the active transcriptional regions identified by CAGE. Despite the small sample number, there was evidence of differences associated with endometriosis at 210 consensus clusters, including IGFBP5, CALD1 and OXTR. ESC TSSs were also located within loci associated with endometriosis risk from genome-wide association studies. This study provides novel evidence of transcriptional differences in endometrial stromal cells associated with endometriosis and provides a valuable cell-type specific resource of active TSSs and enhancers in endometrial stromal cells
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